Versus Battle Kratos (God of War) Versus Link (Zelda)

Who Wins?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars


So obviously there are a dozen versions of Link, for simplicity’s sake we can discuss Breath of the Wild Link and Ocarina of Time Link, but if anyone wants to bring up any other versions of him feel free lol.

For Kratos, same as Link. Whichever versions y’all want to discuss, feel free lol.

Or you can use composite versions of both like Death Battle does lol. Speed equalized.

Which versions of Link can Kratos defeat, and which does he lose to?

@Sentinel @ShishioIsBack @RayanOO @Shuyaku @Light D Lamperouge etc etc etc etc
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Strongest Link>Strongest Kratos

The Triforce is broken af
Both are universal at their strongest.

Can't really tell who wins tho. Is it speed equal @Admiral Lee Hung?
kratos is universal iirc, no clue where Link at his most powerful is at
I haven't found any sources say Link is Universal.

In lore, there's no one in All of Legend of Zelda who has ever threatened to destroy the entire Legend of Zelda universe.

There's the person who created the universe but that person has never fought anyone or been defeated.

Where are you getting Universe level feats from?

Whereas in God of War, there are direct statements like Ragnarok bring able to destroy All of existence so the story has universal feats in it already.
I haven't found any sources say Link is Universal.
- Ganon completely warped the Sacret Realm into the Dark World, a parallel world
- Majora tainted and distorted the heavens, space and time from Termina which was confirmed to be a parallel universe.

You can find all necessary sources here:

Universal Link is accepted on both VSBW AND OBD.

In lore, there's no one in All of Legend of Zelda who has ever threatened to destroy the entire Legend of Zelda universe.
The antagonists usually want to conquer the world, thus destroying said world is out of question for them.
Furthermore, you do not need to destroy a universe to be universe level.

There's the person who created the universe but that person has never fought anyone or been defeated.
Which person?
There are at the very least two antagonist comparable to the power of the Triforce and Majora is universe level because of his own feats.

Where are you getting Universe level feats from?
Addressed above.

Whereas in God of War, there are direct statements like Ragnarok bring able to destroy All of existence so the story has universal feats in it already.
Majora, when confronting Link, created his own alternative reality which collapsed upon his defeat.

If Shishio is unbanned again, ofc we can debate about that.
Ganon completely warped the Sacret Realm into the Dark World, a parallel world
- Majora tainted and distorted the heavens, space and time from Termina which was confirmed to be a parallel universe.
Creating Pocket Dimensions <<<<<< Creating actual infinite time space universes.

For example Bruno Bucciarati from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure opens Zips to a void dimension. That's not saying Bruno is Universal.

Or for example Caribou claims his mud swamp is bottomless which doesn't mean Caribou is an infinite space time dimension.

Opening portals to other dimensions IS NOT universal

Creating large or even "bottomless" pockets of space IS NOT universal.

Distorting large amounts of space is NOT universal.

So here's the issue with what you posted.

"Sacred Realm" "Dark world" aren't stated to be Infinite time spaces.

The Parallel world that Majora was in had a planet that was Majora was threatening. That's it.

Majora wasn't stated to be a threat to the entire parallel world. He was a threat to the one planet in the parallel world.

And if you say that the one planet being threatened is equivalent to threatening the entire parallel world then that means that parallel world isn't even infinite time space. That means that parallel world is just another pocket dimension that happens to be as big as a planet or best a solar system.

The tri force isn't stated to be a universe level artifact or anything. It's used to threaten the world. As in one planet.

The only universal entities are the creators of the universe and no one has ever threatened to be destroy the creators.

See I'm using the word "threatened" because I know the rules if story telling. Thanos never snapped the universe into dust but only THREATENED to do so. But we are led to believe that he could've if not stopped.

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has THREATENED to destroy more than a planet.

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has created an entire infinite time space universe except the Creators of that universe.

No one has threatened to destroy the creators of that Zelda universe

No one has warped the entire Time space of an infinite Space time universe. At best they warp a planet size of space. Never infinite space.

As a comparison, to a universal feat in God of war, Freya says the Ygridsil Transcends INFINITE SPACE TIME. That's a statement in the story. And yet when the world serpent fought Thor they ACCIDENTALLY broke a few branches of it. And that's what led to the World serpent traveling in time to the past.

