Future Events Imu Is Not Evil! Who Is The True Final Villain?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
This title is a bit click-baity, Imu deserves to die but stick with me lol. So:

DISCLAIMER: Many users will see this post as a “cope” post from a classic Admiral Enjoyer such as myself

But this post is genuinely 100% no trolling not about that at all. I have said repeatedly in the past that with the introduction of the Seraphim, the Admirals’ status as true EOS villains has long since been usurped.

And while I do think Akainu vs Goofy is still written in the stars, I do not believe the Admirals are the true EOS baddies of this manga. That honor has been claimed by the Seraphim.

While I do believe we will get a Marineford 2.0, the ultimate fate of the Marines in this series is either to fall just before the true final battle (Ryokugyu) or to straight up switch sides and wind up as Allies against the true big bads.

So extremely long disclaimer statement out of the way,

I do not believe that Imu is destined to be the final villain of this manga, nor do I believe that distinction will fall to Blackbeard. I want to talk a bit conceptually about what I think the final villain of One Piece should be and why I think Imu cannot fulfill that role.

There have been a variety of villains in the story of OP, and all of these villains when you look at them conceptually are symptoms of larger narrative problems.

For example, would Kaido even exist if One Piece itself did not exist? Would the Yonko as a whole exist were it not for the promise of the One Piece? The concept of four all-powerful pirates locked into a stalemate in the pursuit of Roger’s treasure cannot exist if One Piece itself did not exist.

The same thing could be said of practically every faction in the OP world as they exist now. The Marines exist because pirates exist. Pirates exist because One Piece exists. The Revolutionaries exist because the World Government exists. Hell even Roger himself wouldn’t have become the Pirate king and ignited the pirate era were it not for the world’s true history being concealed for some reason.

All of the current One Piece players that we know are symptoms of larger narrative problems. There is always a “why” to their existence, there is always some initial first cause that must exist in order for all these other groups and factions to exist.

So with that said, let’s talk about Imu.

At a first glance, Imu appears to be an extremely evil practically all-powerful figure responsible for just about every large scale atrocity that takes place in the OP world right now.

However, what I never see anyone discuss is why Imu does the things they do. There is some kind of larger, more all-encompassing concept that has caused Imu to be the way that he/she is, even if that concept is just that Imu was greedy and desired more power.

Why is Imu greedy? Why does Imu want more power? If the simple answer is that Imu is greedy for the sake of greed, then the story can’t just be about defeating Imu anymore.

If Luffy defeats Imu at EOS and there is no larger big bad to beat, then ultimately it will only be a matter of time until another Imu arises and takes the throne. Without defeating the very root cause of Imu’s greed, then Imu is ultimately just the symptom of a much larger problem. Beat Imu, and eventually others will experience the same greed Imu does, and others will slowly and slowly corrupt even a perfect World Government, until eventually another secret Imu seats another secret Imu throne for the same reasons that the first Imu did.

We may defeat Imu, but if we don’t defeat the source of Imu’s evil, what exactly have we accomplished? Temporary peace and happiness that will ultimately be broken again in a few hundred years? Another technologically utopian Kingdom like the AK where all is perfect until suddenly it collapses?

Why did the Ancient Kingdom collapse? Why did the World Government form? Why does Imu exist the way he does? If Oda ends the series by simply defeating Imu and not answering or solving any of these questions, then ultimately the Straw Hats will have accomplished nothing. They will ultimately be remembered as nothing more than a bright spot in a very dark history, rather than the true-world saving, freedom for all warriors that Oda wants them to be remembered as.

No, I do not believe Imu is truly evil at her core. There must be an all-encompassing source from which all of these other symptoms and problems have been derived, including Imu, and that all-encompassing source must be defeated, else the Straw Hats will not truly have created the world of laughter that Oda has worked for 30 years to create. It is this all-encompassing source that I believe will be the true final villain of One Piece. If the source isn’t defeated, then ultimately more symptoms will arise.

But what is the source of all evil in the OP world and how do we stop it? And how does that make Imu a good guy? And before I address this I want to talk a little about the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, because I think these books are a perfect roadmap to understanding what Imu is supposed to represent conceptually.

