A Great Shounen like H x H doesn't use power escalation all that much. If you're up to date to the series, we basically saw the peak of H x H power level in the CA arc. The newest arc has deescalated the power level back where it always was. And by Straw Hats, I mean the M3 not anyone else.
You don't need power escalation to create important stakes. Needless power escalation is the reason why Bleach and Naruto failed so horribly in the end. IMU being able to solo the verse or being god tier status would be horrible for OP.
Bleach failed because of Shonen Jump’s massively strict publication schedule wearing down Kubo to the point that he was no longer motivated to draw. Naruto was massively successful through the end of its publication and beyond.
Its telling that something so horrifically wrong was uttered by someone who also thinks Yonko > Admirals. Lol
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