These guys ACCIDENTALLY broke parts of infinite space time while fighting each other. And a random outcome of this was The world serpent traveling back in time.

That's the equivalent of two people fighting in the kitchen and accidentally knocking a plate over and it breaks. In this situation, The two people broke time space itself. The plate breaking is accidental time travel.

And then this same World serpent was knocked out by baldur in three punches. The world serpent accidentally breaks infinite time space but gets knocked out by three punches from a regular God.

That's what a universal feat looks like.

There's has to be stated infinite space time feats. And only the creation of the Zelda universe is on that level

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Creating large or even "bottomless" pockets of space IS NOT universal.
Distorting large amounts of space is NOT universal.
How does that work? If one creates a “bottomless amount of space” using nothing then their power, then that character by definition has universal amounts of power lol.

That’s not to say they are invincible to all other tiers of course, Filianore from Dark Souls for example was so powerful that she locked the Ring City in time eternally, but has no combat ability and could probably be killed by any competent knight.

But having the power to create “bottomless” amounts of space by definition means one has universal level power.
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Creating Pocket Dimensions <<<<<< Creating actual infinite time space universes.
Termina and the Sacret Realm are not Pocket Dimensions tho.

Both Ganon and Majora performed feats of creating two different parallel universes into something different.

For example Bruno Bucciarati from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure opens Zips to a void dimension.
Yes, he isn't universe level whilst Majora is stated to be a reality warper on universal scale. That's the difference.

Or for example Caribou claims his mud swamp is bottomless which doesn't mean Caribou is an infinite space time dimension.
Pretty sure sites such as VSBW or OBD would consider to not use hyperboles in their scaling.
And no, Termina being a parallel universe was stated several times. Have you ignored the panels I've posted here?

Opening portals to other dimensions IS NOT universal
I did not say that's a universe feat, did I?

Creating large or even "bottomless" pockets of space IS NOT universal.
Majora created the parallel world Termina. All of that is irrelevant.

Distorting large amounts of space is NOT universal.
Again, how is that relevant to Majora?

So here's the issue with what you posted.
There isn't any issue you correctly addressed tho.

You simply gave examples which do not fit what Majora managed to do in the lore.

"Sacred Realm" "Dark world" aren't stated to be Infinite time spaces
The Triforce keeps space and time together of the universe.
Lorule, ANOTHER parallel universe, slowly collapsed when the Triforce was destroyed which kept the world at bay.

The Sacred Realm/The Dark World is nothing different to Lorule, it is a parallel world to the original universe created by the gods.

Btw, I've found this translation about Din's power:

大地と時空のことわりをみだし そこに生まれる人大地と時空のことわりをみだし そこに生まれる人々の“なげき”、 “ほろび”と“ぜつぼう”をあつめ 々の“なげき”、 “ほろび”と“ぜつぼう”をあつめ ツインローバのもとに おくる しめいを おっていたのでしょう
Their mission was to throw the reasons of earth and space-time out of order, collect the “grief”, “ruin”, and “despair” born in the people from this, and give it to Twinrova.

How exactly isn't that a universe feat? It entirely affects the space and time from a full timeline after all.

The Parallel world that Majora was in had a planet that was Majora was threatening.
As long as there is nothing which retconneds the statements, Majora canonically created the parallel world. That's it.

Majora wasn't stated to be a threat to the entire parallel world.
Once again, read the scans.

And if you say that the one planet being threatened is equivalent to threatening the entire parallel world then that means that parallel world isn't even infinite time space
And how exactly do you know that Majora just affected the planet in that alternative universe? IIRC, there ain't statements implying of a finite universe either whilst it is constantly mentioned to affect both space and time from a timelime.

The tri force isn't stated to be a universe level artifact or anything.
It is stated in AlbW.

The only universal entities are the creators of the universe and no one has ever threatened to be destroy the creators.
The creators are responsible for the entire timeline, hence low multiverse level.

You are mixing up a universal divine artifact - created by the 3 gods - with the literal creators of the Zelda verse.

See I'm using the word "threatened" because I know the rules if story telling.
And that is your mistake.

You only think that a character is universe level if it threatens the universe. That ain't the only reason.

Hylia said the Triforce could alter the essence of all things. Thus, this includes space and time as well, literally everything.