Now I’m going to spoiler tag this next part, if you plan to read the Mistborn books just know I’m about to spoil literally everything, but I’ll keep it in the spoiler tags.

So in the Mistborn books, there is a character extremely similar to Imu called the Lord Ruler. Very briefly, the Lord Ruler is essentially an all-powerful, immortal, deific autocrat who rules the world of Mistborn with an iron fist. He runs a slave empire, he kills and silences his critics and opposition, he runs a merciless military regime, he censors and erases all history and knowledge, and he is overall just a completely merciless tyrant who appears to be responsible for all evil present in the world.

Book One is, essentially, a story about overthrowing the Lord Ruler. The main characters believe that when they defeat the Lord Ruler, they can create a world full of justice and happiness for all.

When the Lord Ruler is finally mortally wounded and collapses, he dies with an ominous final forboding: “You have no idea what I protect you from!”

A bit of a strange thing for a monstrous evil slave Emperor to say right before death right? But nevermind that! We can now build the perfect happy world that we’ve always dreamed of as we lived every single day under the Lord Ruler’s horrific regime! We can now build a perfect world!


You see, the Lord Ruler is defeated in Book One. Book Two begins a year after Book One ends, and it is immediately apparent that everything is worse and has gone to shit. The main characters try to do the things they wished the Lord Ruler had done: they free the slaves, they disband the Lord Ruler’s armies, they outlaw a lot of the evil shit that the Lord Ruler permitted, and they begin to search for the true history of their world that the Lord Ruler had erased.

The consequences? Everything immediately goes to shit. Uprisings, riots, revolts, wars for power, the planet itself starts to kill random people, the world starts getting hotter and hotter, everything begins to collapse and turn to chaos.

The main characters initially try their best to stop all this, but fail repeatedly until they ultimately come to a terrifying conclusion.

The Lord Ruler was not truly evil. He did a bunch of evil things, but they remember his last words and slowly come to realize that he was ultimately correct. The Lord Ruler did protect them, he did prevent everything from becoming worse. They couldn’t understand it at the time, but as more and more time passes, they stop viewing the Lord Ruler as an evil tyrant who needed to be overthrown, and more as a tragic figure trying his best to protect everyone from chaos.

The Lord Ruler was the symptom, and they defeated the symptom without defeating the source.

Now I don’t say all this to sound like an Imu simp or an Imu justifier. Imu must die, if for no other reason than his actions and practices must die with him.

But I do say this to say that the final villain of this manga must be the source of the world’s problems and not the symptoms. Imu is a giant symptom but he is not the cause of all of the world’s evil.

I think we will end up finding out as we learn more and more about the OP world and why all of this shit happened, the more we will view Imu as a tragic figure just trying his or her best to prevent something even worse from coming to fruition.

There is a reason all these Kingdoms ganged up on the Ancient Kingdom, there is a reason the true history is being hidden, there is a reason the true OP world is probably buried miles beneath the waves at this point.

And that reason certainly isn’t some secret King who took power after the Ancient Kingdom fell. The true OP final villain must be the ultimate source of every problem and conflict introduced into this world’s thousand year history, or else we will never realize the true world of laughter and freedom that Lolda masturbates to in his sleep.

Some good candidates are the Sea Devil or the blood soaked serpent, who Imu is trying to conceal the existence of.

Thank you for reading.

@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Playa4321 @Veku
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I totally agree that Imu isn't Final Villain, and i'm glad that you noticed how He/She doesn't fit.
People simply need to read Every Arc before

Luffy is Warrior of Liberation, when He reaches an Island, and there is a Villainous Figure who disturbed that Island's Peace, then Luffy will Defeat him, but what's common between all those Villains, is that once They are Defeated, entire Location becomes Instantly Peaceful (Including the Villain's Henchmen ofc)

U Defeat Morgan, Shells Town becomes Perfect
U Defeat Buggy, same for Orange Town
Same for Kuro & Syrup Village
Same for Krieg & Baratie
Same for Arlong & Nami's Island
(But when He met Smoker for example, He didn't win cuz Smoker didn't Endanger anything or anyone)

