Speculations Is Kizaru still mentally nerfed?

Is Kizaru mentally nerfed?

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Sasaki Kojirō

@Pringles @Durableguy @Sasaki Kojirō

By the way, Emperor Goofy was saved by the Buster Call:

> *BAKAMM!!*
> Whoa!! Watch out!! *koff, koff!!*
> Look out, we're getting surrounded by flames!!
> We can't stay on this island any longer!!!
> I know he's an Emperor, but on the count of three...
> ...we'll all put the sea prism stone cuffs on him together!!
> One, two...!!
> *KABOOM!!*
> Bweah!!!
> Get on the ships!!!
> Egghead is done for!!!

The fodder were so scared of the explosions they didn't cuff him and fled the island :shocking:
Simple reading comprehension answered this question months ago.

A key theme of the Navy throughout the story is the balance between justice and duty. Each and every high ranking marine has their own interpretations of both. We see this most clearly for the first time with Smoker in Alabasta. His duty is to capture Luffy, his sense of justice tells him to let Luffy defeat Crocodile. We see this again with Kuzan when he lets Robin go at Ohara, despite his duty being genocide. We see this again with Garp when he lets Luffy punch him at Marineford, despite his duty being to stop him.

Kizaru has no sense of justice, he is one of the only high-ranking marines that simply prefers to follow orders and has no opinion on the matter. He literally does not care 99% of the time.

...which is exactly the reason he was put in this situation by Oda in the first place. Sentomaru, Bonney, Kuma, and Vegapunk are probably the only characters in the entire story which Kizaru has some kind of close connection to, and so this is the only mission Kizaru would have difficulty carrying out on a personal level.

Is he "mentally nerfed"? That depends on your interpretation of how much a character's mental state affects their fighting ability.

Is he conflicted? Absolutely. I don't understand why you guys would think Kizaru trying to kill Bonney and Kuma changes that. He was trying to kill Vegapunk earlier in the arc as well. He even specifies in the chapter he wants to make it painless, and the Japanese proverb is meant to invoke the idea of two people not being separated even in death.

Like, you guys do realize that being CONFLICTED means there is a CONFLICT right? That doesn't mean he is going to REBEL! He is a cog in the machine, a corporate slave, whatever else you want to call him. That's how he thinks of himself! Of course he is TRYING to carry out orders, that doesn't mean he WANTS to do it. HE LITERALLY SAYS THIS OVERTLY IN 1092!

I really hate how much much people are trying to oversimplify Kizaru's internal conflict in this arc for agenda. It's annoying and is going to inevitably leave certain people with the wrong impression about his character.
he wants to make it painless
Which would imply he tries to end them as quick as possible so they will not feel pain.
Meaning he is trying as hard as he can to minimize their suffering. He is aiming to one shot them.

You can spin this both ways if you want to.
Which would imply he tries to end them as quick as possible so they will not feel pain.
Meaning he is trying as hard as he can to minimize their suffering. He is aiming to one shot them.

You can spin this both ways if you want to.
Again, you can debate the extent to which his mental state is affecting his ability in combat, but you cannot deny that he is conflicted about his mission and does not want to carry it out.