Speculations Is Sanji unoffcially ZoLo babysitter?

Sanji's like that with all the dudes on the crew. He's like the mom of the crew.

People just make a bigger deal of it when it's Zoro - who also gets in the ear from everyone, including Luffy of all people.
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ZoLo want to go and search Vegapunk - Sanji stop baka marimo
ZoLo want to go and look for the source of the howls (Loki) - Sanji stop baka marimo

Is it only me of Sanji become ZoLo unofficial babysitter post Wano :wonderland:

Youre missing the Point Ms.Tunafish the lll the Reason Sanji is keeping Zoro in the Group is out of jealousy cause if Zoro ends up lost and meets the Antagonist of the Arc the Arc would be finished too fast. Example Dressrosa Fuji came in clutch to save Doflamingo from Zoro