And the same continued with Mr. 3 & Little Garden (But for example, He didn't Defeat Igaram cuz Whisky Peak didn't have Victims)
And then Wapol & Drum Island
Crocodilr & Arabasta Kingdom
Enel & Skypiea
Foxy & Long Ring Land
Lucci & Water 7
Moria & Florian Triangle (However, He didn't Defeat Hancock, Magellan & Sengoku, cuz They weren't Oppressing anyone)
Hody & Fishmen Island
Caesar & Punk Hazard
Doflamingo & Dressrosa
Kaidou & Wano (He also didn't Fight Big Mom, cuz again, Totto Land didn't need Liberation, He was the Intruder, not Big Mom)
PS: He does fight Henchmen however sometimes, such as Blueno, Mohji, Cracker & Katakuri ... etc)

So for Final Arc, Final Villain is the Guy who prevents Peace in entire World
Imu might be ruling Biggest Faction that is World Government, but He doesn't hold World Peace in his Hands, Defeating him isn't enough, there are still Pirates & Corrupt Marines out there to Stop

Final Villain is the guy who is running the entire world secretly, the guy who Planned the entire Story, He is OP's Version of Madara or Aizen in terms of Planning, and the reason this show is called "One Piece" is cuz entire World is like a Coin, and there are Two Faces to it, meaning Two Fates, Two Timelines, Two Versions of everything, and this Final Villain is ruling One Side of it, trying to completely Erase the other (Probably)

Imo, Final Villain is "Sea God" mentioned in Vander Decken's Backstory
And there is High Chance He will be Introduced in Next 10 Chapters


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Great thread

This is the type of theory that of executed well, would genuinely be amazing.

I have a feeling that OP is going to introduce some type of primordial creator type of figure as a main antagonist(like Kaguya for example) For a time, I believed Imu was that figure.

After learning that Imu is probably just a mythical zoan with immortality, though, I think we will instead get a new villain.

I believe this villain could be Davy Jones, or the entity behind the creation of dfs, and, could maybe be one of the personalities inside of Blackbeard if the theory about him having 3 personalities is true.
The bad guy was Nika all along. All the Kingdoms were so sick of his shit that they magically stuffed him into a devil fruit to be banished for all eternity to be used as an arse pull power up for others. Now that he has been unleashed upon the world once more, Luffy will have to beat himself up to save the planet from the baloney that is Looney Tunes reality warping powers. GG Oda. :pepecroc:
We know the Final Villian since chapter 44 (4 means Shin in japanese; which can mean Death; so Double Death)
User of the Omni-Omni Fruit making him a Omnipotent Human; the Ultimate Hybrid between Man and Panda-Mink with a Power Level of 3 300 000 Chojin
I totally agree that Imu isn't Final Villain, and i'm glad that you noticed how He/She doesn't fit.
People simply need to read Every Arc before

Luffy is Warrior of Liberation, when He reaches an Island, and there is a Villainous Figure who disturbed that Island's Peace, then Luffy will Defeat him, but what's common between all those Villains, is that once They are Defeated, entire Location becomes Instantly Peaceful (Including the Villain's Henchmen ofc)

U Defeat Morgan, Shells Town becomes Perfect
U Defeat Buggy, same for Orange Town
Same for Kuro & Syrup Village
Same for Krieg & Baratie
Same for Arlong & Nami's Island
(But when He met Smoker for example, He didn't win cuz Smoker didn't Endanger anything or anyone)

And the same continued with Mr. 3 & Little Garden (But for example, He didn't Defeat Igaram cuz Whisky Peak didn't have Victims)
And then Wapol & Drum Island
Crocodilr & Arabasta Kingdom
Enel & Skypiea
Foxy & Long Ring Land
Lucci & Water 7
Moria & Florian Triangle (However, He didn't Defeat Hancock, Magellan & Sengoku, cuz They weren't Oppressing anyone)
Hody & Fishmen Island
Caesar & Punk Hazard
Doflamingo & Dressrosa
Kaidou & Wano (He also didn't Fight Big Mom, cuz again, Totto Land didn't need Liberation, He was the Intruder, not Big Mom)
PS: He does fight Henchmen however sometimes, such as Blueno, Mohji, Cracker & Katakuri ... etc)

