What type of faction would you work for?
Type of DF you'd like to use?
What would your ambitions be?
What Haki do you think you'd specialize in (Rootbeer is banned from answering this specific question for certain reasons)?
I want to be an adventurer or treasure hunter if there's something like that. If no, i'd be a pirate since sailing is fun.
I will have Control Control Paramecia Fruit, the ability to control the body-mind-soul of living beings, including animals, humans, etc. Can't control objects, only living beings. When Awakened, the control ability gets an ability to ignore haki or strength of the beings i can control, also ignore the number limitation of living beings i can control and make rules over.
So i can control strong people and creatures, and i can set the controlled being's actions as just once, a few times, or constant without stopping, or obeying any set of rules i make. With no limitation on the number / amount of living beings / people i can control, i'm all set.
My grand ambition is somewhat peaceful, it's to live as a peaceful ruler of some massive tropical palace in the most beautiful island in the world, having multiple wives, with economic prosperity and military might being mainly supported by the beings i control.
I wanna specialize in Conqueror Haki but not in physical combat, instead i focus on harmonizing my Conqueror and Control DF in order to maximize its effect. My physical combat ability will only stem from physical strength and maximizing what i can from CoO and CoA.