General & Others Is Zoro the vice-captain or close? Is he Lufy's right-hand man?

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No Rayleigh is not Zoro nor Sanji.
Rayleigh is:
- old
- but sometimes don't act like his age
- uses single sword instead of 3
- womanizer
- not a cook
- has epithet of King (Dark King)

Who also fit all the above category? It's Brook. but "reasonable" theory is unraveled....guys add "Brook" into the list of Rayleigh parallels....damn, this Rayleigh is parallel to everyone in OP verse


Zoro Worshipper
Well at least we know for sure that Usopp is a Yasopp parallel :yasu:

Anyway Rayleigh's fighting style is swordsmanship plus he is badass. 1+1=?

Unless we want to try to go into deep complex analysis at all costs
That's the Point. But how are similarities for one character of higher weight than of another chracter, when both have their most quirks and characteristics similiar to the Person you compare them too? This is just a subjective view from you, when you Argument one sided. What you do.

Your Brook and Roger comparision is complete bs here. We are comparing Rayleigh - who was the closest to the captain rankwise - with the 2 closest to Luffy rankwise. They don't have official ranks ofc, but based on events, they are the ones closest to the rank of Vize Captain.

Just so you know, i don't agree with Arguments like blonde hair etc. this doesn't say anything. Same goes for having scars. But while for you blonde hair is not an Argument, but scars are - how is that? Explain it to me. Both things are ''look'' based Features.

Just look at the Basic pirates and marines, most of them have swords on them.

I never made the hair parallel lol - don't mix me up here with someone.
Going by the ''weight'' of your ''significant'' Arguments - you have the same counter parts from Sanji.
As example:
Zoro - Rayleigh
1. Sword user (known for)
2. Like to drink (likings)
3. Scars (look)
Sanji - Rayleigh
1. Smart and think ahead (known for) - here you can even ad being fast, good swimmer etc.
2. Like Woman (likings)
3. Blonde hair (look)
Exact same Things - but somehow Zoro's similarities are Right and Sanji's are wrong??? They have the same weight...
Thinks like Swordskills, Speed, being a good Swimmer etc. are ability's. Can be used for parallels.
Rayleigh was shown to be very smart, in many and different situations. This is a big feature of his character. Is Zoro smart? Rayleigh himself said, that Zoro is not really bright. He said, that even the one who doesn't look very bright, will understand Luffy's message. Hinting that Zoro is the stupidest one in the SHC (Luffy not included). The exact opposide of Rayleigh.
While Rayleigh have a different Fighting style as Sanji.
What exactly Shows, that only Zoro or only Sanji are not very good parallels to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh is a mix of Sanji and Zoro - what is there even to argue about? Or is the Argument being a swordsman above everything?
1. My guy its loose parallels like i said. Oda make lots of characters so yea 1 or 2 things might be similar to past characters but that doesn't make them parallels. If you think every little similarity equals a parallel 100% of characters parallels someone from the past. sanji only has 1 legit thing in common with rayliegh and thats being a pervert. If thats the case brook and zoro are as much rayliegh parallels as zoro and sanji.

How tf is brook and roger bs when its the exact same thing you and others try to do with sanji? You mad you logic doesn't hold up? Yea if you believe sanji is parallels with rayliegh you have to believe brook is parallels with rogers. You are being hypocritical if you try and make the argument for sanji but brooks is bs.

2. No scars in the same place shows a connection cuz you don't just happen to have those like hair. If zoro and sanji were supposed to parallel rayliegh then zoro scar would count for rayliegh's scar on the body while sanji would have 1 on his eye. This would visually represent the 2 together being rayliegh but no zoro got both. No one even brought up scars comparing zoro and rayliegh till post time skip where you have to do it cuz visually it there and look extremely similar to rayliegh.

3. Do plenty have other weapons than swords. That's still not 70%.

4. My bad im meant you as in the proverbial "you" like anyone making the argument not you specifically. Sorry for not making that clear enough.