So for Final Arc, Final Villain is the Guy who prevents Peace in entire World
Imu might be ruling Biggest Faction that is World Government, but He doesn't hold World Peace in his Hands, Defeating him isn't enough, there are still Pirates & Corrupt Marines out there to Stop

Final Villain is the guy who is running the entire world secretly, the guy who Planned the entire Story, He is OP's Version of Madara or Aizen in terms of Planning, and the reason this show is called "One Piece" is cuz entire World is like a Coin, and there are Two Faces to it, meaning Two Fates, Two Timelines, Two Versions of everything, and this Final Villain is ruling One Side of it, trying to completely Erase the other (Probably)

Imo, Final Villain is "Sea God" mentioned in Vander Decken's Backstory
And there is High Chance He will be Introduced in Next 10 Chapters
Orrrrr maybe its just Shanks. Quite literally is "guiding" Luffy along even now to the point of knowing what Nika was and stealing it from the WG ship, seemingly by his design.

But hey Im just a lowly biased Shanks bro so me know nothing:handsup:

Anyway, nice post OP, I can very well see this being the reason why Roger and Rayleigh were very apprehensive about "doing" something to the WG, in that they are potentially keeping something at bay.

Edit: My only issue with this is if its not someone we know (i.e. Blackbeard or Shanks), we are starting to head down Kaguya territory and thats bad.

It just being Imu simplifies things. I never take this series as some complex writing marvel, but Imu being exposed and the WG being defeated sort of addresses this problem in a perfect bubble. I dont think Oda will write, in essense, a solution to a more meta issue in the story if a secret ruler is taken down.
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Orrrrr maybe its just Shanks. Quite literally is "guiding" Luffy along even now to the point of knowing what Nika was and stealing it from the WG ship, seemingly by his design.

But hey Im just a lowly biased Shanks bro so me know nothing:handsup:
Each Villain have someone who is supposed to replace him or is already Ruling & the Villain wanna dethrone him
So just like there is a Villain who controlling entire Fate (Story so far), there is another Character who is supposed to Rule the World instead

So when i said Sea God is Final Villain, i believe He represents Evil God, there is still a Good God of OP and that's imo Shanks
And Oda inspired this from Dragon Ball, Final Villain was Piccolo & He represented Evil Version of DB's Planet's God

How does One Piece Planet have a Ruler? Well, cuz entire Planet is a Ship (Similar to Thriller Bark Reveal)
And SHs are on their Path to become this Planet's Main Crew, that's why each one is gonna become The Best there is in their Roles.
(For example, you could say that EOS Chopper is World Ship's Doctor & Sanji is World Cook & Zoro is World Swordsman ... etc)

And every Ship has a Klabautermann, and depending on Crew's Actions, this Ship Spirit can either bring Joy & Music & Blessings, or it can be Evil & Vengeful & create Problems (Dooming The Ship Crew)

So imo Final Villain is Evil Sea God & Evil Klabautermann of The World, while Shanks is entire Story's Version of Riku or Cobra or Boodle or Momo or Neptune ... etc (Basically who is supposed to shape the World, hence why Oda said that Shanks represents him & his Haki is Overwhelming, it's cuz He is OP World's Kami)

And this is why The World has two versions, one where Evil Kami is Ruling, and if Luffy fixes this with help of his Crew, They can restore the World to an Ideal Version where no Evil exists (Or as Roger said, let's turn the World upside down)
Each Villain have someone who is supposed to replace him or is already Ruling & the Villain wanna dethrone him
So just like there is a Villain who controlling entire Fate (Story so far), there is another Character who is supposed to Rule the World instead

So when i said Sea God is Final Villain, i believe He represents Evil God, there is still a Good God of OP and that's imo Shanks
And Oda inspired this from Dragon Ball, Final Villain was Piccolo & He represented Evil Version of DB's Planet's God

How does One Piece Planet have a Ruler? Well, cuz entire Planet is a Ship (Similar to Thriller Bark Reveal)
And SHs are on their Path to become this Planet's Main Crew, that's why each one is gonna become The Best there is in their Roles.
(For example, you could say that EOS Chopper is World Ship's Doctor & Sanji is World Cook & Zoro is World Swordsman ... etc)

