Current Events Koby Marine Hero makes no sense


We know. There wasn't.

The attack didn't failed. Teach interrupted. It is different.

You are from the named attack troupe. Couldn't expect less cope coming from you.

She wasn't trying to sneak anyone. She handled all others and he was the last man standing from Marines.

Why the hell are you bringing that up? And by the way he had blood coming out from his mouth even before facing her.

And that means nothing...

You fail to show what your points even is.
1. The definition of the word disagrees with you.

2. It wasn't shown is different than it didn't happen bub

3. Cute except her slave arrows which also turned teaches men that were no where in sight failed to turn koby into stone. So hee first attack without teaches involvement did fail against koby lol.

4. Named attacks are the strongest attacks from individuals in anime. The only cope is arguing this lol.

5. Dude was OCCUPIED stopping the seraphim from attacking his men as collateral and she took that opportunity to attack. That's the definition of sneak attack lol.

6. Yes he had blood coming out on the very same panel that Teach quaked the marines. The blood argument is also silly since luffy was bleeding from gifters in wano lol.

7. The point is that you didn't have a feasible argument. I proved that quite easily actually. Your argument of "he didn't engage her " flopped. The "there wasn't a direct conflict between both " flopped. So didn't get your point.

Hell boa herself stated that she was only willing to turn everyone back to normal once the individuals thay she was engaged with leave the island lol


The definition of the word disagrees with you.
You wanna play dumb and chose a definition that isn't being used you will only make yourself look like a fool. Words have more than one definition the one I'm using is about Hancock and Coby having a fight which never happened.

. It wasn't shown is different than it didn't happen bub
Panels made clear that it never happened. For your logic we could say Usopp once fought Whitebeard and no one could deny because it was never shown. But panels clear says otherwise.

Cute except her slave arrows which also turned teaches men that were no where in sight failed to turn koby into stone. So hee first attack without teaches involvement did fail against koby lol.
Play dumb again and change the attack you were talking about. You said she failed her perfume attack that she didn't even could finish the sentence. Not about her failing to hit Coby with her slave arrows.

Named attacks are the strongest attacks from individuals in anime. The only cope is arguing this lol.
Bullshit. Named attacks are the same if not named. It is just to be cooler for readers and try to make some iconic attacks like Kamehameha. Bajrang Gun would have the same strength if not named.

Dude was OCCUPIED stopping the seraphim from attacking his men as collateral and she took that opportunity to attack. That's the definition of sneak attack lol.
Nope it is a war and he is invading and attacking Amazon Lilly while also having CoO. There is no such thing as sneak attack in here. He was only ordering Seraphim he didn't had to block any of his attacks or something.

Yes he had blood coming out on the very same panel that Teach quaked the marines. The blood argument is also silly since luffy was bleeding from gifters in wano lol.
I don't know what you mean by that. I was just saying how interested he was in defeating her. And also she says about how dangerous her DF is. While you tried to argue that he wasn't even trying against her.

The point is that you didn't have a feasible argument. I proved that quite easily actually. Your argument of "he didn't engage her " flopped. The "there wasn't a direct conflict between both " flopped. So didn't get your point.
You are the one failling in everything. He didn't engage on her. There wasn't a direct conflict since Teach stopped her the moment SHE was engaging on Coby.

Hell boa herself stated that she was only willing to turn everyone back to normal once the individuals thay she was engaged with leave the island lol
And that means???? She never said a word about engage. She is just defending her island from invaders. What else do you expected?
You wanna play dumb and chose a definition that isn't being used you will only make yourself look like a fool. Words have more than one definition the one I'm using is about Hancock and Coby having a fight which never happened.

Panels made clear that it never happened. For your logic we could say Usopp once fought Whitebeard and no one could deny because it was never shown. But panels clear says otherwise.

Play dumb again and change the attack you were talking about. You said she failed her perfume attack that she didn't even could finish the sentence. Not about her failing to hit Coby with her slave arrows.

Bullshit. Named attacks are the same if not named. It is just to be cooler for readers and try to make some iconic attacks like Kamehameha. Bajrang Gun would have the same strength if not named.

Nope it is a war and he is invading and attacking Amazon Lilly while also having CoO. There is no such thing as sneak attack in here. He was only ordering Seraphim he didn't had to block any of his attacks or something.

