Speculations Imu will be based off the Greek God of Planet Earth, Gaia


This is a long read, if you want it condensed into a video, click here!

The Ancient Weapons are three weapons capable of mass destruction, each taking a different form. They are known as Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus, each named after a deity for their godly powers. The weapons are not limited only to inanimate objects, but consist of living beings as well. The Ancient Weapons are the argument used by the World Government to forbid research of the Void Century, since they fear that knowledge of the weapons could result in a global war. What strikes me as most interesting about these weapons, is how their godly names are also our solar system's Planets!

First, We have Poseidon, who takes the form of Shirahoshi. A mermaid living in the underwater city of Fishman Island. Yes she's a crybaby, but she holds the immense power of being able to control the sea kings. The planet within our solar system, named "Neptune" is actually named after the roman god of the sea, Posiedon.

Second, we have Pluton. It is said to take the form of a huge and highly advanced warship capable of mass destruction, constructed long ago in the city of Water 7 in the Grand Line. The battleship is said to be capable of destroying whole islands. Our former planet Pluto, is also another form of the word "Pluton". Interesting, huh?

Lastly, we have Uranus. This one is quite obvious, uranus is just uranus. Like Pluton and Poseidon, Uranus is a dangerous weapon which can be used to rule the world or, in the wrong hands, destroy it. It was first mentioned during Nico Robin's conversation with King Neptune, when she says there are three ancient weapons that bear the names of "gods".

I find this quite interesting because the gorosei and celestial dragons consider themselves as Gods, who live in the holy land. They literally wear space suits too.

So who's to say that top 5 men of these gods, aren't named off planets, from their god counterpart? Not only that, but the Funimation translation or name for the Gorosei, is the Five Elder Stars. Now I know that planets are not always stars, but it's close enough .So out of the 9 planets within our solar system, we have 3 out the way, neptune, uranus and pluto. That leaves 6 remaining; saturn, mars, jupiter, venus, mercury and earth. And i’m about to tell you Who’s Who.

Let's start with Saturn. I believe the youngest looking gorosei member, with blonde hair, is correlated with Saturn. Saturn is based off the Greek God, Cronus. In greek mythology, Cronus was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of titans. Now we have very little to go off of when it comes to the gorosei, but it seems like this member is the youngest and the leader, aside from Imu. Also, Correct me if i'm wrong, but don't they look pretty similar? Cronus overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological golden age as well. Is the current world of One Piece, the golden age for the Gorosei, since they are now running it?

Next is Mars.I believe the oldest looking gorosei member, that's bald and wields a sword, is correlated with mars. Mars is based off the Greek God, Ares. In Greek Mythology, Ares embodies the physical valor necessary for success in war but can also personify sheer brutality and bloodlust. I believe This gorosei member correlates this very well, due to the simple fact that he wields a sword. In the world of one piece, a sword is an instant sign of battle or of a warrior. With Ares being the God of war, this ties in nicely. We've also seen several swordsmen in One Piece who have a serious hunger for bloodlust, like Zoro. Or sheer brutality, like Shiryu. I believe that this gorosei member is rocking a simple, calm appearance. But on the inside, or his past, holds a serious point of war.

Next is Jupiter.I believe the gorosei member with the scar on the left side of his face, who wields a walking cane would be correlated with Jupiter. Jupiter is named after the Greek God, Zeus. Although the Greek God Zeus is the king of the gods, i think Oda will draw references and parallels with Greek Mythology but not have everything exactly alike. When we look at this gorosei, and Zeus, he is the gorosei member who looks most alike to Zeus. Hardly any information about the gorosei is given to us, so we're scraping what we can. Zeus' symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. Taking a look at the scar on his face, the closest thing in resemblance to what was just listed, is a thunderbolt. Him wielding a cane, means he may actually be older than Ares. And this would actually make sense because Zeus is the father of ares. It's all confusing though, because peeking back at the Ohara Incident, none of the gorosei have seemingly aged. So this begs the question, do they age at all?