And every Ship has a Klabautermann, and depending on Crew's Actions, this Ship Spirit can either bring Joy & Music & Blessings, or it can be Evil & Vengeful & create Problems (Dooming The Ship Crew)

So imo Final Villain is Evil Sea God & Evil Klabautermann of The World, while Shanks is entire Story's Version of Riku or Cobra or Boodle or Momo or Neptune ... etc (Basically who is supposed to shape the World, hence why Oda said that Shanks represents him & his Haki is Overwhelming, it's cuz He is OP World's Kami)

And this is why The World has two versions, one where Evil Kami is Ruling, and if Luffy fixes this with help of his Crew, They can restore the World to an Ideal Version where no Evil exists (Or as Roger said, let's turn the World upside down)
Completely disagree.

Not only does evidently not align with things Shanks is trying to do (i.e. find one piece first, attack Luffy's fleet, etc), but it also is the complete antithesis of the manga itself.

The entire concept of this series (as Luffy has explained) is complete freedom of the seas, and we've been told time and time again that the CDs ruling the world are part of the problem.

Evidently Shanks is also a celestial dragon by blood, which is problem #1. #2 is the fact that Shanks isnt immortal, so the same issue will arise the moment he dies because he's only one person.

Having no actual ruler of the world and sea is a permanent solution to the constraints the story provides. Realize that Shanks, to my knowledge, has never uttered the word "Freedom", but has multiple times used the word "Peace". These are not the same things as the latter can mean malicious intent depending on how it is achieved.
Also, Luffy being used by Shanks so that Shanks can rule the world "ideally" sounds extremely sus on paper.

Trust me, I beleive Shanks is technically against the Government, but I absolutely believe he has his own endgame that wont align with Luffys. Even if this is the solution he proposes to Luffy, theres absolutely no way Luffy would agree to it, because it still ends up with the same problem: control of the seas.
Completely disagree.

Not only does evidently not align with things Shanks is trying to do (i.e. find one piece first, attack Luffy's fleet, etc), but it also is the complete antithesis of the manga itself.

The entire concept of this series (as Luffy has explained) is complete freedom of the seas, and we've been told time and time again that the CDs ruling the world are part of the problem.

Evidently Shanks is also a celestial dragon by blood, which is problem #1. #2 is the fact that Shanks isnt immortal, so the same issue will arise the moment he dies because he's only one person.

Having no actual ruler of the world and sea is a permanent solution to the constraints the story provides. Realize that Shanks, to my knowledge, has never uttered the word "Freedom", but has multiple times used the word "Peace". These are not the same things as the latter can mean malicious intent depending on how it is achieved.
Also, Luffy being used by Shanks so that Shanks can rule the world "ideally" sounds extremely sus on paper.

Trust me, I beleive Shanks is technically against the Government, but I absolutely believe he has his own endgame that wont align with Luffys. Even if this is the solution he proposes to Luffy, theres absolutely no way Luffy would agree to it, because it still ends up with the same problem: control of the seas.
I didn't say Shanks would Rule the World at the End
That's actually the reason People who Parallel Luffy & SHs from Past Failed while SHs will Succeed
And it's the whole point of Shanks giving his Hat to Luffy, it shows that Luffy will do things differently this time

Shanks is still competing with Luffy cuz He believes that if Luffy Fails then He was never meant to have a better Answer to this World's Problem, it's like when Zoro said that if He dies, then He was never meant to become WSS, as simple as that

All SHs Dreams are gonna change the World in a way that never happened before, Chopper is gonna make the World Sickness-Free, Sanji is gonna turn it Hunger-Free, Nami will make it Poverty-Free, and then Racism-Free, Loneliness-Free, No Fear anymore and possibly No Death.
They are gonna create Heaven for entire World, their Jobs won't even be Necessary anymore, no one is gonna Starve or get Lost or fail to reach a Place or get Sick or be Racist towards others or Live in Fear ... etc

Luffy imo is gonna create a World where his own Role becomes Obsolete & that's Captain or Leader, meaning He will create a World that doesn't require a Leader to guide people, they will be United always which would put an end to any potential conflict in the future (As i said, basically Heaven, there are no Laws but that's because no one is gonna bother anyone, everyone's Hearts will be in Sync & aim for Joy & Peace & Freedom)

