There's only one panel of King bleeding in both cases. And there's visibly faar more blood from Zoro's attack than Marco's. And yes, Zoro did say King didn't bleed despite what we've seen. So either both Marco and Zoro made him bleed, and it was later retconned into something else or the red stuff that came out him isn't blood in both cases. There's literally no way to prove otherwise. Feel free to try though.
>Zolo said he didn't bleed Alber?
>So both Marco and Zolo made him bleed?
So Marco didn't say that but you include him to that.
Marco never said he didn't make Alber bleed, so you can't use that logic for Marco.
I explained the difference why Marco's attack made Alber bleed but Zolo's not.
Alber wasn't bleeding after taking the attack in the next page, so that Zolo's attack was only for visual purposes there was literally no blood after.
Alber was
still bleeding after taking Marco's attack in page 17, we see still see Alber with blood in page 18.
Considering Marco was also busy with Queen in 1 v 2 while doing that, if it was fully focused 1 v 1, then Marco would even do more damage than that.
Marco never says he made king bleed either
I say that what’s coming out of king is strawberry jam… both in the Zoro panel and the Marco panel
You’re assuming That’s blood when no one has ever said it is
Same way it looks like Zoro made king bleed when he didn’t
-Marco doesn't say he didn't make Alber bleed.
-Zolo say he didn't make Alber bleed.
Whats that ''either''? LOL.
The difference is Zolo's blood effect literally didn't last in next page.
Marco hits Alber in page 17 makes him bleed, the difference is, Alber is
still bleeding in page 18.
For sure Marco did more damage and it wasn't even 1 v 1, if it was 1 v 1, it would be even worse.
And again you are wrong, one who doesn't stop saying ZKKfan.
Do you even know what retcon means?
There only one scene of King bleeding from Marco's attack.
As I said, none of that matters since Oda changed his powers.
''There is only one scene of bleeding''
Your cope is next level ZKKfan.
You seriously argue Alber wasn't bleeding in page 17 WHEN Marco hit him, but Alber only starts bleeding in page 18 long after Marco's attack?