After killing Ace, fighting Marco and Vista, tanking the wrath of Whitebeard and busting his head off, defeating Ivankov and Jimbe, this guy pulled up on the entire WBPs commanders, including big shots (at the time) like Marco and Vista, and this was the first thing he said
I knew he was legit after this, plus logia powers are by far the coolest
I'd constantly see Roger > 3 Admirals, my response was usually Akainu solos and thus it started, now Akainu > Roger is looking like a normal take. I remember people stating Roger could fight for 40 days nonstop because Akainu and Aokiji managed 10 days lmfaaao

I knew he was legit after this, plus logia powers are by far the coolest
I'd constantly see Roger > 3 Admirals, my response was usually Akainu solos and thus it started, now Akainu > Roger is looking like a normal take. I remember people stating Roger could fight for 40 days nonstop because Akainu and Aokiji managed 10 days lmfaaao