Kanmei vs Kanki

The only war scenario where I see Kanmei winning is if it's on flat plains and (for some reason) Kanki can't use the trick he used against Riboku to get out of that hunting terrain. In that specific case and with Kanki not knowing strategy/tactics, his usual methods aren't going to help him and Kanmei and the Chu troops will take the victory.

In any another scenario, Kanki.
Kanki ain't fool enough to challenge Kanmei on plains, he will somehow take the battle to the mountains/ forest where he will slaughter him. With equal amount of armies, I can see this scenario playing out in Kanki's favour.
Exactly this. No way Kanki would be continuing the battle in a situation where his quality of soldiers and his tactics, both would be weaker or insufficient.

Though Kanki will definitely be toying with those fancy looking strategists of Kanmei army. Lol