Speculations How good is your Future sight? Let's test it in a GAME!!!



- 5 Bonus points for the one who gets the closest, even if you are off by more than 150 million you will stil get 5 Bonus points. If multiple people are the closest, they all will get the 5 Bonus points. Those Bonus points will always be added even if you get the bounty correct or get in the range of the other points.

@Herrera95 Happy?
What? So people who enter in other categories will also gain 5 more points by this new rule?

Ok, I guess it is better like this now.
What? So people who enter in other categories will also gain 5 more points by this new rule?

Ok, I guess it is better like this now.
Otherwise it would make no sense.
Imagine you are more off than 150mil. but you are the closest, so you would get 5 points.
But imagine you are off by less than 150mil. and you are the closest, but you would get only 1 point.
- Luffy : 3 000 000 000
- Sanji : 999 000 000
- Zoro : 1 000 000 000
- Yamato : 550 000 000
- Jimbei : 500 000 00
- Robin : 400 000 000
- Franky : 230 000 000
- Brook : 160 000 000
- Ussop : 450 000 000 (he is believed to have defeated two tobbi roppos after all)
- Nami : 120 000 000
- Chopper (no need) : 100 000 000
- Law : 2 000 000 000
- Kid : 2 350 000 000
- Killer : 990 000 000
- Drake : 400 000 000


- Luffy : 3 000 000 000
- Sanji : 999 000 000
- Zoro : 1 000 000 000
- Yamato : 550 000 000
- Jimbei : 500 000 00
- Robin : 400 000 000
- Franky : 230 000 000
- Brook : 160 000 000
- Ussop : 450 000 000 (he is believed to have defeated two tobbi roppos after all)
- Nami : 120 000 000
- Chopper (no need) : 100 000 000
- Law : 2 000 000 000
- Kid : 2 350 000 000
- Killer : 990 000 000
- Drake : 400 000 000
You know is common sence for you bounty to raise higher than the pirate you defeated right? Most of your guesses doesn't make any sense based on that.
- Luffy : 3 000 000 000
- Sanji : 999 000 000
- Zoro : 1 000 000 000
- Yamato : 550 000 000
- Jimbei : 500 000 00
- Robin : 400 000 000
- Franky : 230 000 000
- Brook : 160 000 000
- Ussop : 450 000 000 (he is believed to have defeated two tobbi roppos after all)
- Nami : 120 000 000
- Chopper (no need) : 100 000 000
- Law : 2 000 000 000
- Kid : 2 350 000 000
- Killer : 990 000 000
- Drake : 400 000 000
LOL , Zoro scars Kaido THEN gets the ultimate ability in the verse and he would have the same bounty of Lanji OMG
- Luffy 4 800 000 000
- Sanji 1 350 000 000
- Zoro 1400 000 000
- Yamato 800 000 000
- Jimbei 600 000 000
- Robin 490 000 000
- Franky 480 000 000
- Brook 283 000 000
- Ussope 250 000 000
- Nami 200 000 000
- Chopper (no need)
- Law 2 billion
- Kid 2 billion
- Killer 800 000 000
- Drake no bounty increase, he's a marine
Luffy -> 5,000,000,000
Zoro -> 1,520,000,000
Sanji -> 1,430,000,000
Yamato -> 1,000,000,000
Jimbei -> 638,000,000
Robin -> 530,000,000
Franky -> 494,000,000
Brook -> 383,000,000
Usopp -> 500,000,000
Nami -> 366,000,000
Chopper (no need) -> 200,000,000
Law -> 2,500,000,000
Kid -> 2,500,000,000
Killer -> 500,000,000
Drake -> 0
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Zoro Worshipper
I would not bet on having Zoro and Sanji close bounties even if King and Queen were cause a ZKK shall probably be added for starters and regardless Zoro even participated to the rooftop battle
Luffy 3.5b
Zoro 1.420b
Sanji 1.330b
Jinbei 638m
Yamato 550m
Robin 530m
Ussop 500m
Franky 494m
Brook 383m
Nami 266m
Chopper 1000

Kid 2b
Killer 600m
Law 2b
Drake 222m
Luffy - 5,000,000,000
Sanji- 1,400,000,000
Zoro- 1,500,000,000
Yamato - no bounty
Jinbe - 700,000,000
Robin - 500,000.000
Franky - 600,000,000
Brook - 200,000,000
Usopp - 300,000,000
Nami - 150,000,000
Chopper - 1,000
Law - 2,500,000,000
Kid - 2,500,000,000
Killer - 1,500,000,000
Bepo - 2,000
Those are the participants!

