It's a quite interesting theory that I've seen from a JP Youtuber that I did look more deeply.
If we examine the Ju Peter original japanese name, It's: シェパード・十・ピーター聖
The 十, which is the japanese character for the number 10.
And when Ju Peter transforms himself into that stupid worm, he has a scar like X, which is 10 in the Roman Numerals.
There's also Nusjuro, which his original japanese name is: イーザンバロン・V・ナス寿郎
And V is 5 in the Roman Numerls.
Sadly, I couldn't find any numerical reference for the other elders, but Oda is kinda hard with the references.
But there are more indications:
Chapter 259 Wapol's Cover Story is like this:
And we can see Wapol and his 9 associates dressed like the Gorosei, some of them REALLY resembling the current Elders we know.
We can also see 10 statues at the entrance of the Mary Geoise, there's a chance that they could be the former deceased and current Elders.
So maybe 10 elders? Or 11 if you count Garling.
If we examine the Ju Peter original japanese name, It's: シェパード・十・ピーター聖
The 十, which is the japanese character for the number 10.
And when Ju Peter transforms himself into that stupid worm, he has a scar like X, which is 10 in the Roman Numerals.
There's also Nusjuro, which his original japanese name is: イーザンバロン・V・ナス寿郎
And V is 5 in the Roman Numerls.
Sadly, I couldn't find any numerical reference for the other elders, but Oda is kinda hard with the references.
But there are more indications:
Chapter 259 Wapol's Cover Story is like this:
And we can see Wapol and his 9 associates dressed like the Gorosei, some of them REALLY resembling the current Elders we know.
We can also see 10 statues at the entrance of the Mary Geoise, there's a chance that they could be the former deceased and current Elders.

So maybe 10 elders? Or 11 if you count Garling.