Powers & Abilities Improve "useless" Fruits

Here are some ideas how the lesser impressive/useless fruits can be improved. After all a DF is only as strong as the user and his imagination. "Imagination is a weapon. Those who lack it are first to die."

Jake Jake no Mi: The user can transform into a jacket and controll anyone (human or monsters alike) who weares them. But can the user cantroll it if he can transform complet into a jacket? What if the user can train the ability to the point they can transform only parts of there body make them supernatural flexible; immune to non-haki punches; heck even combine it with the Kami-e (Paper-Art) from the Rokushiki techniques and the Semei Kikan (Life Return) to have to maximal body controll, as example flatten there arm but have enough control to move it and shape it (like origami) into a blade shape and harden it with haki. What can the User do else? Well what have the most jackest? Pockets and Zippers of course! Not necessary pockets but the user can store weapons and other objects in there body to have easy excess to weapons anytime they need it; maybe even store a full alltery in there body unzipp it and shower the enemy with bullets. And Zippers! Ok hear me out; I be honest with this but if I think about zipper based powers I think about Sticky Fingers from JoJos; so what if the user can Unzipp there body parts (a arm as example) and move them separatly, attack an enemy and pull in the enemys an in the unzipped arm taking control of it (Stop hitting yourself XD). As awakening the user can either turn others in to jackets and wear them; maybe unzipp body parts and wear them and/or turn the enviroment into a „jacket“ and „wear“ it and take full controll of it.

Chiyu Chiyu no Mi: The user creates water that can heal, simple and basic BUT what if they heal to much. The answer is Cancer; uncontrolled cell growth inside the body of the victim and I mean not a slow grow, no a more aggressive extrem growth inside the enemies bodie to kill them inside. Another aspect improve selfhealing; as example if you cut an the limp of a Axolotl it will regrow, but sometimes not one but two arms grow back on the same spot, so the user can heal them self to the point that they can grow back mutiple limps; heck even mutiple organs which are all functional. The user can maybe shot it like bullets (like the Water Bullets from Fish-Men Karate) either to harm the enemy or to heal an ally. As awakening maaybe the user can turn all liquids into „Healing Water“.

Nagi Nagi no Mi: The User creates a soundproof field to cancel all noises and can cancel all noises that user produces and they action produces (explosions, shoots, ect.). But are Soundwaves? Vibrations! With enough training the user can cancel all vibrations and be the perfect counter to the Gura Gura no Mi (Tremor, Vibrations). But let us be more creative; what if the user can not only cancel but close in vibrations and creating an echo chamber; creating more vibrations in it and turning it into a less destrutive attack like from the Gura Gura no Mi (more akin to are to the Earthquake Bubbles); creating a invisible bubble that can cut through anything and reduces stones to dust. Maybe even create Sound Bombs by realising highly destructive sound waves against the enemies (like Ursus Shock); or realse it on the ground to create a small scale earthquake. But must it be a bubble? With enough training the user can maybe change the form of the soundproof field and use it to coat weapons, like a sword and creating a Ultrasonic Cutter but more extreme. As awakening just cancel all noises and vibration.

I made the same post in Reddit:
Ideas to make "useless" Fruits more interesting : OnePiece (reddit.com)
Swim-Swim fruit: Don't eat it, sell it
I’d eat it. Don’t know why simpletons can’t comprehend the practicality and hax of that fruit.

I can literally phase through solid objects, like push against a wall and slip through like it’s a mere waterfall. Rob a bank and just dive away with the loot.

Blue Walk with it would be broken, Senor Pink can already use buildings as ramps.
I will skip possibly drowning in earth, ty
I’d eat it. Don’t know why simpletons can’t comprehend the practicality and hax of that fruit.

I can literally phase through solid objects, like push against a wall and slip through like it’s a mere waterfall. Rob a bank and just dive away with the loot.

Blue Walk with it would be broken, Senor Pink can already use buildings as ramps.
These are all just good selling points to me
Bet it would fetch at least an Ace