The people who wrote only 2 or 3 bounties, well you can count the points for yourself.
I left some messages for some participants down below above your quote, check it out!

I am stil not sure about Drake, if we won't get any Bounty for him, i will just ignore him.

The Bounties should be out soon, so i wish everybody good luck!!!

- Luffy-5,000,000,000
- Sanji-1,500,000,000
- Zoro-1,600,000,00
- Yamato-2,000,000,000
- Jimbei-700,000,000
- Robin-600,000,000
- Franky-550,000,000
- Brook-400,000,000
- Ussope-300,000,000
- Nami-150,000,000
- Chopper (no need)
- Law-2,500,000,000
- Kidd-3,000,000,000
- Killer-1,000,000,000
- Drake-Either it stays or 250,000,000.Ngl you should switch Drake
@Ekkologix I crossed out the ''around'' - only clear numbers count. So i am gonna take what you wrote.
luffy - around 3.5 billion
sanji - around 1 billion
yamato - around 1.5 billion
zolo - around 1.5 billion
jinbe - around 1.3 billion
robin - around 1 billion
franky - around 800 mil
brook - around 700 mil
usopp - around 500 mil
nami - around 500 mil
chopper - 200
law - around 2 billion
kid - around 2.3 billion
killer - around 800 mil
drake - around 800 mil
Luffy: 5 000 000 000
- Sanji: 1377 000 000
- Zoro: 1520 000 000
- Yamato: 1 000 000 000
- Jimbei:700 000 000
- Robin: 270 000 000
- Franky: 150 000 000
- Brook: 100 000 000
- Usopp: 200 000 000 (he did fuck all)
- Nami: 133 000 000
- Chopper (no need): x 2 his last bounty
- Law: 1 500 000 000
- Kid: 1 470 000 000
- Killer: 320 000 000
- Drake : 0 (too late for him, he's been identified as a snitch and wg sucker, slave and weakling)
Luffy: 3B
Zoro: 1.45B
Sanji: 1.35B
Jinbei: 750M
Yamato: 500M
Robin: 400M
Franky: 350M
Ussop: 300M
Brook: 183M
Nami: 166M
Chopper: 200Be
Law: 1.5B
Kid: 1.5B
Killer: 500M
- Luffy-5,000,000,000
- Sanji-1,200,000,000
- Zoro-1,400,000,00
- Yamato-80,000.00 (First bounties never get that high)
- Jimbei-600,000,000
- Robin-500,000,000
- Franky-490,000,000
- Brook-300,000,000
- Ussope-300,000,000
- Nami-150,000,000
- Chopper (no need)
- Law-2,500,000,000
- Kidd-3,000,000,000
- Killer-500,000,000
@NikaInParis unclear Chopper bounty, won't count. I will cross it out.
- Luffy - 4 900 000 000
- Sanji - 1 300 000 000
- Zoro - 1 330 000 000
- Yamato - 700 000 000
- Jimbei - 800 000 000
- Robin - 200 000 000
- Franky - 250 000 000
- Brook - 198 000 000
- Ussope - 250 000 000
- Nami - 178 000 000
- Chopper (no need) - 1000 (70 000 000 for Monster point)
- Law - 4 000 000 000
- Kid - 4 000 000 000
- Killer - 1 060 000 500
- Drake - back to the Navy, no change
- Luffy: 5.6 billion
- Sanji: 1.3 billion
- Zoro: 1.5 billion
- Yamato: 100 million
- Jimbei: 1 billion
- Robin: 800 million
- Franky: 400 million
- Brook: 200 million
- Ussope: 500 million
- Carrot: 30 million
- Nami: 50 million
- Chopper (no need): 150 berries