So no, i don't believe Shanks is gonna Rule the World, but He does aim to do so, He have his own Plan & He believes it's his right to do so, but Luffy is gonna Surpass him by creating a Permanant Peace, not just a Temporary One that doesn't guarantee that same Scenario as the Past will repeat itself

In other words, i did say that Shanks is like this World's Riku or Gan Fall or Momo or Neptune, but at the End, He won't take his Spot as Ruler, because Luffy will completely erase the need for a Throne
I didn't say Shanks would Rule the World at the End
That's actually the reason People who Parallel Luffy & SHs from Past Failed while SHs will Succeed
And it's the whole point of Shanks giving his Hat to Luffy, it shows that Luffy will do things differently this time

Shanks is still competing with Luffy cuz He believes that if Luffy Fails then He was never meant to have a better Answer to this World's Problem, it's like when Zoro said that if He dies, then He was never meant to become WSS, as simple as that

All SHs Dreams are gonna change the World in a way that never happened before, Chopper is gonna make the World Sickness-Free, Sanji is gonna turn it Hunger-Free, Nami will make it Poverty-Free, and then Racism-Free, Loneliness-Free, No Fear anymore and possibly No Death.
They are gonna create Heaven for entire World, their Jobs won't even be Necessary anymore, no one is gonna Starve or get Lost or fail to reach a Place or get Sick or be Racist towards others or Live in Fear ... etc

Luffy imo is gonna create a World where his own Role becomes Obsolete & that's Captain or Leader, meaning He will create a World that doesn't require a Leader to guide people, they will be United always which would put an end to any potential conflict in the future (As i said, basically Heaven, there are no Laws but that's because no one is gonna bother anyone, everyone's Hearts will be in Sync & aim for Joy & Peace & Freedom)

So no, i don't believe Shanks is gonna Rule the World, but He does aim to do so, He have his own Plan & He believes it's his right to do so, but Luffy is gonna Surpass him by creating a Permanant Peace, not just a Temporary One that doesn't guarantee that same Scenario as the Past will repeat itself
Ah then I completely misread. This I agree with, the idea that Shanks needs Luffy (or Nika) to achieve his directive for the new era. Whether or not it is sinister or grey or just in the wrong in nature is anyone's guess though
Ah then I completely misread. This I agree with, the idea that Shanks needs Luffy (or Nika) to achieve his directive for the new era. Whether or not it is sinister or grey or just in the wrong in nature is anyone's guess though
I believe Current Yonko all represent Versions of Oda, They are basically "The Narrator" imo
But each have a different Plan or Idea about what it means to Rule & how They Shape the World

For starters, All Four of them seems to have that Super Rare Ability mentioned by Mihawk in Marineford
Ability to Attract Allies or Followers, They basically bend Fate to their Favor

If we want to guess how Shanks's Justice work, We need to figure out the other Three & see how Shanks compares.
Their Crews should represent a Mini-Version of how the World would be if ran by these Four
Gorosei has multiple moral contradictions. Sometimes they seem to want to avoid chaos and want peace but on the other hand they talk of humans as "insects".

There is something that goes in favour of your theory and is the big question for many of us: why doesn't the world government just wipe out everyone? Why do they want to hold this balance if they can simply overpower it? That is unknown and it must have a reason. The answer could be that they have no interest in that and simply want to hold some semblance of peace the way they can while protecting of a bigger chaos.

The bad guy was Nika all along. All the Kingdoms were so sick of his shit that they magically stuffed him into a devil fruit to be banished for all eternity to be used as an arse pull power up for others. Now that he has been unleashed upon the world once more, Luffy will have to beat himself up to save the planet from the baloney that is Looney Tunes reality warping powers. GG Oda. :pepecroc:
This is a potential concept. This evil might be sealed currently and will be unlocked unknowingly.
The final enemy is the slavery.

Pirates, marines amd revos will still exist imo. But more happy. It aint like Luffy and his crew are gonna be the last pirates, or Coby the last marine.

Dragon amd his revos will no longor have gocerment as enemy, but small island with corruption.