I don't know what you mean by that. I was just saying how interested he was in defeating her. And also she says about how dangerous her DF is. While you tried to argue that he wasn't even trying against her.

You are the one failling in everything. He didn't engage on her. There wasn't a direct conflict since Teach stopped her the moment SHE was engaging on Coby.

And that means???? She never said a word about engage. She is just defending her island from invaders. What else do you expected?

(1) There is not defintion of the word that suggests what you say bub. The word engaged and conflict even direct conflict are clear. If you have found this different meaning that agrees with your definition POST IT. That simple. Until then you are spewing bullshit

(2). The only way panels can make it clear that it didn't happen is if it was shown or stated it didn't happen. The same way people assumed sabo and co had to jump the admirals when shown 0 panels of it in the beginning is the same way you are assuming without panels being shown to something. So just like the sabo situation panels have to be shown for it not to best case.

(3). I said she failed her named ATTACKS (last time I checked that word is plural). She failed her slave arrow which your bitch ass tried to state was because koby wasn't in panel even though the same attack hit bbs men that were not even shown lol

(4). Cool. Doesn't change the fact that characters in anime and this verse only call out and give names to moves they dubbed as signature moves and their strongest attacks lol

(5). Would you care for me to pull up the defintion of sneak attack? If what you stated about war was true then there should be anything known as war crimes. I guess stealing, pillaging, persuading are also words that no longer exist since someone is in of war lol. Don't get

(6). I never once said he wasn't trying. Show the quote in which I states that. The only thing I stated that's it's retarded on your end to state that they didn't engage one another since you would be implying that boa had to resort to two named attacks to a person she is not engaged in a fight with which would actually look bad on her end lol

(7). Every defintion of the word engage goes against your argument. So your point is moot

(8). Don't get your point? Does someone have to say the word punch to punch? Her not saying engaged doesn't take away the fact that an engagement happened.
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She has a poster of Luffy there. Coby didn't even bothered to ask why.
Why would he? Friends or not he was focused on the mission.

Like people forget in marine Ford koby made up his mind to attack luffy even delaying him from saving his own brother from execution
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The pacing was not good that chapter

but koby saying everyone(the marine men) being turned to stone, and people behind him being turned to stone invalidates boa not aiming for him, also why would she intentionally miss koby when her sister was talking about him

koby wasn't even trying to fight whilst boa tried to sneak him afterwards and he still reacted to it, then oda left it neutral bb choking her for a reason


(1) There is not defintion of the word that suggests what you say bub. The word engaged and conflict even direct conflict are clear. If you have found this different meaning that agrees with your definition POST IT. That simple. Until then you are spewing bullshit
Keep playing the dumb card.

6 a: to enter into contest or battle with
- engage the enemy the attention of,: to induce to participate

(2). The only way panels can make it clear that it didn't happen is if it was shown or stated it didn't happen. The same way people assumed sabo and co had to jump the admirals when shown 0 panels of it in the beginning is the same way you are assuming without panels being shown to something. So just like the sabo situation panels have to be shown for it not to best case.
No dude this is way different. Once again I will show the panels.

Right here is where Hancock turned almost everybody into statues except Teach, S-Hawk and Coby that were far behind. We could even assume S-Snake was turned into stone since we don't see Coby ordering her to stop only S-Hawk. So Teach fight with S-Hawk stopped right there and his men were turned into stone. Meanwhile Hancock was aiming Coby with another attack that would make him into stone and giving him reaction to it he wouldn't be able to avoid getting hit.

The right next panel we have Coby, Teach and Hancock next to each other. Teach holding Hancock's neck negating her powers, Coby paralyzed from fear so he doesn't even move. That's is easily to understand Teach stopped Hancock attack before she could hit Coby.

(3). I said she failed her named ATTACKS (last time I checked that word is plural). She failed her slave arrow which your bitch ass tried to state was because koby wasn't in panel even though the same attack hit bbs men that were not even shown lol
You are still wrong since only one attack failled when the other was interrupted and would hit Coby just like Luffy's last attack before dying would hit Kaido if wasn't for CP-0 agent.

(4). Cool. Doesn't change the fact that characters in anime and this verse only call out and give names to moves they dubbed as signature moves and their strongest attacks lol
Wrong. There is no named attack in any of the sky splitting clashes. Kaido attack on Oden was not named. Named attacks means nothing but a marketing strategy to make the story cooler and try to make iconic moves like kamehameha.

