Chapter Discussion Joyboy to Mr. Go is basically Poseidon to Shirahoshi?


poseidon is the name of a weapon, the ability to communicate and command sea kings, only awakened by a royal mermaid.

joyboy is the name of a real person, a man who will shoulder the weight of the world's history and bring the dawn.

poseidon reincarnates and awakens once every few centuries, joyboy awakens once the requirements for his return were met.


Law Nerd
Neptune can know that Shirahoshi is poseidon after she awakening her power.
Zunisha can knows that Luffy is Joy Boy after he awakening his gomu gomu no mi.
Just simple :goyea:.
He is undoubtedly returned. Question is how much Luffy does wield control over his body, how much of pure former Joy Boy there's I guess. 🤔
Not exactly the same I guess.
Poseidon is the name given to the mermaid who has control over the sea kings. Poseidon is the name of a god(one piece context not real world). It is kind of an epithet/title given to weapons.
JoyBoy so far has been referred to a specific is possible that it's the same as Shirahoshi....but doubt it..hopefully not, it will get repetitive and ordinary. JoyBoy if not the real name of the person...could be an epithet like Whitebeard(What was rogers?).
Another thing would be the DF awakening is JoyBoy. There could be some special circumstance for it to be awakened too(D + Hat? something like that).
I wanted it to be just a proper name of the guy 800 years ago...or at least a title like Pirate King which so far only one person has attained.
Anyway, I don't see it the same way as Poseidon...what Shirahoshi has is not special... Every fishmen has different abilities with regards to up to which sea creatures they can talk to...Like Jinbe and Neptune can talk to whales and obey them...talking with seakings and them obeying is seen as extra ordinary but in the end it's still a skill of a fishmen/mermen...and because of that skill, they are considered a weapon(obviously was not called a weapon earlier) now called Poseidon.