Those can be just dfs and the immortality is the only ability that they share so far. Imu is most likely sharing it through haki hence the gigantic black lightnings coming out when he took away Saturn’s immortality, the telepathy can also be explained as VOAT. The continuous reference of a weird presence throughout EH could be the characters sensing Imu’s haki through the elders.
Fans thought gorosei had impartiality surgery on Gorosei which was false
Doffy doesn't know about Imu at all. He doesn't
He might know about Gorosei but that's also not even confirmed.
He only knew about the treasure (which might be the weapon Imu used to wipe out lulusia)
Whatever Imu has is way different from Ope Ope eternal youth.
It doesn't make sense for people to regenerate or communicate via telepathy and teleport if they got eternal youth
Law and kid will fight Admirals or gorosei at the final war