(5). Would you care for me to pull up the defintion of sneak attack? If what you stated about war was true then there should be anything known as war crimes. I guess stealing, pillaging, persuading are also words that no longer exist since someone is in of war lol. Don't get
Yes war crimes are bullshit made by United Nations to have a somewhat more moral war which include things like not killing civillians, not using bio weapons and stuff. Yet we are seeing on Ukraine how things are going.

Like I said there is no sneak in war specially when you are the invader and even less when you have CoO like Coby does. He could sense a missile when protecting people from Reverie but wouldn't sense Hancock getting closer? Bullshit.

(6). I never once said he wasn't trying. Show the quote in which I states that. The only thing I stated that's it's retarded on your end to state that they didn't engage one another since you would be implying that boa had to resort to two named attacks to a person she is not engaged in a fight with which would actually look bad on her end lol
Was koby remotely blood listed or desired defeating her? No.
There is the quote where you states he wasn't even trying.

Fix your engage definition before going back to this endless discussion if they were engaged or not.

(7). Every defintion of the word engage goes against your argument. So your point is moot
Once again I already proved to you on the previous arguments.

(8). Don't get your point? Does someone have to say the word punch to punch? Her not saying engaged doesn't take away the fact that an engagement happened.
Funny how Hancock doesn't need to say they were engage although you implied that she said but then you argue that not showing Hancock and Coby having a directly 1v1 isn't enough reason to say they didn't fought.

Why would he? Friends or not he was focused on the mission.

Like people forget in marine Ford koby made up his mind to attack luffy even delaying him from saving his own brother from execution
Coby knows some pirates are good. And if she is friends with Luffy she may be a good person too. Simply because of that.

Also Coby has enough autonomy and personality to chose his fights and not follow blindly orders from marines and WG.
Keep playing the dumb card.

6 a: to enter into contest or battle with
- engage the enemy to hold the attention of,: to induce to participate

No dude this is way different. Once again I will show the panels.

Right here is where Hancock turned almost everybody into statues except Teach, S-Hawk and Coby that were far behind. We could even assume S-Snake was turned into stone since we don't see Coby ordering her to stop only S-Hawk. So Teach fight with S-Hawk stopped right there and his men were turned into stone. Meanwhile Hancock was aiming Coby with another attack that would make him into stone and giving him reaction to it he wouldn't be able to avoid getting hit.

The right next panel we have Coby, Teach and Hancock next to each other. Teach holding Hancock's neck negating her powers, Coby paralyzed from fear so he doesn't even move. That's is easily to understand Teach stopped Hancock attack before she could hit Coby.

You are still wrong since only one attack failled when the other was interrupted and would hit Coby just like Luffy's last attack before dying would hit Kaido if wasn't for CP-0 agent.

Wrong. There is no named attack in any of the sky splitting clashes. Kaido attack on Oden was not named. Named attacks means nothing but a marketing strategy to make the story cooler and try to make iconic moves like kamehameha.

Yes war crimes are bullshit made by United Nations to have a somewhat more moral war which include things like not killing civillians, not using bio weapons and stuff. Yet we are seeing on Ukraine how things are going.

Like I said there is no sneak in war specially when you are the invader and even less when you have CoO like Coby does. He could sense a missile when protecting people from Reverie but wouldn't sense Hancock getting closer? Bullshit.

There is the quote where you states he wasn't even trying.

Fix your engage definition before going back to this endless discussion if they were engaged or not.

Once again I already proved to you on the previous arguments.

Funny how Hancock doesn't need to say they were engage although you implied that she said but then you argue that not showing Hancock and Coby having a directly 1v1 isn't enough reason to say they didn't fought.

Coby knows some pirates are good. And if she is friends with Luffy she may be a good person too. Simply because of that.

Also Coby has enough autonomy and personality to chose his fights and not follow blindly orders from marines and WG.
Engaged: 6 a: to enter into contest or battle with
- engage the enemy

The definition of engaged you found still doesn't support your point since the definition of the word never once stated that the conflict had to be direct or singular (1v1 like you previously spouted). So the fact that boa engaged koby with the marines by definition still means she was engaged with the enemy lol. So even this definition doesn't contradict what I stated. It never says the word singular 1v1 or direct for it to be classified as an engagement which was your silly point bub. So she still engaged koby lol.