- Law: 2 Billion
- Kid: 2 Billion
- Killer: 400 million
- Drake: 300 million

But my guesses are
- Luffy 4,5 bi
- Sanji 1,4 bi
- Zoro 5bi(ZKK)
- Yamato 600mi
- Jimbei 700mi
- Robin 300mi
- Franky 300mi
- Brook 150mi
- Ussop 250mi
- Nami 200mi
- Chopper (no need) 1000 berries
- Law 2 bi
- Kid 2 bi
- Killer 500mi
- Drake return to marine, no bounty
Luffy 5.056 B
Kid 2.047 B
Law 2 B
Zoro 1.42 B
Sanji 1.37 B
Jinbei 838 M
Killer 759 M
Yamato 611 M (First bounty won't be that big)
Robin 508 M
Franky 495 M
Ussop 400 M
Luffy 4 600 000 000
Zoro 1 500 000 000
Yamato 1 450 000 000
Sanji 1 390 000 000
Jimbei 1 200 000 000
Franky 800 000 000
Robin 550 000 000
Brook 470 000 000
Chopper 300 000 000
Nami 200 000 000
Luffy - 4bil
Zoro - 1.8b
Sanji - 1.3b
Yamato - 750m
Jimbei -800m
Robin - 600
Franky - 500
Brook - 283m
Usopp - 500m
Nami - 466m
Chopper - 200m

Law - 2.2b
Kid - 2.4b
Killer - 1b
Drake - 420m
Monkey D. Luffy - 5,056,290,000
Roronoa Zoro - 1,666,000,000
Vinsmoke Sanji - 1,377,000,000
God Usopp - 800,000,000
Jinbe - 619,000,000
Yamato - 550,000,000
Nico Robin - 500,000,000
Franky - 480,000,000
Brook - 383,000,000
Nami - 300,000,000
Tony Tony Chopper - 100,000,100

Trafalgar D. Water Law - 2,500,000,000
Eustass Kid - 2,500,000,000
Killer - 800,000,000
Drake - 222,000,000
@Hakaishin since you have some unclear bounties i won't count them. I will cross them out.
Monkey D. Luffy - 3,500,000,000 - 4,000,000,000
Roronoa Zoro - 1,420,000,000
Vinsmoke Sanji - 1,377,000,000
God Usopp - 500,000,000
Jinbe - 850,000,000
Yamato - 300,000,000
Nico Robin - 530,000,000
Franky - 544,000,000
Brook - 383,000,000
Nami - 366,000,000
Tony Tony Chopper - 1000

Trafalgar D. Water Law - 2,500,000,000
Eustass Kid - 2,500,000,000 or 2,470,000,000
Killer - 700,000,000 - 800,000,000
Drake - 422,000,000 or 622,000,000
- Sanji-1,200,000,000
- Zoro-2,000,000,00
- Yamato-500,000.000
- Jimbei-800,000,000
- Robin-1,000,000,000
- Franky-400,000,000
- Brook-300,000,000
- Ussope-300,000,000
- Nami-200,000,000
- Chopper-100,000,000
- Law-2,000,000,000
- Kidd-2,000,000,000
- Killer-700,000,000
Luffy = 5.6 billion
- Sanji= 1.77 billion
- Zoro= 2.20 billion
- Yamato= 1.90 billion
- Jimbei= 600 mil
- Robin= 530 mil
- Franky= 494 mil
- Brook=483 mil
- Ussop= 300 mil
- Nami=166 mil
- Chopper = 1000
- Law= 2.5 billion
- Kid= 2.47 billion
- Killer= 700 mil
- Drake no bounty, as he's a marine
Luffy: 4.8Bi
Zoro: 1.520Bi
Sanji: 1.430Bi
Yamato: 850mi
Jinbei: 630mi
Franky: 520mi
Robin: 490mi
Usopp: 400mi
Nami: 320mi
Brook: 300mi
Chopper: 100mi
Law: 1.820Bi
Kid: 1.780Bi
Killer: 600mi
Drake: 400mi
- Luffy : 4.322.000.000
- Sanji : 1.557.000.000
- Zoro : 1.677.000.000
- Yamato : 500.000.000
- Jimbei : 971.000.000
- Robin :
- Franky : 550.000.000
- Brook : 300.000.000
- Ussop : 320.000.000
- Nami : 178.000.000
- Chopper (no need) : 1 mill ; fuck chopper
- Law :
- Kid :
- Killer : 550.000.000
- Drake : isn't he a marine ?
From Seth:
Luffy: 3.805.550.000.
Zoro: 1.710.000.000.
Sanji: 1.650.000.000.
Yamato: No idea, she has no feats and she will be just revealed. Probably a starter pack of 550.000.000.
Jinbe: 756.000.000.
Franky: 330.000.000.
Brook: No feats. Stays the same. 83.000.000
Robin: 370.000.000.
Usopp: 345.000.000.
Nami: 266.000.000.
Chopper: Stays the same. 100 Berry
Law: 2.694.000.000.
Kidd: 2.664.000.000.
Killer: No formidable feats although let's assume someone saw him vs Hawkins. 360.000.000.
Drake: 0. He will get stripped off of it because he will formally return to Navy/Sword.
- Luffy - 3.25 Billion
- Sanji - 947 Million
- Zoro - 1.42 Billion
- Yamato - 550 Million
- Jinbei - 788 Million
- Robin - 850 Million
- Franky - 410 Million
- Brook - 350 Million
- Usopp - 600 Million
- Nami - 216 Million
- Chopper - 300 Million
- Law - 1.29 Billion
- Kid - 1.626 Billion
- Killer - 907 Million
- Drake - 444 Million
- Luffy - 5B
- Sanji - 1.4B
- Zoro - 1.52B
- Yamato - 1B
- Jinbe - 638M
- Robin - 530M
- Franky - 494M
- Brook - 383M
- Usopp - 300M
- Nami - 366M
- Chopper (no need) - 1000
- Law - 2.5B
- Kid - 2.5B
- Killer - 800M
- Drake - No bounty as a Marine
- Luffy - 3.5 billions
- Sanji - 1.3 billions
- Zoro - 1.5 billions
- Yamato - 800 millions
- Jimbei - 950 millions
- Robin - 700 millions
- Franky - 600 millions
- Brook - 400 millions
- Ussopp - 200 millions
- Nami - 180 millions
- Chopper (no need) - 10,000