Maybe even a world od democracy and no Celestial dragons.
I believe Current Yonko all represent Versions of Oda, They are basically "The Narrator" imo
But each have a different Plan or Idea about what it means to Rule & how They Shape the World

For starters, All Four of them seems to have that Super Rare Ability mentioned by Mihawk in Marineford
Ability to Attract Allies or Followers, They basically bend Fate to their Favor

If we want to guess how Shanks's Justice work, We need to figure out the other Three & see how Shanks compares.
Their Crews should represent a Mini-Version of how the World would be if ran by these Four
Shanks justice..if he has one
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The final enemy is the slavery.

Pirates, marines amd revos will still exist imo. But more happy. It aint like Luffy and his crew are gonna be the last pirates, or Coby the last marine.

Dragon amd his revos will no longor have gocerment as enemy, but small island with corruption.

Maybe even a world od democracy and no Celestial dragons.
Nah there already Were shown good kings like cobra or riku
This title is a bit click-baity, Imu deserves to die but stick with me lol. So:

DISCLAIMER: Many users will see this post as a “cope” post from a classic Admiral Enjoyer such as myself

But this post is genuinely 100% no trolling not about that at all. I have said repeatedly in the past that with the introduction of the Seraphim, the Admirals’ status as true EOS villains has long since been usurped.

And while I do think Akainu vs Goofy is still written in the stars, I do not believe the Admirals are the true EOS baddies of this manga. That honor has been claimed by the Seraphim.

While I do believe we will get a Marineford 2.0, the ultimate fate of the Marines in this series is either to fall just before the true final battle (Ryokugyu) or to straight up switch sides and wind up as Allies against the true big bads.

So extremely long disclaimer statement out of the way,

I do not believe that Imu is destined to be the final villain of this manga, nor do I believe that distinction will fall to Blackbeard. I want to talk a bit conceptually about what I think the final villain of One Piece should be and why I think Imu cannot fulfill that role.

There have been a variety of villains in the story of OP, and all of these villains when you look at them conceptually are symptoms of larger narrative problems.

For example, would Kaido even exist if One Piece itself did not exist? Would the Yonko as a whole exist were it not for the promise of the One Piece? The concept of four all-powerful pirates locked into a stalemate in the pursuit of Roger’s treasure cannot exist if One Piece itself did not exist.

The same thing could be said of practically every faction in the OP world as they exist now. The Marines exist because pirates exist. Pirates exist because One Piece exists. The Revolutionaries exist because the World Government exists. Hell even Roger himself wouldn’t have become the Pirate king and ignited the pirate era were it not for the world’s true history being concealed for some reason.

All of the current One Piece players that we know are symptoms of larger narrative problems. There is always a “why” to their existence, there is always some initial first cause that must exist in order for all these other groups and factions to exist.

So with that said, let’s talk about Imu.

At a first glance, Imu appears to be an extremely evil practically all-powerful figure responsible for just about every large scale atrocity that takes place in the OP world right now.

However, what I never see anyone discuss is why Imu does the things they do. There is some kind of larger, more all-encompassing concept that has caused Imu to be the way that he/she is, even if that concept is just that Imu was greedy and desired more power.

Why is Imu greedy? Why does Imu want more power? If the simple answer is that Imu is greedy for the sake of greed, then the story can’t just be about defeating Imu anymore.

If Luffy defeats Imu at EOS and there is no larger big bad to beat, then ultimately it will only be a matter of time until another Imu arises and takes the throne. Without defeating the very root cause of Imu’s greed, then Imu is ultimately just the symptom of a much larger problem. Beat Imu, and eventually others will experience the same greed Imu does, and others will slowly and slowly corrupt even a perfect World Government, until eventually another secret Imu seats another secret Imu throne for the same reasons that the first Imu did.

We may defeat Imu, but if we don’t defeat the source of Imu’s evil, what exactly have we accomplished? Temporary peace and happiness that will ultimately be broken again in a few hundred years? Another technologically utopian Kingdom like the AK where all is perfect until suddenly it collapses?

Why did the Ancient Kingdom collapse? Why did the World Government form? Why does Imu exist the way he does? If Oda ends the series by simply defeating Imu and not answering or solving any of these questions, then ultimately the Straw Hats will have accomplished nothing. They will ultimately be remembered as nothing more than a bright spot in a very dark history, rather than the true-world saving, freedom for all warriors that Oda wants them to be remembered as.

