Rules Kingdom General Discussion

What fight did you read ? Ouhon was unable to touch him.
What manga did you read? Bananji was gritting his teeth and inner monologuing about how hard Ouhon was pressing him, losing chunks of his armour while barely keeping up with Ouhon's speed. Then just to get near Ouhon he had to pull a full on Hail Mary move that failed and left him dismounted and disarmed deep in Qin forces. Ouhon was dominating that fool. :suresure:
Bananji literally knocked him out, you know that Akakin had to come in for the save right ?
Knocking someone out in a war means certain death while Bananji could easily defend himself.
Bananji only achieved that in a 2v1 advantage and was nearly killed by Akou. One inch deeper and Akou's glaive would have lobotomised Bananji.

"Akakin had to save Akou from a 2v1 disadvantage!"

And Gyou'un had to cover Bananji's slacking hide in a 2v1 advantage. 😂
What manga did you read? Bananji was gritting his teeth and inner monologuing about how hard Ouhon was pressing him, losing chunks of his armour while barely keeping up with Ouhon's speed. Then just to get near Ouhon he had to pull a full on Hail Mary move that failed and left him dismounted and disarmed deep in Qin forces. Ouhon was dominating that fool. :suresure:
Ouhon was showing his max offensive output and Bananji was able to block every thrust without suffering a single nick. It was Bananji who controlled the situation and he was the one who changed the conditions of the duel by taking the battle to the ground. That Ouhon was "dominating" is a natural consequence of the weapons both were using, doesn't mean he was winning.

Why would, narratively speaking, another commander come riding in to stall Bananji exactly at that time when Ouhon had it all working ? Come on man.

Bananji only achieved that in a 2v1 advantage and was nearly killed by Akou. One inch deeper and Akou's glaive would have lobotomised Bananji.

"Akakin had to save Akou from a 2v1 disadvantage!"

And Gyou'un had to cover Bananji's slacking hide in a 2v1 advantage. 😂
The important part about that exchange is Bananji confirming that he was containing himself and that the excitement of getting injured let him unleash more power than he Intended and yet it was enough to knock out Akou through thick armor.

This tells us enough about their 1v1 just before that.
Rage Mode Bananaji is a meme that belongs in the mythological section next to Intelligent Big Mom. It doesn't exist. :endthis:
This isn't true. Bananji's own friends noted that they've never seen Bananji like that when he finally entered his rage mode.


Ouhon was showing his max offensive output and Bananji was able to block every thrust without suffering a single nick. It was Bananji who controlled the situation and he was the one who changed the conditions of the duel by taking the battle to the ground. That Ouhon was "dominating" is a natural consequence of the weapons both were using, doesn't mean he was winning.

Why would, narratively speaking, another commander come riding in to stall Akou exactly at that time when Ouhon had it all working ? Come on man.

The important part about that exchange is Bananji confirming that he was containing himself and that the excitement of getting injured let him unleash more power than he Intended and yet it was enough to knock out Akou through thick armor.

This tells us enough about their 1v1 just before that.

This isn't true. Bananji's own friends noted that they've never seen Bananji like that when he finally entered his rage mode.
incest shi probably beats bananji ngl :Kizgrin:
Ouhon was showing his max offensive output and Bananji was able to block every thrust without suffering a single nick. It was Bananji who controlled the situation and he was the one who changed the conditions of the duel by taking the battle to the ground. That Ouhon was "dominating" is a natural consequence of the weapons both were using, doesn't mean he was winning.
Bananji literally had chunks of his armour flying off. He didn't do squat to Ouhon.

"He changed the conditions". Aye, he fucked himself over. Lel.

"Dominating doesn't mean winning!!!".........

Really sassenach? :Kizgrin:
Why would, narratively speaking, another commander come riding in to stall Bananji exactly at that time when Ouhon had it all working ? Come on man.
Why would, logically speaking, Akou ignore Bananji pincering his army? Come on mate.
The important part about that exchange is Bananji confirming that he was containing himself and that the excitement of getting injured let him unleash more power than he Intended and yet it was enough to knock out Akou through thick armor.

This tells us enough about their 1v1 just before that.
The important part of that exchange is Bananji nearly dying to a dead man's hand in a 2v1 advantage while wearing thick armour and still getting a permanent scar. That tells us enough about their previous 1v1 when Hara literally had people commenting about how they were dead even beforehand.
This isn't true. Bananji's own friends noted that they've never seen Bananji like that when he finally entered his rage mode.
Rage Mode my arse. Getting pissed off isn't something unique to Bananji.
Not going to lie, Bananji discussions remind me of Big Mom discussions. :goatasure:

"He/she wasn't in the right emotional mood to win."
"It doesn't matter that he/she got dunked on by numerous characters, he/she'd win anyway cause muscles."
"He/she somehow magically looked better than what the author actually drew."
"Rage Mode!"

Rage Mode has to be the biggest meme on this subsection. What even triggers it?

Bananji goes on long, angry rant about how the Qin are as bad if not worse than the barbaric Xiongnu: No rage mode.

Ouhon verbally bitch slaps him: No rage mode.