No names in sky splitting attacks? You mean the same attacks they used prior that they already gave actually names to? Luffy used and advanced coc gomu gomu no pistol while kaido used thunder bagua. We know that's that's what they used since they called the names of their attacks prior clashes so we know their attack names lol. So it goes back to the point that "their strongest attacks have names and are named attacks hence why luffys in g5 and kaido in flame dragon form both stated the name of their attacks before clashing which ended that fight lol. Damn someone just loves being wrong

Find the quote. I stated that your statement implies he was not trying since using your logic it was Boa that used named attacks. Something that every single character in the verse does (actual name their strong attacks lol).

Dont understand why you showed me the pics I already showed. Boas first named attack failed (slave arrows) and then had to resort to using another named attack while koby was distracted. Oh and by the way definition of the word Sneak attack: A sudden attack made from a concealed position. Synonyms of the word: ambush, surprisal, and unforeseen attack. An ambush is a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare.

Your whole sneak attacks arent apart of war argument is proven to be more and more retarded lol

Oh your argument as to why koby wasn't turned into stone is also bullshit since using your logic"there is no panel showing any of the seraphims turned into stone, and there is zero panel of bbs men even remotely close to where koby , trach and the marines were". So it's contradictory that you tell me that there was no 1v1 squimish between koby and boa since their are 0 panels yet state that bbs men were closer to boa .......even though you have 0 panels to prove it. Infact your theory is even more shit when you realize that koby in the very same panel that you showed is behind seraphim mihawk while lying on the ground right in front of koby were those turned into stone. Your shit be comical at best
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Engaged: 6 a: to enter into contest or battle with
- engage the enemy

The definition of engaged you found still doesn't support your point since the definition of the word never once stated that the conflict had to be direct or singular (1v1 like you previously spouted). So the fact that boa engaged koby with the marines by definition still means she was engaged with the enemy lol. So even this definition doesn't contradict what I stated. It never says the word singular 1v1 or direct for it to be classified as an engagement which was your silly point bub. So she still engaged koby lol.
I didn't found a definition. It is the definition. But as I said a word can have more the one definitions.

You can't enter in a battle if it isn't directly. I said about 1v1 because everybody else but Teach that was fighting S-Hawk and Coby were stones. Teach was having his 1v1 with S-Hawk so Coby would have his with Hancock as you were implying. But that never happened. The moment Hancock was engaging on Coby Teach got her. They never fought that's my point and once you realized you messed up you are trying to leave by the tangent.

No names in sky splitting attacks? You mean the same attacks they used prior that they already gave actually names to? Luffy used and advanced coc gomu gomu no pistol while kaido used thunder bagua. We know that's that's what they used since they called the names of their attacks prior clashes so we know their attack names lol. So it goes back to the point that "their strongest attacks have names and are named attacks hence why luffys in g5 and kaido in flame dragon form both stated the name of their attacks before clashing which ended that fight lol. Damn someone just loves being wrong
You just proved you don't have to say the name to have an attack of the same strength. Thanks for being so stubborn to the point you contradicts yourself and still thinks I'm the wrong one.

Find the quote. I stated that your statement implies he was not trying since using your logic it was Boa that used named attacks. Something that every single character in the verse does (actual name their strong attacks lol).
I already showed you the quote and now you are denying what you wrote. Lol.

Dont understand why you showed me the pics I already showed. Boas first named attack failed (slave arrows) and then had to resort to using another named attack while koby was distracted. Oh and by the way definition of the word Sneak attack: A sudden attack made from a concealed position. Synonyms of the word: ambush, surprisal, and unforeseen attack. An ambush is a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare.
It didn't failed at all. She wasnt aiming Coby but everybody. Coby, Teach and S-Hawk wasn't in her range.

And how that definition applies to Hancock x Coby situation? There is no lie by Hancock. She said she would handle herself and she did. She engage on marines and Coby was next on the line. Where is the sneak attack? Coby has CoO confirmed. He knows what happens in his surrounders. There is no sneak attack. He is the one invading Amazon Lily.

Your whole sneak attacks arent apart of war argument is proven to be more and more retarded lol
You and all others using sneak attacks arguments when characters are confirmed to have CoO which prevents themselves from any sneak attack. Hell Zoro wasn't even got off guard while sleeping but Coby invading Amazon Lily is got off guard by Hancock after she said she would handle marines herself? Keep coping...