- Law - 1.5 billions
- Kid - 2 billions
- Killer - 900 millions
  1. - Luffy - 2,956,000,000 Beli
  2. - Sanji - 1,330,000,000 Beli
  3. - Zoro - 3,324,000,000 Beli
  4. - Yamato - 1,010,000,000 Beli
  5. - Jinbe - 1,090,000,000 Beli
  6. - Robin - 530,000,000 Beli
  7. - Franky - 494,000,000 Beli
  8. - Brook - 190,000,000 Beli
  9. - Ussop - 1,000,000,000 Beli
  10. - Nami - 166,000,000 Beli
  11. - Chopper - 150,000,000 Beli
  12. - Law - 1,500,000,000 Beli
  13. - Kid - 1,470,000,000 Beli
  14. - Killer - 660,000,000 Beli
  15. - Drake - 222,000,000 Beli
- Luffy>> A big, fat, 5B.
- Sanji>> 1.33B
- Zoro>> 1.52B
- Yamato>> 900M
- Jimbei>> 650M
- Robin>> 490M
- Franky>> 450M
- Brook>> 300M
- Ussope>> 500M
- Nami>> 350M
- Chopper (no need)>> alright. but 1.000 Berries.
- Law>> 3B
- Kid>> 3B
- Killer>> 1B
- Drake>> no change.
  1. Luffy - 4B+
  2. Sanji - 997M
  3. Zoro - 1. 6B
  4. Jimbe - 844M
  5. - Law - 2B
  6. - Kid - 2B
  7. - Killer- 890M
- Luffy - 3.900.000.000
- Sanji - 1.758.000.000
- Zoro - 1.980.000.000
- Yamato -
- Jimbei - 925.000.000
- Robin - 740.000.000
- Franky - 671.000.000
- Brook - 460.000.000
- Ussopp - 500.000.000
- Nami - 300.000.000
- Chopper (no need) - 5.000.000
- Law - 1.500.000.000
- Kid - 1.600.000.000
- Killer - 720.400.000
- Drake - Navy
My prediction for their bounties are:
- Luffy - 3.029.000
- Sanji - 1.400.000
- Zoro - 1.400.000
- Yamato - 1.000.000
- Jimbei - 800.000
- Robin - 310.000
- Franky - 292.000
- Brook - 150.000
- Ussope - 210.000
- Nami - 101.000
- Chopper - 200
- Law - 1.500.000
- Kid - 1.470.000
- Killer - 666.000
- Drake - 322.000
1.5 Billion -> 5.56 Billion
320 Million -> 1.82 Billion
330 Million -> 1.77 Billion
200 Million -> 700 Million
0 -> 650 Million
438 Million -> 588 Million
130 Million -> 530 Million
94 Million -> 494 Million
83 Million -> 383 Million
66 Million -> 366 Million
100 -> 200 Million Berry
500 Million -> 2.2 Billion
470 Million -> 2.2 Billion
200 Million -> 730 Million
No Increase
- Luffy: 5,000,000,000
- Zoro: 1,520,000,000
- Sanji: 1,366,000,000
- Yamato: 1,000,000,000
- Jinbe: 738,000,000
- Robin: 530,000,000
- Franky: 494,000,000
- Brook: 283,000,000
- Usopp: 800,000,000
- Nami: 266,000,000
- Chopper (no need): 200
- Law: 2,500,000,000
- Kid: 2,500,000,000
- Killer: 700,000,000
- Drake: no bounty (I can see him returning to the Marine)
- Luffy: 5,000,000,000
- Zoro: 1,550,000,000
- Sanji: 1,500,000,000
- Yamato: 1,000,000,000
- Jinbe: 880,000,000
- Robin: 720,000,000
- Franky: 350,000,000
- Brook: 280,000,000
- Usopp: 300,000,000
- Nami: 260,000,000
- Chopper: 200,000,000
- Law: 2,700,000,000
- Kid: 3,150,000,000
- Killer: 800,000,000
- Drake: none
- Luffy - 5b. 52m.
- Sanji - 1.7b.
- Zoro - 1.7b.
- Yamato - 802m.
- Jimbei - 650m.
- Robin - 550m.
- Franky - 499 m.
- Brook - 200m.
- Ussop - 500m.
- Nami - 177m.
- Chopper (no need) - 1000m.
- Law - 2.4b.
- Kid - 2.5b.
- Killer - 500m.
- Drake - 300m.
- Luffy : 3 000 000 000
- Sanji : 999 000 000
- Zoro : 1 000 000 000
- Yamato : 550 000 000
- Jimbei : 500 000 00
- Robin : 400 000 000
- Franky : 230 000 000
- Brook : 160 000 000
- Ussop : 450 000 000 (he is believed to have defeated two tobbi roppos after all)
- Nami : 120 000 000
- Chopper (no need) : 100 000 000
- Law : 2 000 000 000
- Kid : 2 350 000 000
- Killer : 990 000 000
- Drake : 400 000 000
- Luffy 4 800 000 000
- Sanji 1 350 000 000
- Zoro 1400 000 000
- Yamato 800 000 000
- Jimbei 600 000 000
- Robin 490 000 000
- Franky 480 000 000
- Brook 283 000 000
- Ussope 250 000 000
- Nami 200 000 000
- Chopper (no need)
- Law 2 billion
- Kid 2 billion
- Killer 800 000 000
- Drake no bounty increase, he's a marine
Luffy -> 5,000,000,000
Zoro -> 1,520,000,000
Sanji -> 1,430,000,000
Yamato -> 1,000,000,000
Jimbei -> 638,000,000
Robin -> 530,000,000
Franky -> 494,000,000
Brook -> 383,000,000
Usopp -> 500,000,000
Nami -> 366,000,000
Chopper (no need) -> 200,000,000
Law -> 2,500,000,000
Kid -> 2,500,000,000
Killer -> 500,000,000
Drake -> 0
Luffy 3.5b
Zoro 1.420b
Sanji 1.330b
Jinbei 638m
Yamato 550m
Robin 530m
Ussop 500m
Franky 494m
Brook 383m
Nami 266m
Chopper 1000

