Future Events If Nika beats Kaido smiling, it would look like a low diff.

Even after luffy literally being killed and resurrected, he's now fighting Kaido smiling.

Imo it would be pretty embarrassing for Kaido to being defeated by someone laughing, an hard disrespect.

Will Luffy get serious again in this fight? Or will luffy ever go serious again in this series?
The whole idea of Nika/JoyBoy is "Joy" "Nika = Smile". So yh he would beat Kaido Smiling. Even if he doesn't want to "Sounds Familiar" ?
Kaido and Orochi both fed their Smiles to the Citizens and the poor Pleasures. What a fitting way for Kaido to be beaten?

This is Luffy we are talking about here not Zoro. Luffy's fights are debates and symbolism. You should know this by now check how Luffy have beaten all of his opponents.
Yeah so after fighting 55 chapters. Defeating him offlicaly two times just in that phase, fighting 16 alliance at that time most of them YC3+ then holding island non stop. Do you realize if we include fb and other stuffs its atleast 60 chapter the whole marine saga would be over by tha time and kaido fought without rest.
Nah, that's not how it works. Zoro was smirking against Kamazou and we all know that that fight ain't a low diff. Facial expressions doesn't really mean anything. I mean Kaido was also laughing in the fight as well.