Character Discussion Kaku is a hypocrite

I always thought Kaku following Lucci in Cipher Pol 0 was inappropriate since dude was the only one showing genuine regret at the end of Enies Lobby.

Now he's stuck once again in a position of inner dilemma, cause he knows that:
- if Lucci enters the control room, Stussy is done
- if Stussy gets killed, he will be emotionally hurt by it
- if he tries to stop Lucci (which he can't) he'd be considered (by Lucci and himself) a traitor

Kaku is stuck in a lose-lose situation. He's an intetesting character, writing-wise, the only problem I have with him is that he has no reason to still be an assassin in the first place.
He simply don't fit, and kinda vanifies his words in Enies Lobby...
dude is crying like what he did 2 years ago was not worse
Help me out here - what did he do 2 years ago again?

Considering how Kaku and Lucci always stick together I always imagined they have had some crucial bonding moment in the past. They're very different character wise and under normal circumstances someone like Kaku doesn't seem like he would value a cunt like Lucci.
Help me out here - what did he do 2 years ago again?

Considering how Kaku and Lucci always stick together I always imagined they have had some crucial bonding moment in the past. They're very different character wise and under normal circumstances someone like Kaku doesn't seem like he would value a cunt like Lucci.
They grew up together in Guanhao.
I always thought Kaku following Lucci in Cipher Pol 0 was inappropriate since dude was the only one showing genuine regret at the end of Enies Lobby.

Now he's stuck once again in a position of inner dilemma, cause he knows that:
- if Lucci enters the control room, Stussy is done
- if Stussy gets killed, he will be emotionally hurt by it
- if he tries to stop Lucci (which he can't) he'd be considered (by Lucci and himself) a traitor

Kaku is stuck in a lose-lose situation. He's an intetesting character, writing-wise, the only problem I have with him is that he has no reason to still be an assassin in the first place.
He simply don't fit, and kinda vanifies his words in Enies Lobby...
Yeah, that's why he's asking her to go off.
He knows Lucci will kill her if he finds out she's still alive.

Lucci won't attack him though, there is too much respect between them and Kaku is pretty much the only character Lucci has uncharacteristically shown concern for.
Though the cover story implied there is bond between all members of CP9

Him and Lucci joining CP0 after the cover story was weird though.
It may make sense, if they made a deal to get revenge on Spandam. Spandam now calls Lucci his boss, and Lucci/Kaku are his direct superiors. Maybe the reward to rejoin, was to inflict this kind of humiliation over Spandam.

As for why Kaku is still an assassin, I guess he doesn't know anything else (aside from being a shipwright), plus his friends all joined there. Too ingrained into him at this point I guess.
Yeah, that's why he's asking her to go off.
He knows Lucci will kill her if he finds out she's still alive.

Lucci won't attack him though, there is too much respect between them and Kaku is pretty much the only character Lucci has uncharacteristically shown concern for.
Though the cover story implied there is bond between all members of CP9

Him and Lucci joining CP0 after the cover story was weird though.
It may make sense, if they made a deal to get revenge on Spandam. Spandam now calls Lucci his boss, and Lucci/Kaku are his direct superiors. Maybe the reward to rejoin, was to inflict this kind of humiliation over Spandam.

As for why Kaku is still an assassin, I guess he doesn't know anything else (aside from being a shipwright), plus his friends all joined there. Too ingrained into him at this point I guess.
Yeah, he probably doesn't know better because of the way he grew up, but after the talk with Zoro in Enies Lobby I genuinely hoped that he would retire in a quiet life a-la-Bellamy.
Maybe being an Independent shipwright in a little Island.
But again, he's probably to deep into it as you said.
He's always been a bad character
" oh I feel bad for betraying Water 7, the place was actually really fun"

A few years later he's still the government's lap dog and now he's crying over stussy