Questions & Mysteries How did Mihawk learn how to make a Black Blade himself?

Mihawk never went to Wano where it seems it’s common knowledge how Black blades work.

And as far as we know there has not been a creator of a black blade in hundreds of years

So how did Mihawk learn how make a Black blade to begin with? I mean no one in the wider world outside of Wano has been shown knowing how make one. Can you just accidentally make a black blade without knowing the specific method of making one? If so then why didn’t [Insert your fav swordsman top tier] ever manage to accidentally just do it too?

the only outside information on Black blades we can even account for is Tashigi’s sword collection book but all it does is list the swords, it doesn’t also say how Black blades are formed

Also Shusui has been in Wano or hidden on Thriller bark for centuries as well so it’s unlikely Mihawk just found it one day to study it or something. Tho it’s then weird that Tashigi’s sword collection book had Shusui in it somehow. (Typical plot hole and lazy worldbuilding from Oda here)
For the umpteenth time, Mihawk had it painted. :milaugh:
You don't learn to make a black blade. If that was the case zoro would have learned about it in wano.

When someone reaches the pinnacle, you automatically make a black blade.
Mihawk never went to Wano
You sure?
common knowledge how Black blades work
Yet no one gave an explanation of it except for "fight a lot".
So how did Mihawk learn how make a Black blade
He probably fought a lot.
it doesn’t also say how Black blades are formed
We do not know how black blades are made. We only know that Ryuma made his blade permanently black in one of his countless battles. We have no idea how it actually happened or what he had to do to accomplish it. There are huge indications that haki is involved. Other than that we know nothing for sure.
so it’s unlikely Mihawk just found
There is seldom only one book of a kind. Sanji and BB also had DF books.
Typical plot hole and lazy worldbuilding
Even today we have books which include ancient artifacts that we do not know the whereabouts.

Mihawks background is still mostly unknown. Where he was or what he learned is not known to us.
Nothing you brought up is weird or surprising or inconsistent. What is your point, lol?
What is your point, lol?
The point is clear, the rarity of this feat has to be explained

it has to be explained why only two people in 1000 years have done it

and it has to be explained how Mihawk’s even learned this was a thing that could be done and then Learned how to do it after hundreds of years of it never being done

this is a thread calling for people to speculate. And speculate within the bounds of Oda’s writing capabilities and limits such as Mihawk being a side side character who has nothing to do with Luffy so by default will not actually get that much written about him in the story
it has to be explained why only two people in 1000 years have done it
You will see it happening a third time. Explaining it would ruin the moment.
and it has to be explained how Mihawk’s even learned this was a thing
No it has not.
There was never an explanation on how Roger or Kaido or Garp or anyone figured out that they could coat themselves in CoC.
More like your reading capabilities paired with your patience.
"it must be told to me in detail and it must be told to me NOW"

Mihawk learned it by accident.
There, you happy now?
No it has not.
There was never an explanation on how Roger or Kaido or Garp or anyone figured out that they could coat themselves in CoC.
CoC is known in the world… People are born with CoC and it has been used around the world for millennia

Black blades ARE THE RAREST FEAT IN THE UNIVERSE… Zoro literally learns what Kaido described as the strongest power in the verse BEFORE he made a black blade… At this very moment Zoro has the superpower that made Gold Roger the King of the Pirates yet he doesn’t have a black blade

If Oda is to say Black blades work like CoC and Zoro can just randomly use AdvCoC with no training or even knowing what it is (Btw Zoro at this moment still has not shown any sign that he knows that he is using advCoC) then that’s peak bad writing… Why wouldn’t or anyone in th universe just randomly stumble into making black blades then

Oda doesn’t have to explain an ability that we literally saw Zoro use without even knowing it existed and there’s already like a dozen users of the ability… Oda does tho have to fucking explain this other ability that has only been used twice in 1000 fucking years tho
CoC is known in the world
So are black blades.
Even with CoC being known - and the explanations Rayleigh gave him - Luffy had no idea you could coat yourself in it.
Assuming that it is due to a time constraints and also relies on a small subset of characters, swordsmen. Which swordsmen do we know of that had a long career and also CoC? Only Shanks and... Mihawk. Not many characters to give this feat to. While CoC coating is the bare minimum for legitimate top tiers.
There are many more possible explanations on why it is a rare feat that have nothing directly to do with power.
yet he doesn’t have a black blade
This is where the part that we do not know how black blades are made comes in.
To be PK level a black blade is not necessary. You assume it is a power feat when it may as well be nothing more than a token.
Why wouldn’t or anyone in th universe just randomly stumble into making black blades then
Much like the very first guys who stumbled across all forms of haki?
You click your heels together 3 times and scream the name of your sword backwards. Not many happen to try that.
Oda does tho have to fucking explain this other ability
He does not.
He most likely eventually will. You just want to know it now due to lack of patience. That is an issue on your part and has nothing to do with good or bad writing.

