Versus Battle Kaoru Hanayama (Baki) vs Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima, Ryuji Goda, and Taiga Saejima (Yakuza)

Battle of the Yakuza! Let's say for context this fight is taking place on top of the Millennium Tower from the Yakuza games, so there isn't a place to run. The 4 men from the Yakuza games challenge Kaoru Hanayama, Japan's Strongest Gangster, to a fight. I'll break this up into 3 rounds.

R1: 1v1 fights. Hanayama isn't bloodlusted. No prep time, they have what they usually carry in canon. Can Hanayama last through all 4 rounds? If not where does he stop?

R2: 1v4. Hanayama isn't bloodlusted again. No prep still, can Hanayama take all of them?

R3: 1v4. Hanayama IS Bloodlusted, let's say they disrespected his pride as a Yakuza or something. No prep, can he take them??

Is Hanayama truly the world's strongest Yakuza?
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