How fast do you type?


Ghost Princess
thx for the mention, I injured my hand the other day so I'm typing with one hand rn :catcry:

I'll do it later :catsweat:
you guys can guess my typing speed in the meantime lmao

Formerly Seth


Kinda busy right now. Doing some overtime job but here it is:

and this is only in English. I would get more faster in my mother language.

Dunno if it's good or bad. I'm working on PC.
I won't get any better than this I think.

It's even worse if you try it hard with a mindset ( i need to beat my previous one ) I wonder if the one above is not my best. I'm at disadvantage since I mostly type in Polish. Me typing in english happens only here and occasionally on discord.

I'm the slowest typer in the history of typing, please don't type-shame me publicly :pepecry: