Speculations How could the straw hats help each other to become better fighters?

EOS is coming and it is time the mid trio(Franky,Robin and Brook) and weak trio(Nami,Chopper and Ussop) become capable of competing with yonko veterans and vice admiral level characters!Luffy,Zoro,Sanji,Jinbe and Yamato are alreday pretty strong and will be capable of facing the very best during EOS!
So how could each straw hat help each other improve their fighting abilities?Do you guys think oda will make a mini-arc with straw hats teaching each other techniques and the basics of haki?
Luffy:mastered everything by himself!Could teach advanced coa to zoro and advanced coo to Sanji!Ussop could go throught some haki crash course training!If any straw hat unlocks coc he could teach them to control it!Could help Jinbe and Yamato get stronger too!
Zoro:could help brook improve his swordsmanship,teach him to cut fire and unlock coa!
Sanji:could unlock his exoskeleton!could teach skywalk and blue walk to Jinbe or Yamato!Could teach "medicinal cooking" to chopper!Could help ussop with his coo!
Jinbe:could teach fishman karate to chopper!Could help Sanji fight better underwater somehow!Could teach Nami to navigate better!
Yamato:could teach whatever she knows to some straw hats!
Franky:could learn kairosaki smithing to improve his fighting style,to imrpove the sunny and give kairoseki weapons to Nami and Ussop!
Nico Robin:could be hiding awakening!can't think of anything for her other than teaching something about ancient history to Law(if he comes along)!
Brook:could be hiding awakening!could learn a lot from Zoro!could maybe teach something to Zoro too!
Ussop:could learn haki(improved his coo too),unlock coc(his lies become true),could incorporate kairoseki into his fighting(teased in punk hazard)!Could help Nami improve her tech further!
Nami:could teach her weather mojo to Ussop or Franky!could improve her weather weapons with Franky and Ussop's help!could acquire kairoseki weapons!
Chopper:could teach something about medicine to Sanji(to improve his cooking) and Sanji could teach him about cooking to improve his medical skills(nutrition is medicine too people)!Could learn fishman karate from Jinbe!Could Unlock awakening!
What do you guys,think?Be creative!
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As much as I like the idea and support it, but it’s never happening. It’s just how Oda does his things.
Well,Ussop helps nami all the time with her weather weapon!It is something Oda does indeed!But he could be saving this Straw Hat interaction moment for the End Game!I think it would be dope and would be good writing too!It could happen in Laugh Tale while straw hats are partying and preparing for the final war!
You think Shanks and buggy learned nothing with Gol D. Roger?
Luffy cant teach anything. Zoro and Sanji are better than him, to teach CoA and CoO or something, to the others. After all the monster trio have their own specialty so they wont be able to teach their respective advanced version of haki. I wonder if Brook will tell Zoro of Ryuma ghost's strange habit when swordplaying, that somewhat become an inspiration, a flashback when Zoro goes against Mihawk, to unlock a new technique.
They could help each other in terms of haki, but it won’t happen.
But why should they? Awakening haki is a serious ordeal. Sanji had to live in fear, Zoro was banned from his alcohol, Luffy was surrounded by monsters and beat up by Rayleigh, Usopp had to surpass his limits or lose Luffy forever, Coby was in the middle of a legitimate war watching death on all sides.

Haki won’t help Franky or Chopper as much as just mechanical or scientific enhancement would. So the time or psychological torture it’d take to awaken haki in them would not be worth it