Ouhon physically dunks on him: No rage mode:

His section of army gets crippled: No rage mode.

Nearly gets killed by Akou and is permanently scarred: No rage mode.

Akakin ruins his day and saves Akou: No rage mode.

Akakin ruins his day again and his army is crippled again: No rage mode.

Loses an eye, loses Ousen and is permanently scarred.... Again: No rage mode.

What even actually triggers this supposed mode? :sus:


Bananji literally had chunks of his armour flying off. He didn't do squat to Ouhon.

"He changed the conditions". Aye, he fucked himself over. Lel.

"Dominating doesn't mean winning!!!".........

Really sassenach? :Kizgrin:

Why would, logically speaking, Akou ignore Bananji pincering his army? Come on mate.

The important part of that exchange is Bananji nearly dying to a dead man's hand in a 2v1 advantage while wearing thick armour and still getting a permanent scar. That tells us enough about their previous 1v1 when Hara literally had people commenting about how they were dead even beforehand.

Rage Mode my arse. Getting pissed off isn't something unique to Bananji.
i wonder which character will finally kill bananji
Look here for panel evidence.
This thread is getting flat out ridiculous.

Bananji could not even swing his damn glaive at Ouhon without getting consistently pushed on the back foot, physically overwhelmed and even getting tagged by Ouhon's spear.

Notice the big ol' chunk of armour missing on Bananji's shoulder (it even looks like a straight up gash wound) and how he says "yet to take a clean hit"? He has not taken a clean hit but he has taken a hit. Also, a clean hit from Ouhon's spear results in being crippled at best or skewered at worst. Just ask Earl Shi and Gyou'un.

Bananji is now gritting his teeth in frustration. People do not usually do that when things are going well for them.

This is followed by what seems to be the best that Bananji Brigade can come up with.

"Perhaps".... Yeah, perhaps is not a definitive term in the slightest. If your argument depends on a "perhaps" then you should be calling it quits.

Now we have the "Bananji dismounting Ouhon" schtick which is flat out nonsense.

Just to bypass Ouhon's spear, Bananji has to sacrifice his weapon and charge in like a mad man in order to get past Ouhon's reach. It still fails because Ouhon has quick reflexes and sees it coming.

That was not an attempt to dismount Ouhon in order to give himself an advantage. That was an all or nothing gamble to attempt to kill Ouhon in one strike because using a glaive was going absolutely nowhere.

Said gamble flat out failed. Not only that but Ouhon is so unfazed by Bananji's nonsense that he immediately attempts to break Bananji's arm.

Bananji instantly recognises that he is in danger of losing the use of his right arm and quickly flings Ouhon away. He does not attempt to attack Ouhon with his left hand, he flings Ouhon away before he loses his right arm.

Bananji then says this...

"So you managed to avoid it." not "Haha, you're dismounted, now you're mine bitch!"

This is followed by an explanation on how he was going to kill Ouhon via the power of fisting.

Like I said, Bananji's aim was never to dismount Ouhon. His aim was to kill him instantly and he failed big time since his plan backfired on him. He put himself in a scenario where he is dismounted and unarmed after having to fling his still armed opponent (I doubt Ouhon carries four swords just for ornamentation purposes) away after his arm was in danger of getting broken by said opponent.

Then he needs a subordinate to pass his weapon to his vulnerable arse before someone sends his head flying.
So to summarise;
- Bananji was completely on the defensive.
- Bananji was not capable of even getting a chance to swing his glaive.
- Bananji was getting physically overwhelmed with his arse being pushed back multiple times.
- Bananji was even getting tagged by Ouhon's spear.
- Bananji was forced to risk an all or nothing gamble that resulted in exactly nothing.
- Nearly got his arm broken.
- Got dismounted.
- Ended up unarmed.

This bloke is not beating Ouhon. Especially when Bananji's equal/superior in Gyou'un needed himself along with his ten best men (all on par with Garo) to utilise a tactic designed for slaying Legendary Great Generals and still lost a man to Ouhon before Kanjou interfered... and then got a crippled arm.

Yet somehow, the argument of Bananji defeating Ouhon is not the worst take that I have read here.

That honour goes to this paragraph...

Son, what brand of bath salt do you inhale? This is almost as bad as when you claimed that Yotanwa was "trash in strategy".

How on Earth did Bananji showcase his strength better than Gyou'un when he almost flat out died to a dead man's hand?
1/2 an inch deeper and Bananji would have been leaking brain fluid all over the Shukai Plains.

So apart from getting his helmet shattered and his skull almost split open, every other time that Akou and Bananji fought, they were dead equal to each other.

Bananji never once overpowered Akou by himself and he almost got flat out killed by him despite getting assistance from Gyou'un.

Gyou'un never got his helmet shattered, never got his skull almost split open and even got this bit of dialogue to hype him up over Akou.
Compare that to what was said of Bananji vs Akou in the previous chapter.

Then I really do not see how Bananji got superior portrayal.
The only thing saving Bananji is that unlike Jigaga, he isn't dead so he can still get better feats later. Lol.