And they are a shadow of their self.

We would get a 6 Zoriboy clubhouse meeting who would be on thread-making duty for days now they couldn't muster 1/10th for the Zoro kills Kizaru, only nik even tried and not that much

We would get a 6 Zoriboy clubhouse meeting who would be on thread-making duty for days now they couldn't muster 1/10th for the Zoro kills Kizaru, only nik even tried and not that much
Also for ZKK they were all hyped, all convinced, all committed; for any other thing, starting with Kizaru, there was way less conviction. They were the first to not really belive in It with their all.
There was quite a lot of talk for Zoro kills Kizaru, but obv not as much.
For starter, the Kizaru plot lacked all the narrative behind it, narrative that Zoro kills Kaido had with Ryuma parallel, Oden parallel and so on.