Break Week I wanna see Monkey D Dragon beat a $hit out of Shanks..

Warchief Sanji D Goat

truee for now it look like shank is snish...who u tink is also holy knight????...
Gin, Higuma, Kuro, Krieg, Urouge, Vergo, Monet, Pedro, and Pekoms.
If Shanks turns out to be evil, he's my favorite character.

Shit would be the biggest and greatest plot twist in all Anime. Cmon Oda, dont be a pussy and write history.
Do you read Bleach btw? If so then:
Do you think Oda has the balls to make Shanks into Aizen?

imagine shanks show his true evil color to Lufy..but lufy is busy saving teh wrold from black beard...

then dragon d monkey show up and say to lufy " go my son and save teh world..i'll take care of this red haired idiot"..
and I want you to get ban in next 10 sec

sadly, we don't get what we want

tho for sake of Dragon's ass he better never face Shanks as an enemy
data book : Shanks is freest man on the seas

a loser from internet : DrAgon iS SYmboL of FreEdOm

lol ... my advise to you: shut the fuck up. just generally, in life
dragon : not only teh freest man but also frees other poeple and spreads justis πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ..

shanks : hey gorosei can i lick ur dirty feets plz..they taste like strawbery...mmm 🀀..