Future Events If you hated Egghead, you should probably drop one piece.

Egg head was a descent arc and not slow unlike wano. However if you hated egg head you should probably drop one piece because this is probably odas best arc post time skip and he is not getting any better.
Because if you keep complaining after reading all of post time skip it would just be like you are in an abusive relationship and refusing to leave. Yes the marriage was great the first few years now your spouse is beating you and you don’t want to leave thinking they would change (no they won’t)
People arent dropping OP because they want to see it through, because they followed it for too long.
Nothing to do with disliking Egghead and most arcs in post-TS.
Unless someone genuinely liked this running in a circle where nothing was accomplished? :milaugh:
It is too bothersome at this point, with this pacing at least 5 more years is guaranteed
Naturally you might be curious in the future and read it in one go, probably with a poker face
People arent dropping OP because they want to see it through, because they followed it for too long.
Nothing to do with disliking Egghead and most arcs in post-TS.
Unless someone genuinely liked this running in a circle where nothing was accomplished? :milaugh:
There is a difference between waiting for one piece to conclude and binge read it or bing read it every arc. But if someone is going to complain every week that one piece is trash then I won’t take that persons opinion. Because at this point the complaint is too much
Or the complaints are justified? :bamathink:
They are justified no piece of media can be perfect so it is just dumb to keep on making the same complaint over and over again. It is like me complaining about the inconsistency in the flash series every episode and also watching the whole 8 or so seasons when I could have just dropped it when I know the creators were inconsistent
There's fun to be had in pointing out flaws, and even if I think Oda has lost the plot in more ways than one, I find myself laughing at some of the absurd decisions he makes. I was laughing my ass off at the random rope that Emeth almost literally pulled out of his ass this last chapter, and even moreso at some of the discussion around the implications of it, and of course the memes it spawned.

You can dislike the direction a story goes into, and see that the level of storywriting is that of bad fanfiction, but still find enjoyment in reading it one way or another. Just because someone is complaining doesn't mean that there's not also moments where they're enjoying themselves anyway. Even the complaining can be satisfying.

I, for one, am greatly looking forward to the fallout over Elbaf :shocking:
(And hey, maybe it will be really good, you never know.)
People complain because they like to complain, 90% of this forum is people complaining about something, either because of an agenda or some other petty reason they have.
They will also keep reading because the fact that you complain about something doesn't mean that you don't like it, some people keep reading because of their favorite characters, world building, or any aspect of the story that they like, and even some people read it only to complain.
It's not an abusive relationship or some shit like that, because at the end of the day, reading one piece is just a hobby, and honestly, people probably even feel better complaining.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here, but if you don't like it, you should move to a Japanese forum where no one complains about anything and everyone discusses things like how wonderful a piece is.
Egg head was a descent arc and not slow unlike wano. However if you hated egg head you should probably drop one piece because this is probably odas best arc post time skip and he is not getting any better.
Because if you keep complaining after reading all of post time skip it would just be like you are in an abusive relationship and refusing to leave. Yes the marriage was great the first few years now your spouse is beating you and you don’t want to leave thinking they would change (no they won’t)

You are wrong.
Plot writing at some point became really bad. Overreaction to spend time looks bad.
There's no logic story telling from side of some characters, for example:

Situation, MC jumped above the river, next scene should be MC fall into the river, or succesfully landed on the ground, but it can't change to situation where MC didn't even jump.

This example is about Zoro vs Gandi situation.

Same goes for Zoro vs Lucci battle. It was bad writening.

And this was just few examples of bad writening of Egghead
Egg head was a descent arc and not slow unlike wano. However if you hated egg head you should probably drop one piece because this is probably odas best arc post time skip and he is not getting any better.
Because if you keep complaining after reading all of post time skip it would just be like you are in an abusive relationship and refusing to leave. Yes the marriage was great the first few years now your spouse is beating you and you don’t want to leave thinking they would change (no they won’t)
There is a difference between waiting for one piece to conclude and binge read it or bing read it every arc. But if someone is going to complain every week that one piece is trash then I won’t take that persons opinion. Because at this point the complaint is too much
They are justified no piece of media can be perfect so it is just dumb to keep on making the same complaint over and over again. It is like me complaining about the inconsistency in the flash series every episode and also watching the whole 8 or so seasons when I could have just dropped it when I know the creators were inconsistent
Agree you ain't goin ever get good fanservice like this again in the next arcs
No I like the memes
There's fun to be had in pointing out flaws, and even if I think Oda has lost the plot in more ways than one, I find myself laughing at some of the absurd decisions he makes. I was laughing my ass off at the random rope that Emeth almost literally pulled out of his ass this last chapter, and even moreso at some of the discussion around the implications of it, and of course the memes it spawned.

You can dislike the direction a story goes into, and see that the level of storywriting is that of bad fanfiction, but still find enjoyment in reading it one way or another. Just because someone is complaining doesn't mean that there's not also moments where they're enjoying themselves anyway. Even the complaining can be satisfying.

I, for one, am greatly looking forward to the fallout over Elbaf :shocking:
(And hey, maybe it will be really good, you never know.)

You are wrong.
Plot writing at some point became really bad. Overreaction to spend time looks bad.
There's no logic story telling from side of some characters, for example:

Situation, MC jumped above the river, next scene should be MC fall into the river, or succesfully landed on the ground, but it can't change to situation where MC didn't even jump.

This example is about Zoro vs Gandi situation.

Same goes for Zoro vs Lucci battle. It was bad writening.

And this was just few examples of bad writening of Egghead
Why are you complaining about people complaining?
Egghead is not bad.
Had ton of great moments, the best flashback with Kuma and a interesting topic.

Depends on the ending I will give my final opinion on it. But it is one of the best arcs in new world, better than Wano for sure.