The entire series is about finding out about the unknown One Piece. Are you also complaining that you do not know what it is yet?
small subset of characters, swordsmen
A small subset? Roger Rayleigh shanks Big mom the Gorosei Gandhi guy, ALL the marines we see just having swords, ALL the lesser Pirates we see having swords, all of Wano

a small subset?

and btw I’m only naming the swordsmen alive in the story, I’m not naming every swordsman from the last 1000 years… Because of nature of Black blades, the moment one is created, it can persist perpetually for centuries so there being two people in 1000 years of swordsmen to do a feat is Astronomical

anyway I’ve already determined that you’re one of the people who doesn’t even think Oda can do any wrong so I’ll stop here


I know what happened. He was fighting Shanks, during the fight Mihawk Shanks was winning then Yoru said to Mihawk you have reached the pinnacle of skill but this isn’t enough. We need more power said Yoru, at that moment Mihawk poured all of his haki into Yoru and the blade slowly turned black and black lightning raged from his blade.

Mihawk got up for his final attack as he swung his blade the clouds split, the earth shattered, leaving the island split in two. The moment the slash was about to reach Shanks he put Griffin in its sheath and glared at the slash and began to walk through the slash with black lightning shattering the atmosphere with every step he took. The slash couldn’t penetrate his barrier and was it was as if the attack wasn’t there.

When Shanks got in front of Mihawk he fell to his knees and said even at the pinnacle of swordsmanship I could not beat you. Shanks said to Mihawk your sword skill has surpassed even mines but you will never surpass me in strength. He then pulled Griiffin out and put it to Mihawks neck saying I win now let’s drink!!!!!
CoC is known in the world… People are born with CoC and it has been used around the world for millennia

Black blades ARE THE RAREST FEAT IN THE UNIVERSE… Zoro literally learns what Kaido described as the strongest power in the verse BEFORE he made a black blade… At this very moment Zoro has the superpower that made Gold Roger the King of the Pirates yet he doesn’t have a black blade

If Oda is to say Black blades work like CoC and Zoro can just randomly use AdvCoC with no training or even knowing what it is (Btw Zoro at this moment still has not shown any sign that he knows that he is using advCoC) then that’s peak bad writing… Why wouldn’t or anyone in th universe just randomly stumble into making black blades then

Oda doesn’t have to explain an ability that we literally saw Zoro use without even knowing it existed and there’s already like a dozen users of the ability… Oda does tho have to fucking explain this other ability that has only been used twice in 1000 fucking years tho
Ryuma is not from the Void Century, so it's not twice in a thousand years.

Black blades seem to be forged via CoA. It's literally in the name "hardening", and the process is said to happen via "forging". Forging a sword is done through the process of bending/shaping, tempering and HARDENING a blade. Zoro made the comment when he gained Shusui, that it felt like it wouldn't break even if a Dinosaur was to step on it. That means Black Blades are extremely hard. When people use CoA hardening, their body parts and/or weapons they use turn black. When Mihawk told Zoro that any blade can become a black blade, it was during the flashback that occurred when Zoro used hardening for the first time. The people of Wano all seem to know about forging a black blade, and in Wano CoA is the specialty of the Samurai. Ryuma forged his black blade through his many battles. Mihawk was said to have fought until there was no competition left. So it seems they both went about it the same way.

The clues are all there. All that is left is for us to see it first hand through Zoro. And just an FYI, nobody has taught Zoro how to turn a blade black. So when he succeeds, we will have the full answer as to how Mihawk was able to do it as well, if nobody taught him either.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Ryuma is not from the Void Century, so it's not twice in a thousand years.

Black blades seem to be forged via CoA. It's literally in the name "hardening", and the process is said to happen via "forging". Forging a sword is done through the process of bending/shaping, tempering and HARDENING a blade. Zoro made the comment when he gained Shusui, that it felt like it wouldn't break even if a Dinosaur was to step on it. That means Black Blades are extremely hard. When people use CoA hardening, their body parts and/or weapons they use turn black. When Mihawk told Zoro that any blade can become a black blade, it was during the flashback that occurred when Zoro used hardening for the first time. The people of Wano all seem to know about forging a black blade, and in Wano CoA is the specialty of the Samurai. Ryuma forged his black blade through his many battles. Mihawk was said to have fought until there was no competition left. So it seems they both went about it the same way.

The clues are all there. All that is left is for us to see it first hand through Zoro. And just an FYI, nobody has taught Zoro how to turn a blade black. So when he succeeds, we will have the full answer as to how Mihawk was able to do it as well, if nobody taught him either.
So only 2 people in history have coa good enough to do it lmfao