Riboku is too good for Zhao. Despite all the numerous injustices that Riboku has suffered due to the Zhao court, he still remains the ever loyal guardian to the state. Respect.
The greatest injustice this chapter is what happened to Prince Ka. Just when it might appear that for but the briefest of moments that King Toujou could be something more than a complete and utter degenerate, he pulls a Mike Tyson on his own son.
Despite all these injustices caused by Toujou and his goons though, at least he suffered a completely humiliating death.
When all those young lads openly showed their joy at watching Toujou suffer an agonising demise causing the aforementioned monarch to realise that not a single person in existence loved or even remotely liked him in anyway, that was utterly priceless.
Toujou himself stated that the Heavens gifted him with only two things. He proceeded to die a most undignified death in one of those things and get mocked by the other in his final moments. Begone trash.