I didn't like it so much but to say the truth I have never been a fan of AOT. The first part was good: the titans, what are they? People who can turn in titans, nice fights (female titan). A good portion of mistery , fights, the plot seemed good. And I enjoyed reading it each week then it switched a bit on the politcals in exchange for fights and also added a lot of text to explain all the politics and.. If it is HxH I can gladly accept it (also Tohashi always accompains it with some other good cherries to keep the reader hooked) but in AOT we get just chapters of politics. At that point I started to not read it each week but only time to time. There were some good moments like Eren paying back the attacking nation (Marley? Eldia?) after the time skip but it still wasn't enough to hook me back. Now I'm giving a read if I happen on it on a manga site just to see the ending but I'm not thrilled or anything.
Also if I recall correctly when it just come out this manga was for a short period the ahit in Japan (car advertaisments and all) but that didn't last long. Was this switch that caused its downfall in popularity?