Questions & Mysteries How likely is it that Weevil is actually Whitebeard's son? Sexy Weevil?


Whats the actual likeliness that miss. Bucking isn't actually lying about weevil being newgate's son?

If they are realated did stussy and newgate actually clap or did stussy end up stealing his dna or something? We know she was a part of mads so maybe she just tried to make her own lil clone of whitebeard and kinda failed. It'd explain why weevil is so god damn ugly

Also do you think whitebeard will stay ugly or is there a chance we might see sexy weevil eventually. With a little liposuction from aramaki and little plastic surgery from sanji anything is possible
It's very obvious he's his clone. The paneling pretty much revealed it the same chapter they revealed Stussy is one.

He was probably some of the first attempts at cloning, while Stussy later became the first success (if Vegapunk doesn't consider Momo's fruit a success, he isn't going to consider Weevil one either no matter how strong he turns out to be).