Kid 2b
Killer 600m
Law 2b
Drake 222m
Luffy - 5,000,000,000
Sanji- 1,400,000,000
Zoro- 1,500,000,000
Yamato - no bounty
Jinbe - 700,000,000
Robin - 500,000.000
Franky - 600,000,000
Brook - 200,000,000
Usopp - 300,000,000
Nami - 150,000,000
Chopper - 1,000
Law - 2,500,000,000
Kid - 2,500,000,000
Killer - 1,500,000,000
Bepo - 2,000
@Minatoze Narutomaki
Luffy: 3B
Zoro: 1.45B
Sanji: 1.35B
Jinbei: 750M
Yamato: 500M
Robin: 400M
Franky: 350M
Ussop: 300M
Brook: 183M
Nami: 166M
Chopper: 200Be
Law: 1.5B
Kid: 1.5B
Killer: 500M
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Those are the participants!

The people who wrote only 2 or 3 bounties, well you can count the points for yourself.
I left some messages for some participants down below above your quote, check it out!

I am stil not sure about Drake, if we won't get any Bounty for him, i will just ignore him.

The Bounties should be out soon, so i wish everybody good luck!!!

@Ekkologix I crossed out the ''around'' - only clear numbers count. So i am gonna take what you wrote.

@NikaInParis unclear Chopper bounty, won't count. I will cross it out.

@Hakaishin since you have some unclear bounties i won't count them. I will cross them out.
Am I still in time to swag my Future Sight on you? :myman: