Chapter Discussion Kaido actually went to block Zoro and Killer's attacks


Zoro Worshipper
To be honest the argument is very pleasing from a logical standpoint. If an attack is dangerous aforementioned is also meritorious of being blocked. The mandatory premise though is that the one who blocked realized so and this is the case since Kaido complimented them.
Impressive because they cut him a bit.

Kaido actually went to block Zoro and Killer's attacks
"People saying he was just letting them get direct hits on him, but for Zoro and Killer's attack he clearly doesn't, look at him holding the club. "
Implying that they dodged his block try = speed.
You yourself don't know what you wrote lmao.
Yes they were faster than Kaido's block speed, that doesn't make them faster overall or quicker than Thunder Bagua speed. Try again.
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Imagine Kaido not trying to block an atack aiming his neck just after getting stabbed by some samurai fodders and being smashed into the ground by a rookie who couldnt even tickle him a few weeks back.

But then again...he does want to die....
I meant to say block speed, didn't noticed until now. edited post.
He's not blocking though. He's holding the club in his hands the whole time. He's doing that while laughing and watching Luffy, Kid and Law jump him as well.

This chapter is about Kaido embracing all the attacks that come at him, not about him trying to dodge or block them.
lets not get crazy.... Luffys the fastest in the crew and has future sight and even he couldn't see thunder bagua coming. If Kaido actually tried hitting Zoro and Killer make no mistake he would have. And the dialogue prior to that moment implies Kaido just let them hit him. This fight would have ended this chapter if Oda wrote Kaido attacking everyone the same way he did Luffy with he Thunder Bagua, Thats why he's in his dragon form now.
Picture clearly shows him trying to block.
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I'll be honest ... As ODA said in an SBS, in a luffy race it is faster than ZORO. Luffy has better FS and is faster, and even so, even foreseeing the future he was unable to dodge completely ... Zoro has a smaller FS and a lower speed ... 1 divine diagram wins. The same for the other SNS. Kaido entering his dragon form at this point is simply the NERF of the author ODA, for the child's play to last longer.
Oda never answered where Zoro would be because he got lost.
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No one here said they surpass Kaido in speed though.

Am I posting in Hebrew or something?
He pressed thats why. He mad Zoro blitz two Youkous in 1 chapter