Oh your argument as to why koby wasn't turned into stone is also bullshit since using your logic"there is no panel showing any of the seraphims turned into stone, and there is zero panel of bbs men even remotely close to where koby , trach and the marines were". So it's contradictory that you tell me that there was no 1v1 squimish between koby and boa since their are 0 panels yet state that bbs men were closer to boa .......even though you have 0 panels to prove it. Infact your theory is even more shit when you realize that koby in the very same panel that you showed is behind seraphim mihawk while lying on the ground right in front of koby were those turned into stone. Your shit be comical at best
Coby is clearly the last man. All other marines are in front of him.

We can clearly see that Hancock turned into stones the men right in front of her and then we see Pacifista in front of Coby and over those marines that were turned into stones.

Keep coping Ssg super COPE coby
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@Herrera95 We see people behind koby get stone from the arrow, like the bb commanders

Someone with insane great observation, master rokushiki, portrayal over a logia, 500 mil solo bounty, is commander lvl
500mi commander level? What? Just because of Ace? Ace being captain of 2nd division that had open spot doesn't mean he was commander level. Izou was also captain of a division 16th I guess don't remember. He wasn't commander level.

Coby has 500 mil bounty because of Cross Guild. This is similar to Usopp having 500 mil bounty because of Doflamingo.
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I didn't found a definition. It is the definition. But as I said a word can have more the one definitions.

You can't enter in a battle if it isn't directly. I said about 1v1 because everybody else but Teach that was fighting S-Hawk and Coby were stones. Teach was having his 1v1 with S-Hawk so Coby would have his with Hancock as you were implying. But that never happened. The moment Hancock was engaging on Coby Teach got her. They never fought that's my point and once you realized you messed up you are trying to leave by the tangent.

You just proved you don't have to say the name to have an attack of the same strength. Thanks for being so stubborn to the point you contradicts yourself and still thinks I'm the wrong one.

I already showed you the quote and now you are denying what you wrote. Lol.

It didn't failed at all. She wasnt aiming Coby but everybody. Coby, Teach and S-Hawk wasn't in her range.

And how that definition applies to Hancock x Coby situation? There is no lie by Hancock. She said she would handle herself and she did. She engage on marines and Coby was next on the line. Where is the sneak attack? Coby has CoO confirmed. He knows what happens in his surrounders. There is no sneak attack. He is the one invading Amazon Lily.

You and all others using sneak attacks arguments when characters are confirmed to have CoO which prevents themselves from any sneak attack. Hell Zoro wasn't even got off guard while sleeping but Coby invading Amazon Lily is got off guard by Hancock after she said she would handle marines herself? Keep coping...

Coby is clearly the last man. All other marines are in front of him.

We can clearly see that Hancock turned into stones the men right in front of her and then we see Pacifista in front of Coby and over those marines that were turned into stones.

Keep coping Ssg super COPE coby
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500mi commander level? What? Just because of Ace? Ace being captain of 2nd division that had open spot doesn't mean he was commander level. Izou was also captain of a division 16th I guess don't remember. He wasn't commander level.

Coby has 500 mil bounty because of Cross Guild. This is similar to Usopp having 500 mil bounty because of Doflamingo.
1. You can't enter into battle if it isn't directly which is why your point makes zero sense since it means he did engage her and it was a direct conflict. It simply wasn't a 1v1 that w e were shown lol.

2. Dumb point since again bbs men were turned to stone. Individuals further than the individuals on the marine side were turned to stone. Yet coby who was closer was not. Point blank

3. Funny how the named situation makes more sense on my end since kaidos strongest attack and luffys strongest attack named were still called when using said attack so.... you answered my point.

4. Boa was aiming her attack at a distracted koby after her first attack failed. While she was attacking or trying to attack him bb got the jump on her. Which means boa tried sneaking koby which is a war tactic which allowed bb to sneak boa lol.