Now what?

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has THREATENED to destroy more than a planet.
Has somebody ever destroy a universe in God of War? I don't know that, that's why I am asking.

By the way, that is the typical way how a DBZtard would argue. "Character X didn't destroy that and thus, he's weaker than Zeno!!!", "Saint Seiya characters are weak, they didn't destroy x and y whilst Goku/Beerus/Zeno did this and that!".

Being universe level is not only limited on destruction. Creation and pure manipulation are also huge factors.

Zanza from XBC literally recreated his universe over and over again although we just see an endless sea with two titans, now what???

And btw, the Windfish - a being inferior to Majora/Ganon/Triforce - warped an alternative reality which contains SEVERAL stars, which implies an alternative reality worth of multiple solar systems, and he is not even universe level.

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has created an entire infinite time space universe except the Creators of that universe.
There are differences between finite and infinite universes, yes.

However, it was stated that the Triforce can alter all essence of things. Something similar was stated when the Artificial Aion (XBC2) was able to erase all existence.

No one has warped the entire Time space of an infinite Space time universe.
You really should read the scans.

As a comparison, to a universal feat in God of war, Freya says the Ygridsil Transcends INFINITE SPACE TIME.
So it is in the same ballpark as the Triforce after all, what exactly is your problem then?

And yet when the world serpent fought Thor they ACCIDENTALLY broke a few branches of it.
Distorting large amounts of space is NOT universal.
At least be consistent with the way you argue.

Majora casually created an alternative reality which contains a sun within a small moon. If this one ain't a universe level feat, which it isn't ofc, then the another one isn't a universe feat either.

These guys ACCIDENTALLY broke parts of infinite space time while fighting each other.
Once again: Majora casually created an alternative reality which contains a sun within a small moon. If this one ain't a universe level feat, which it isn't ofc, then the another one isn't a universe feat either.

You are recently quite bias.

And a random outcome of this was The world serpent traveling back in time.
Time travel is nothing new in the Zelda verse.

That's the equivalent of two people fighting in the kitchen and accidentally knocking a plate over and it breaks. In this situation, The two people broke time space itself. The plate breaking is accidental time travel.
That is impressive indeed but I fail to understand how Kratos is stronger than Link based on that?

The strongest Link has the power of a divine artifact holding the universe together. When Ganon held this power, he completely corrupted and warped the Sacred Realm - a parallel universe which is designed TO PROTECT THE TRIFORCE FROM THE EVIL - into the Dark World and ruled over it.

The world serpent accidentally breaks infinite time space but gets knocked out by three punches from a regular God.
You just said the contrast a few paragraphs above, lol.

If the World Serpent and Thor just managed to destroy parts of said infinite time and space continuum, how did the World Serpent accidentally break infinite time space?

That's what a universal feat looks like.
The way you distort other universal feats just for the purpose to elevate your favo verse higher reminds me, once again, of the way how DBZtards debate in CV.

And ofc, both stuff are universal feats. That's why I said both Kratos and Link are universe level.

There's has to be stated infinite space time feats. And only the creation of the Zelda universe is on that level
Once again, the creators of the Zelda verse created all existing timelines - that's above universe level.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Okay so I've got a second to address some things here lol.

So I'm still taken aback by the fact that Kratos apparently scales to "Universal Level" as I mash Circle vigorously to lift a moderately large rock, but whatever lol. Apparently because Zeus created the Universe and Kratos kills Zeus, that qualifies Kratos to be Universal Level I guess?

I'm fine with that logic, but by that Logic, full power Link is at least Multiversal level in comparison. Even VS Battle Wiki lists versions of Ganondorf at "3-A, likely 2-C," 3-A being Universal and 2-C being low multiversal, and Link slays Ganondorf in every iteration of his existence (at least temporarily lol). I'm not a huge fan of this type of scaling but if this is the internet consensus than who am I to object? Inb4 I unload on VB Wiki for how terrible their Dark Souls scaling is

So if Link's strongest iteration scales to "High Universal or likely low multiversal" and with Kratos' strongest iteration being "Universal", and with speed equalized, it seems like we have a fight on our hands, and neither character has an outright scaling advantage (though if one does, it is Link)
Kratos is low multiverse level in VSBW. Are there certain feats which support this scaling? Because I didn't find the exact information.

