Break Week If Marines had bounties . . .

Kong - 5.5
Garp - 5.030
Akainu - 5
Sengoku - 4.4
Kizaru - 4.2
Aokiji - 4
Fujitora - 3.4
Green Bull - 3.2
Z - 2.8
Chaton - 1.050
Momousagi - 1

(Dragon, former admiral White dragon Shiryu) - 5.250
This is quite hard, as bounties only partially reveal power level, their danger level, which is connected to mentality plays a big role.
As such, Fujitora would probably have the lowest bounty, followed by Aokiji, then Aramaki, reckless personality, so also dangerous, and young, you could say he’s like Jack, but of course, much stronger, Kizaru, experienced, unpredictable and a very dangerous fruit, finally Akainu, but he’s kinda hard to place, he’d play the role of an unaffiliated bounty hunter with knight templar tendencies, but who would he hunt? Pirates? Maybe CDs that he sees as a detriment to justice? You kinda have to change the personalities of the Admirals to make it feasible, but hmmm
Fuji 2.5, Aokiji 2.8 Aramaki 3.6 Kizaru 4.5 Akainu 4.8