Future Events How likely is it that Akainu and Dragon have history ?

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Gold D. Dodger the Chicken King vs Garp the Celestial Dragon savior

Shiki vs Sengoku

Dragon vs Akainu

Doflamingo vs Tsuru

This is always how I always saw the Marine pursuer rivalries in the series. Akainu chasing Dragon has been a popular theory for good reason since Marineford, and I think this is probably how Akainu spent most of his time rising through the ranks was chasing the Revolutionaries.

And hell Akainu has interacted with so many of them already. He captured Bonney pre TS, fought Kuma out of fucking nowhere just recently, named dropped Dragon 6 times in Marineford, is destined to murder Sabo, one shot Ivankov and Inazuma, etc…

Yeah Akainu was definitely the Revolutionary Hunter in the Marines and I would not be surprised if he showed up in some form during this flashback.
I think it is very likely. I know its hardly anything to go on by itself but Oda made them the same age for a reason. Now Dragon was also a marine, dissatisfied with justice while Akainu is absolute justice.

Dragon was on Ohara and I dont think he is oblivious to Akainu being involved.

Oda seems to build up a connection and some longstanding score to be settled between them.