JJK 261 Spoilers

I'm here:endthis:
Did @EmperorKinyagi think I would throw fits like his teenage shizo ass?:suresure:

Ngl, Gojo fandom aside, this feels like the most convoluted solution Gege could've come up with.
It does make sense when he lays it out like this but I feel it's more fanservicy than bringining literal Gojo Satoru back

Speculating but: I feel Kenjaku will somehow take over after 5 minutes
how you feel about Gay Gay cucking Todo right after reintroducing him?
Does Yuta will have the same refinement using UV than Gojo during the domain clash ? Doubt it but maybe the plot can make it happen
If Yuta got the body minutes ago and is on the same damn proficiency as Gojo himself...

It would be the most ass pully shit ever.

And it would also be another huge L for gojo.

He will never beat the hax merchant/lucky dude accusations.
Sukuna learning to steal bodies is a fraud
But being born with a ct that do that is fine
Shit sukuna s shit is far better than being born with an op ct like that but hey he s the fraud
Also since when does being born with something excuse fraudulent behavior?

@Shiroyru goats like Sukuna and Hakari could never be this fraudulent.
way better conclusion than a binding vow which brings u back to death just by sacrificing an eye LMAOOO

Does Yuta will have the same refinement using UV than Gojo during the domain clash ? Doubt it but maybe the plot can make it happen
he has six eyes so he is basically gojo now
the only holdback i can see is him not being used to that body
Geygey really milked this chapter, Odaesque. It ended at the same place as the last one
Feel like the explanation could've been way shorter
That's why Oda is the Goat. THE GOAT. They all come crying back to him and use HIS STALLING AND TIME WASTING METHODS


Sukuna next move will be to release Mahoraga again :finally:

infinite time loop
Mahoraga is died.

Gojo killed it in the end.