Next is Venus.I believe that the tall and thin bearded man with long white hair, is correlated with Venus. Venus is named after the Greek God, Aphrodite. In greek mythology, aphrodite is actually a goddess of love and beauty. Now this gorosei member does appear to be of masculine nature, so it's not an exact replica of Venus. With that being said, his face has no scars which might be a tie into the beauty aspect of aphrodite. As stated before, we have little information to go off of when it comes to the gorosei. During the ohara incident, we can see that he was the only gorosei member to feel any shame, remorse, guilt or sympathy, so this may correlate with the Love aspect of Aphrodite. Aphrodite's most prominent avian symbol was the dove. Knowing this, maybe this gorosei member has a Dove devil fruit? He has the hair and beard to match one!

Lastly, Mercury.I believe that the gorosei member who's bald with birthmark spots on his forehead is the correlated with Mercury. I came to this conclusion, partly off process of elimination. Mercury is named after the greek god, Hermes. Hermes is an Olympian deity in ancient greek who was considered the herald of the gods. He is also considered the protector of human heralds, travellers, thieves, merchants, and orators. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine. In myth, Hermes functioned as the emissary and messenger of the gods, and was often presented as the son of Zeus. Quite interesting, because they definitely look like they could be related. Hermes is also regarded as the "divine trickster", so it's possible that he has a very tricky and unique devil fruit up his sleeve. I'd imagine that Oda came up with a brilliant, tactical devil fruit and has been saving it for this gorosei member all this time.

Now, the moment you all are waiting for... Imu and what he represents.I believe Imu will therefore be based off Planet Earth. The greek god of planet earth is Gaea, also called Ge, greek personification of the earth as a Goddess. She was also the mother of the other titans, and the giants as well. Gaea may have been originally a mother goddess worshipped in Greece before the Hellenes introduced the cult of Zeus. Less widely worshipped in historic times, Gaea was described as the giver of dreams and the nourisher of plants and young children. Is this why Imu spends time in a beautiful, healthy garden thats locked away inside a castle? How do those plants even grow?

Anyways, it is said that Gaia bore the primordia sea gods. This lines up perfectly since One Piece does have sea kings as well as a god of the sea, posiedon, aka shirahoshi. In greek mythology,

Gaia was extremely OP. Gaia had the powers of Geokinesis, Nature Manipulation, Fertility Manipulation, Psychokinesis, Vitakinesis.... is this why the gorosei aren't aging? Imu is probably keeping them alive with her power's, rather than a past Ope Ope no Mi. Anyways, life creation, essence reading, Protogenoi Physiology, Invulerability, Rapid Regeneratiuon, Immortality, and Enhanced power. In the story of One Piece, we may not see every single one of these powers, but seeing as the World Government are the overarching Antagonists, we'll probably see most of them.

Now to speculate on a possible devil fruit for Imu, i'll toss in an idea. The plant plant devil fruit. This devil fruit would allow you to create and form all types of poisonous and devilish types of plants. We are over 1,000 chapters of one piece, and have yet to encounter someone with a plant devil fruit. Maybe Oda is saving it for Imu! Now i know some of you watching this video was hoping Imu would represent the sun, but unfortunately the sun is taken by Nika, the sun God. Not only that, but Imu representing earth means all 9 planets + the sun are covered and represented.

To recap this theory:
  • The ancient weapons are based off 3 planets:
  • Posiedon is Neptune
  • Uranus is Uranus
  • Pluton is Pluto
  • The ancient weapons were stated to bear the name of gods, and we know celestial dragons live in the holy land and consider themselves gods
  • The gorosei must be the 6 remaining planets, named or based off their god counterparts
  • Saturn being Cronus
  • Mars being Ares
  • Jupiter being Zeus
  • Venus being Aphrodite
  • Mercury being Hermes
  • Lastly, Imu based off planet earth

This is a long read, if you want it condensed into a video, click here!


Zoro Worshipper
Very interesting theory.

I hope Oda won't pull exactly a Kaguya when it comes to power scaling and that albeit tremendously stronger he won't quite be a tier on his own. I would still love if he figured as a being that is oriented towards mythology as suggested.