Anime & Manga If the admirals are not Yonko level then Zoro and Sanji will never be Yonko level

“Imu is a space pirate”

Oh boy.
And here we have caught up to the most interesting part. One Piece is a very predictable story, the pirate christ has been going form island to island freeing the oppressed people from evil pirates, so what's next? Freeing the entire world from the evil pirate who has taken over the entire world and destroyed the the ancient kingdom and rewritten the history: that's literally the same playbook as the one used by every–single–pirate that Luffy defeated. From Alabasta to Wano! That's so evident that I don't even understand how no one even made a theory about it lol.
We will never see a yonkou fight fully without pis so ppl will always underestimate yonkou level. For example if Zoro and mihawk don't split the sky ppl will Write it off as visual effect without ever acknowledging that two yonkous colliding is like 2 super super nukes going off. For example Luffy can dodge an explosion stuck to his body and Kaidou is even faster than that.

The inconsistencies are to blame.
Younko/Admiral play in the same ballpark

Zoro and Sanji will be on that level or above, Luffy will be above anyone else

That should be common sense now

Im an Admiral wanker myself

But its sad for those who want to wank Mihawk when his feats are leagues below any Admirals and Younko. Lets hope this changes somehow..
It baffles my mind that in a story about "pirates," with main character wanting to become "the king of the pirates," where all "strength titles" are given only to the pirates, where the main two villains of the story are pirates, where the author himself admits that one piece was always about Luffy fighting against the 4 Emperors and that he added the Marines and Shichibukai just because he thought that it would make the story more interesting: people still think that Yonko=Admiral.
narratively speaking

changing 800 years of oppression and destroy a tyrannical institution > defeating a simple pirate from just a random era

take that and do what you will
Why would you want Sanji and Zoro to be Yonkou level. It makes the world that much smaller. Maybe after the story is over but if the two were that strong that leaves no room for adventure. I could see if their was a bunch of people way past Yonkou level for them to fight but being a pirate means there's ever present danger that threatens to destroy you crew.

Also Sanjo and Zoro are henchmen if they can go beat Luffys opponents than... I mean come on. I like to use Rayleigh and Scooper for example. If Rayleigh could go fight garp or whitebeard to a stalemate then whats the fun.
Mihawk was never ~ Rocks pirates or FA
He's placed below logia Admirals & Yonko

Zoro will never equal rocks pirates nor PK
He won't even surpass FA level

Surpassing Mihawk =/= surpassing Yonko level