Theres also the really weird , unexplained scenario of Karasu being a soot logia apparently and yet can create sentient talking crows? He even had some "magical soot" that Sabo could ignite IIRC during that Reverie flashback recently?
Ohara Artur had the idea of "sentient elements", kinda similar to Big Moms' homies for Logia awakenings and I love that idea. Although that should NOT be all a Logia awakening is either ofc. He had the idea of Karasu having the tar logia and creating those sentient talking crows with his logia awakening YEARS before Oda did this flashback to the Reverie too.
The Katakuri retcon was really weird too, very suspicious on Odas part. Felt like a test of retconning Luffys fruit in hindsight now BUT
@EmperorKinyagi suggesting that he changed it from a Logia to avoid showing a Logia awakening is an angle I never considered before and makes a LOT of sense.
How the fuck Yonkos and Admirals have not shown awakenings is driving me to insanity honestly.
Enel always felt like he was awakened with his INSANE feats and Amaru form but Aisa the little girl had insane "mantra" or observation haki too IIRC so idk? But Amaru felt like an awakened move and I always felt awakenings of each DF would branch into another type of DF like Zoan to Paramecia, Logia to Zoan and thus Parmaecia to Logia or w/e, like a rock paper scissors or triangle system.
I will die on the hill that Crocodile is awakened too and I feel Magellan is somehow too. Although hes a Para rather than a Logia ofc.