Speculations How many elders did the World Government have?

It's a quite interesting theory that I've seen from a JP Youtuber that I did look more deeply.

If we examine the Ju Peter original japanese name, It's: シェパード・十・ピーター聖

The 十, which is the japanese character for the number 10.
And when Ju Peter transforms himself into that stupid worm, he has a scar like X, which is 10 in the Roman Numerals.

There's also Nusjuro, which his original japanese name is: イーザンバロン・V・ナス寿郎

And V is 5 in the Roman Numerls.

Sadly, I couldn't find any numerical reference for the other elders, but Oda is kinda hard with the references.

But there are more indications:
Chapter 259 Wapol's Cover Story is like this:

And we can see Wapol and his 9 associates dressed like the Gorosei, some of them REALLY resembling the current Elders we know.

We can also see 10 statues at the entrance of the Mary Geoise, there's a chance that they could be the former deceased and current Elders.

So maybe 10 elders? Or 11 if you count Garling.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
holy shit nice catch.

definitely bookmarking this

@DarkWitch @EmperorKinyagi i see this actually being canon

We can also see 10 statues at the entrance of the Mary Geoise,
I can see there being around 11 elders total in WG history

say Imu chose 5 of the children of the 20 kings, and those were the first 5 elders. Eventually they were replaced, and around... 400-600ish years ago the current iteration of the elders was chosen. This would check out because Peter referred to past iterations of the WG. I get the impression that Saturn's replacement was very unexpected and something similar hasn't happened in ages.

i suppose it's always possible that some of the elders still exist in some form. i saw a theory that the man marked by flames was a former Gorosei
holy shit nice catch.

definitely bookmarking this

@DarkWitch @EmperorKinyagi i see this actually being canon

I can see there being around 11 elders total in WG history

say Imu chose 5 of the children of the 20 kings, and those were the first 5 elders. Eventually they were replaced, and around... 400-600ish years ago the current iteration of the elders was chosen. This would check out because Peter referred to past iterations of the WG. I get the impression that Saturn's replacement was very unexpected and something similar hasn't happened in ages.

i suppose it's always possible that some of the elders still exist in some form. i saw a theory that the man marked by flames was a former Gorosei
Seems like the 5 selected have like a "pact with the devil" in exchnge for immortality, probably what happened with Garling and Saturn. In that case would it even be possible to just defect as a Gorosei when Imu could take their lives from anywhere?


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Seems like the 5 selected have like a "pact with the devil" in exchnge for immortality, probably what happened with Garling and Saturn. In that case would it even be possible to just defect as a Gorosei when Imu could take their lives from anywhere?
i think it depends on how Imu killed him and what kind of death

the "burned man is a former Gorosei" theory is based on the speculation that Saturn died because Imu took away his agelessness.

let's say the burned man was 70 years old when he got his agelessness and immortality from Imu. 30 years later, Imu took away from it and maybe his df powers. he ages to 100... but ppl in OP can live up to 140. so he could survive it. but if Imu can make them explode.... the theory falls apart.

i also don't know how the burned man could still be alive if we presume the Gorosei have had the same members for centuries. maybe he later got the op op surgery? lol
If they were 20 ruling elders then reduced to 5 only
It means other families messed up a lot and imu decided to not grant them elder status anymore
20 kings, including Imu. So 19 others. Lili was already sided with Joy Boy by the end of it, so 18.
Imu in the shadows and 18 elders?
Maybe two had already deflected before the elders system was even implemented, making it Imu + 16 elders, the number he is most associated with.
4 seas, 4 elders per sea. Ultimately reduces to 1 elder per sea, plus a fifth for Marie Jois or to represent the New World?

Good catch but in terms of how the current story will move forward I dont think it will mean much. Of course it is an 800 year old system so there has to have been some changes over the time. Started with 20 or 18 and then reduced to 5. The number 10 is significant because of how SHPs and BBPs are 10.
The number five seems set in stone for story though since Saturn was not just killed but replaced, if the replacement is necessary then why did it not happen before when you already had a candidate like Garling. If he is worthy enough to be an Elder now then he was worthy enough even before Saturns death.

It still seems absurd that there are 5 ACoC users (implied) in a group, cant wrap my head around 10 or 20 such guys.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
If they were 20 ruling elders then reduced to 5 only
It means other families messed up a lot and imu decided to not grant them elder status anymore
i don't think there were ever 20 elders.

I think after the original 20 kings passed, Imu selected the first set of the Gorosei from the five most competent/COC users from their children.

eventually, whenever one of those 5 messed up in a big way, he'd replace them with the Holy Knight commander.

Since the 20 kings were all said to be equal I think the Gorosei position is gained by competency instead of inherited/passed down through families. Garling got the position because of his ability, not because of the Figarland's being special imo.

It still seems absurd that there are 5 ACoC users (implied) in a group, cant wrap my head around 10 or 20 such guys.
I think it's likely only 6 of them living at a time. The current roster of Gorosei, plus the replacement(like the og 5 with Garling).

though, the WG probably did have 10+ advCoC users as recent as 20ish years ago. Imu, Garling, Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Kong, Warcury, Nusjuro, Mars, Peter, Saturn... and I wouldn't be surprised if there's another CD advcoc user in the holy knights or some other organization
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I also think it's likely Imu can only share his power with 5 people at the time, and that's probably the reason there's five. Also five, for each sea
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It still seems absurd that there are 5 ACoC users (implied) in a group, cant wrap my head around 10 or 20 such guys
the twenty kings were probably all advCoC users and they also might have had powerful devil fruits too

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Wapol had 20 doctors just like 20 kingdoms.


Wapol saw Imu. He also saved Vivi who Imu is obsessed with and trying to get for himself to replace Lily or whatever.

Wapol makes toys now. Sugar turns people into toys. Doflamingo was directly paralled with Imu and the Gorosei.

Imu or Blackbeard will "eclipse" the sun god and or world somehow imo.

Drum island introduced Will of D too. From Kureha who may be immortal for all we know. 140 years old and "secret of her youth"? Ope ope ultimate ability was called "perennial youth surgery" too.
Law is a Doctor.

Imu destroyed lulusia with 16 beams. Doffy has an attack called 16 holy bullets. 16 has a huge symbolic meaning irl IIRC? Luffy rang the ox bell 16 times too.
Where am I going with this? Idk lmao.

Will of D is Will of drum imo. That's why luffy had a rubber fruit. Rubber covers drums.

Look at this too:

There are 20 statues, not 10. Each entrance has 10 statues, and both entrances have different looking statues.

The two entrances we saw also aren't the only entrances. Theres likely two on the otherside of the redline. And if they're the same, it gives it 40 statues.
There are 20 statues, not 10. Each entrance has 10 statues, and both entrances have different looking statues.

The two entrances we saw also aren't the only entrances. Theres likely two on the otherside of the redline. And if they're the same, it gives it 40 statues.
I assume that all entrances have the same 10 statues. Also, there's no clear indication that the statues of each entrance are different, except for one panel where the statues are quite far apart, and Oda is usually quite inconsistent with such small details.
Depends on how many failures Imu had up to this point...

I guess Garling just is the 9th to attain the Elder status... That is if there would be 2 OG Gorosei to mirror Zoro and Sanji...

3 of the Gorosei we used to know were replacements, 1 of them, Saturn, is replaced by Garling...