Hunger Games: WG Edition


The rules are simple:

1- If you sign in please PM me a picture of your choice that will represent you during the games. If no picture is sent I will default to your forum avatar.
2- Every few hour or so there will be an update on the events of the games.
3- Anyway, sign up here. We'll try to either fill 24, 36 or 48 players.
4- Have fun shitposting and bet on the winner!

The game is purely an RNG contest and you don't even have to check back in.
Winner gets a tag of their choice from the shop.


1- @Dr_Professor83
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
4- @TheAncientCenturion
5- @Alexis2282AE
6- @Natalija
7- @Worst
8- @Yoho
9- @Jackteo
10- @Rej
11- @Elder Lee Hung
12- @Ratchet
13- @Sentinel
14- @MangoSenpai
15- @Moegara
16- @EkkoLoJinx
17- @BoaHancocksHusband
18- @soupongo
19- @Tyki_Mikk
20- @Owl Ki
21- @BillSlipton
22- @Warchief Sanji D Goat
23- @Veku
24- @Score
25- @Crying bc no Cryo
26- @GeneralP123
27- @NotTommy
28- @LogicoftheVI
29- @Paragorn
30- @Smores
31- @Kagumon
32- @Poorsalino Cooker
33- @SakazOuki
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @MonochromeYoru
36- @Flower
37- @GalaxyLevelShanks
38- @Hellon
39- @TheKnightOfTheSea
40- @Kizaruber Eats
41- @Reborn
42- @zenox
43- @Jaguark101
44- @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
45- @matt245
46- @Marimo_420
47- @Kōri no kokyū

Example of how the game will look:

In but I don't know how to play


When were you under the impression this game is..

In but I don't know how to play
Hey my friend, Im sorry but the game just ended. Basically you dont need to do anything, it just puts you as a character in a simulation of survival and the game does its thing. Its completely automated and you can jut sit back and watch how you do. Next time I host a game like this I will tag you brother.