Questions & Mysteries Is Nika Kalgara's Ancestor


The more i read back skyipea i feel it has sort of connection endgame scenario .

Kalgara and sun god Nika both use spear , fighting style way too brawl . Cant help they are too similar .

This comes to my mind what if Kalagara and others are descendants of Joyboy and indirectly the D people . I cant help it but i feel Skyipea will play huge role in one piece end game .

Where do Skypiea truly fit into story where they original rulers of Ancient kingdom that was long gone and i have funny feeling Jaya was once part of Ancient kingom as well .
Nika is probably a forest God, it could be. Kalgara and his people protect the forest as well.

Nika inspiration is probably Curupira, a mythical Brazilian creature, who has magical abilities and protects the forest. Oda said Luffy would be Brazilian if he lived in real world, so here is your connection.