You clearly are not getting the loose parallels thing. Imma break this down.
- for zoro swordsman (stop with the damn sword user there isn't a sword user) vs smart think ahead. First zoro thinks ahead examples being on zou not jumping to conclusions that sanji and the crew died, also on zou being right about going after bm and kaido, in dressrosa not celebrating him beating pica but focused on the birdcage when everyone was clapping for zoro beating pica, him making a on the spot plan to beat pica etc. Zoro is smart just has 1 quirk that makes him look dumb cuz he always gets lost and refuses to let someone help him only to get more lost on simple instructions. His sense of direction is childlike like thinking north means up. Zoro being smart are : him usually explaining the situation in to luffy, him understanding the significance of respecting your captain, him understanding how his opponent powers work relatively quickly etc. Now sanji is smarter than zoro but this isn't something thats natural to sanji and like i said can be applied to zoro.
- drinker vs pervert which i already is the only legit parallel sanji has. But brook has this and is a swordsman so he's a closer parallel than sanji is.
- blonde hair is extremely common to the point almost ever arc someone has blonde hair. Similar scars on the body and eyes are what zoro and rayliegh have. Idk why you are finding this so hard to see.
No they are not the exact same and i just broke them down as best i could. Zoro has substance and sanji's does not. You compared hair color which is extremely common in op to scars on the body similar only to zoro and rayliegh in op. How do you not understand these 2 parallels have drastically different levels. Using this one you encompass the entire op world to anyone with blonde hair as a parallel using the other only the 2.

Imma need you to show rayliegh saying zoro was the dumbest sh.

Rayliegh doesn't have a hidden style he's kicked once. Zoro off the top of my head kicked luffy at WP, kicked cabaji in his first full fight in op, and kicked dellinger in dressrosa. Off the top of my head the 3 times what rayliegh did so does zoro have a secret style to?

Dude you habe not brought up any real parallels from sanji to rayliegh. Stuff you are using to try and parallels sanji can apply to just about anyone. Being blonde, liking girls, being smart are all common things in op that can apply to many characters who all can't possibly be parallels to rayliegh so sanji isn't. Im still waiting for you to make a sanji parallel without zoro to rayliegh.

No hes not just like luffy zoro and robin aren't the parallel to roger just luffy is. Oh wait you didn't address this did heree try again. If zoro and sanji parallel rayliegh why doesn't luffy zoro and robin parallel roger? Using your logic since only luffy has a similar mannerisms and personality to roger. Then luffy needs zoro who uses a sword and is a drinker and robin who is smarter than both and has the knowledge on reading poneglyphs to be rogers parallel. Don't be a hypocrite now this is just like what you are claiming with zoro and sanji to be parallels with rayliegh.
Nobody's inherited Ray's will that we know o
And what is this will exactly?
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That's why there isn't even a single panel of him leading his half of the crew (that has no canon name btw) while the Curly hats fought the BM pirates and saved Zou :feelsokeman:
So you're saying Sanji is the vice captain? So Luffy has a vice captain who disses hin and beats him up and leaves the crew for petty reasons


Even Oda knows Zoro cant lead the crew in absent of luffy

That's why he sent Zoro and other half to wano with law and co lol

Sanji has half crew named after him

Zoro is Firstmate but he just cant be VC.
He cant even lead half a crew... in wano, he was causing trouble not even keeping track of the other half.


Zoro Worshipper
Even Oda knows Zoro cant lead the crew in absent of luffy

That's why he sent Zoro and other half to wano with law and co lol

Sanji has half crew named after him

Zoro is Firstmate but he just cant be VC.
He cant even lead half a crew... in wano, he was causing trouble not even keeping track of the other half.
Someone would need to take the lead and that's usually the strongest folk
the only people who deny Zoro being vice capain are the people who want Zoro to be on a whole other level compere to Dark King

since we know the gap between Roger and Dark king is more than enough big
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