5. Your argument about coO is also retarded since luffy with future sight was also jumped and was caught off guard on several occasions. Future sight luffy got tagged amd was sent flying by vegapunk satellite, couldn't even find the real vegapunk with his nfact your point looks even more retarded when we learn that boa was sneaked by bb so where was her observation haki???? Lol

6. Ace wasn't commnader level when he took the position????? Please tell me you joking
Which makes his bounty more impressive since wg has way more money then guild and inflate bounties while guild doesn't, if koby was a pirate that would be more then 500 mil

also can you explain how the bb commanders behind koby got arrow'd but he didn't? I can also just say oda supervised film red and was fine with koby pushing fujitora, and teaming up with zoro and beckman, anyways grus a logia already knows koby is superior to him


Which makes his bounty more impressive since wg has way more money then guild and inflate bounties while guild doesn't, if koby was a pirate that would be more then 500 mil

also can you explain how the bb commanders behind koby got arrow'd but he didn't? I can also just say oda supervised film red and was fine with koby pushing fujitora, and teaming up with zoro and beckman, anyways grus a logia already knows koby is superior to him
Not it doesn't. As I said Doflamingo gave Usopp a 500mi bounty too.

Who said the BB commanders were behind Coby?

Film Red is filler no matter if Oda supervised or not. He will never make Shanks humiliating Kizaru like the movie did.

I don't recall Koby pushing Fujitora.

And great Koby is now on level of post-Alabasta Luffy for being superior to a logia. Great argument.
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1. You can't enter into battle if it isn't directly which is why your point makes zero sense since it means he did engage her and it was a direct conflict. It simply wasn't a 1v1 that w e were shown lol.
No. You are the one making 0 sense. They never battle. Hancock and Coby. Hancock engage marines as a whole and you saying that Coby kept her busy before Teach fought her. And none of the two things happened because Coby never had a directly confrontation with Hancock and neither Teach.

2. Dumb point since again bbs men were turned to stone. Individuals further than the individuals on the marine side were turned to stone. Yet coby who was closer was not. Point blank
Coby wasn't closer. He was the last man we can clearly see by S-Hawk position over stone bodies.

3. Funny how the named situation makes more sense on my end since kaidos strongest attack and luffys strongest attack named were still called when using said attack so.... you answered my point.
No I didn't. I never said that no named attacks were stronger. I'm just saying it doesn't make a difference if it is named or not. The strength doesn't change by naming it.

And Kaido didn't had any named attack towards Luffy in their last clash. He had a transformation. He coated himself with Magma. That wasn't an attack he just went straigth forward to Luffy's fist and bited.

4. Boa was aiming her attack at a distracted koby after her first attack failed. While she was attacking or trying to attack him bb got the jump on her. Which means boa tried sneaking koby which is a war tactic which allowed bb to sneak boa lol.
Distracted my ass. Coby is the invader, he has CoO and was keeping his distance from Hancock to avoid being hit by her abilities. Boa is only moving straigth forward to attack marines she is not using any tactic. Your copium is absurd.

5. Your argument about coO is also retarded since luffy with future sight was also jumped and was caught off guard on several occasions. Future sight luffy got tagged amd was sent flying by vegapunk satellite, couldn't even find the real vegapunk with his nfact your point looks even more retarded when we learn that boa was sneaked by bb so where was her observation haki???? Lol
Luffy is never got off guard since he has Future Sight. If someone gets him is because they are either superior or Luffy is dumb. There is no off guard against someone who has Future Sight, CoO etc. Of course you can argue that plot requires for Luffy to get caught even if he has Future Sight and CoO but never says he was got off guard.

6. Ace wasn't commnader level when he took the position????? Please tell me you joking
The position was open. Pretty much anyone could fit it but no one wanted. That was clear when Ace talked with Blackbeard about it. He himself could have being the commander instead of Ace.

And like I said Izou was also a commander that doesn't mean he is commander level when this is strictly about the 3 strongests after the strongest(usually the captain). Big Mom is the strongest and Commander Level would be Smoothie, Katakuri and Cracker. Kaido is the strongest and Commander Level would be Jack, Queen and King. Whitebeard is the strongest and Commander Level would be Jozu, Marco and Vista.
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As I said Doflamingo gave Usopp a 500mi bounty too
As a gag? you think koby is a gag character?
ilm Red is filler no matter if Oda supervised or not. He will never make Shanks humiliating Kizaru like the movie did
Glad you agree, shanks wouldn't do that to kizaru the diffuculty is un-canon, as for film red though we know from the rhp notes that it film does correlate their abilities though
I don't recall Koby pushing Fujitora.
Well you missed it
And great Koby is now on level of post-Alabasta Luffy
That was when op was suppose to end in 5 years, croc got retcon, also 500 mil bounty is the same as post-dr luffy