Keisha vs Sento'un

Keisha almost beated Duke Hyou and Kanki in warfare + his Instinctual ability which makes him extremely dangerous and tough opponent to take on. Battle maniac like Sento'Un would most likely lose against him as much I like the man.

In a duel though? Yeah Sento'Un would murk Keisha faster than Shin murking Keisha in Kokuyou Hills arc lol.
Keisha takes it. He was considered to be the closest to the seat of GH, he beat Riboku a fair few times in war games, Riboku previously considered him to be the most terrifying general of an entire type, he had Duke Hyou in a bad spot (with his trap) as soon as the first day, before Shin intervened. He apparently figured out Kanki's weakness too.

He's going to dismantle the Sento'Un's army and Sento'Un himself isn't safe either, despite being one powerful individual. He either gets slain or, somehow, finds a way for to retreat (in loss) before that happens.

Keisha was a beast of a commander. Zhao's actual GHs aside - Riboku, Renpa, Rinshoujo, Chousa and, even though he's not officially a GH, Shibashou - he's the strongest general we've seen from Zhao in the story.
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