Questions & Mysteries If Zoro vice captain...



Then why his bounty doesn't stand out and jimbei and sanji have also 1 billion?

Like with luffy at 3 billions, zoro at 2 billions, then sanji and jimbei at 1 billion I could see zoro stand out as VC, but this way they are just the new M3 .


You make one thread like this at least a month.

King also didn't had a bounty much greater than King. Katakuri doesn't have a much greater bounty than Cracker and we doesn't even know Smoothie. Sabo bounty is close to other commanders.
Smoothie has 930 m

Katakuri is only one above 1 billions and like +200 m more then cracker.

And they are sweet commanders for a reason and he was not named vice


When was Smoothie bounty revealed?

And what VC do you know that it's bounty is highly above the others if not Zoro until DR/WCI?
When she got introduced

Rayleigh bounty is unknown but there is no way that scooper and another guy had almost same bounty

Ben also unlikely to have same bounty as lucky roux and rockstar