Once again, I'm well versed in Zelda but I lack knowledge when it comes about God of War.
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What level is Kratos in OBD?
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Creating Pocket Dimensions <<<<<< Creating actual infinite time space universes.

For example Bruno Bucciarati from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure opens Zips to a void dimension. That's not saying Bruno is Universal.

Or for example Caribou claims his mud swamp is bottomless which doesn't mean Caribou is an infinite space time dimension.

Opening portals to other dimensions IS NOT universal

Creating large or even "bottomless" pockets of space IS NOT universal.

Distorting large amounts of space is NOT universal.

So here's the issue with what you posted.

"Sacred Realm" "Dark world" aren't stated to be Infinite time spaces.

The Parallel world that Majora was in had a planet that was Majora was threatening. That's it.

Majora wasn't stated to be a threat to the entire parallel world. He was a threat to the one planet in the parallel world.

And if you say that the one planet being threatened is equivalent to threatening the entire parallel world then that means that parallel world isn't even infinite time space. That means that parallel world is just another pocket dimension that happens to be as big as a planet or best a solar system.

The tri force isn't stated to be a universe level artifact or anything. It's used to threaten the world. As in one planet.

The only universal entities are the creators of the universe and no one has ever threatened to be destroy the creators.

See I'm using the word "threatened" because I know the rules if story telling. Thanos never snapped the universe into dust but only THREATENED to do so. But we are led to believe that he could've if not stopped.

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has THREATENED to destroy more than a planet.

No one in the legend of Zelda universe has created an entire infinite time space universe except the Creators of that universe.

No one has threatened to destroy the creators of that Zelda universe

No one has warped the entire Time space of an infinite Space time universe. At best they warp a planet size of space. Never infinite space.

As a comparison, to a universal feat in God of war, Freya says the Ygridsil Transcends INFINITE SPACE TIME. That's a statement in the story. And yet when the world serpent fought Thor they ACCIDENTALLY broke a few branches of it. And that's what led to the World serpent traveling in time to the past.

These guys ACCIDENTALLY broke parts of infinite space time while fighting each other. And a random outcome of this was The world serpent traveling back in time.

That's the equivalent of two people fighting in the kitchen and accidentally knocking a plate over and it breaks. In this situation, The two people broke time space itself. The plate breaking is accidental time travel.

And then this same World serpent was knocked out by baldur in three punches. The world serpent accidentally breaks infinite time space but gets knocked out by three punches from a regular God.

That's what a universal feat looks like.

There's has to be stated infinite space time feats. And only the creation of the Zelda universe is on that level
Termina is a Alternate Universe

Majora also made a alternate reality out of his ass,casual as fuck
How does that work? If one creates a “bottomless amount of space” using nothing then their power, then that character by definition has universal amounts of power lol.

That’s not to say they are invincible to all other tiers of course, Filianore from Dark Souls for example was so powerful that she locked the Ring City in time eternally, but has no combat ability and could probably be killed by any competent knight.

But having the power to create “bottomless” amounts of space by definition means one has universal level power.
Caribou isn't universal now is he?

There's this question that came up a while back. How does Cyclops create his eye lasers and how much can he create?

Turns out it's infinite. Cyclops has infinite eye laser energy. So the question became, is cyclops Universal?

No. Cyclops has infinite eye laser energy because he accesses an infinite universe of energy from another dimension.

Caribou's devil fruit let's him create and manipulate what he says is bottomless space but that's not saying Caribou is universal.

Caribou doesn't have the specific power to create an infinite time space. At best you would say Caribou has a hax to do this. Not an actual raw power to do so.

And this goes further, you can have the raw power to create a singularity, which by deginition is "bottomless space" but that doesn't mean you created an infinite time space. You just created "bottomless space"

For example Johnny Joestar creates Bottomless space the size if a bullet hole but he's not universal. Franklin Richards creates a universe the size of a tennis ball, THAT'S universal. He created an infinite time space continuum. Not just "Bottomless space"
Franklin Richards creates a universe the size of a tennis ball, THAT'S universal
Majora casually pulls an alternative reality outta his ass with several pocket dimensions -> he isn't universe level.
Franklin Richards creates a universe the size of a tennis ball -> that's universal.

At least you are showing your bias.