No, I do not believe Imu is truly evil at her core. There must be an all-encompassing source from which all of these other symptoms and problems have been derived, including Imu, and that all-encompassing source must be defeated, else the Straw Hats will not truly have created the world of laughter that Oda has worked for 30 years to create. It is this all-encompassing source that I believe will be the true final villain of One Piece. If the source isn’t defeated, then ultimately more symptoms will arise.

But what is the source of all evil in the OP world and how do we stop it? And how does that make Imu a good guy? And before I address this I want to talk a little about the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, because I think these books are a perfect roadmap to understanding what Imu is supposed to represent conceptually.

Now I’m going to spoiler tag this next part, if you plan to read the Mistborn books just know I’m about to spoil literally everything, but I’ll keep it in the spoiler tags.

So in the Mistborn books, there is a character extremely similar to Imu called the Lord Ruler. Very briefly, the Lord Ruler is essentially an all-powerful, immortal, deific autocrat who rules the world of Mistborn with an iron fist. He runs a slave empire, he kills and silences his critics and opposition, he runs a merciless military regime, he censors and erases all history and knowledge, and he is overall just a completely merciless tyrant who appears to be responsible for all evil present in the world.

Book One is, essentially, a story about overthrowing the Lord Ruler. The main characters believe that when they defeat the Lord Ruler, they can create a world full of justice and happiness for all.

When the Lord Ruler is finally mortally wounded and collapses, he dies with an ominous final forboding: “You have no idea what I protect you from!”

A bit of a strange thing for a monstrous evil slave Emperor to say right before death right? But nevermind that! We can now build the perfect happy world that we’ve always dreamed of as we lived every single day under the Lord Ruler’s horrific regime! We can now build a perfect world!


You see, the Lord Ruler is defeated in Book One. Book Two begins a year after Book One ends, and it is immediately apparent that everything is worse and has gone to shit. The main characters try to do the things they wished the Lord Ruler had done: they free the slaves, they disband the Lord Ruler’s armies, they outlaw a lot of the evil shit that the Lord Ruler permitted, and they begin to search for the true history of their world that the Lord Ruler had erased.

The consequences? Everything immediately goes to shit. Uprisings, riots, revolts, wars for power, the planet itself starts to kill random people, the world starts getting hotter and hotter, everything begins to collapse and turn to chaos.

The main characters initially try their best to stop all this, but fail repeatedly until they ultimately come to a terrifying conclusion.

The Lord Ruler was not truly evil. He did a bunch of evil things, but they remember his last words and slowly come to realize that he was ultimately correct. The Lord Ruler did protect them, he did prevent everything from becoming worse. They couldn’t understand it at the time, but as more and more time passes, they stop viewing the Lord Ruler as an evil tyrant who needed to be overthrown, and more as a tragic figure trying his best to protect everyone from chaos.

The Lord Ruler was the symptom, and they defeated the symptom without defeating the source.

Now I don’t say all this to sound like an Imu simp or an Imu justifier. Imu must die, if for no other reason than his actions and practices must die with him.

But I do say this to say that the final villain of this manga must be the source of the world’s problems and not the symptoms. Imu is a giant symptom but he is not the cause of all of the world’s evil.

I think we will end up finding out as we learn more and more about the OP world and why all of this shit happened, the more we will view Imu as a tragic figure just trying his or her best to prevent something even worse from coming to fruition.

There is a reason all these Kingdoms ganged up on the Ancient Kingdom, there is a reason the true history is being hidden, there is a reason the true OP world is probably buried miles beneath the waves at this point.

And that reason certainly isn’t some secret King who took power after the Ancient Kingdom fell. The true OP final villain must be the ultimate source of every problem and conflict introduced into this world’s thousand year history, or else we will never realize the true world of laughter and freedom that Lolda masturbates to in his sleep.

Some good candidates are the Sea Devil or the blood soaked serpent, who Imu is trying to conceal the existence of.

Thank you for reading.

@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Playa4321 @Veku
Not that I think your theory is average, but I feel like you can sell this even more if you also predict what the Sea Devil/BSS is.