Questions & Mysteries How and why is Big Mom has one of the red phoneglyph?

The maker of the poneglyph is kozuki clan. I think they entrust the stones to ancient civilization allies to protect it

We know the location of 3 red poneglyph (RP) is in zou, tottoland (WCI) and onigashima. But why?

One of the red poneglyph is in zou and the minks tribe protect it. Kaido's RP is from wano then he moved it to onigashima. Big mom also has one, but...

where was it from? Was it on totto land in the first place? Or from somewhere else?

Who protected it? How did she get it? Did big mom beat the people who protected it?

BM already had one of RP in possesion 24 years ago. When exactly did she get it?

Roger realized the importance of poneglyph 38 years ago. Why does BM know RPs are the key to the raftel? Is it related to god valley incident?

What do you think? what's your opinion?
My headcanon is that she found it in a sky island while searching for a member of King's race. Each road poneglyph seemed to be guarded by a group discriminated by the World Government (fishmen, minks and Wano), so it'd make sense if the sky people had one too.
Mine is almost similar to yours. The different is BM discover and get it when god valley incident happened. The people of god valley is king's race. That's where kaido get his first mate, king
The stones were made hundreds of years ago. Its not too far fetched to think they were somehow displaced from their original positions to due to external causes like pirates, wars, etc.
Yes i agree. Some big incident might be the cause of its displacement because the RP should be guarded/protected by some people of the island and it would cost war to protected it
there was one in fishmen island the home of the fishmen
that was just regular poneglyphs, no?

Edit: Was thinking about the poneglyph that was on FMI when the SHP were there and the poneglyph jinbe found in his cover story...Forgot about the road one in the flashback..But does this mean there used to be 3 poneglyphs on FMI? Or was the one jinbe found not originally on FMI?
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I believe it has always been there or it was in Elbaf, BM took it 38-25 years ago when she invaded Elbaf or when went to Tottolwnd to settle for good.

RP original places :
Zou : Minks
Wano : Samurai/Kozuki (currently Onigashima)
Elbaf : Giants (currently in Tottoland)
*Fishman Island : Fishmen (currently hidden)
that was just regular poneglyphs, no?

Edit: Was thinking about the poneglyph that was on FMI when the SHP were there and the poneglyph jinbe found in his cover story...Forgot about the road one in the flashback..But does this mean there used to be 3 poneglyphs on FMI? Or was the one jinbe found not originally on FMI?
I thought like this too.
But there's only 2 poneglyph in fishman island (red and joyboy)

The one that jinbe gives to BM is poneglyph that he found in cover story
i think she took it from elbaf
I believe it has always been there or it was in Elbaf, BM took it 38-25 years ago when she invaded Elbaf or when went to Tottolwnd to settle for good.
She probably took it from maybe Elbaf
Yes i thought about it too. But it's odd if the elbafian knew BM stole their the RP, isn't it become their disgrace and dishonor. They should go all out like shandians to fight BM.

Well unless BM stole it secretly