Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

Does Mihawk have COC?

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But the experts say he saw it on the newspaper! Nevermind that the reverie is literally happening while he's looking at the window. :saden:
People don't realise that if that info was in the newspaper, Perona nd Teach would have found out as well since they both read it. Teach even mentions every info he read (like the worstgen in wano,etc) in that same chapter. Yet there was no mention of warlord abolishment by either of them
I gave the complete analysis along with the timeline of events for that moment in my post here.
Mihawk’s Observation Haki

Ever since the Reverie event was resolved I had this thread planned because this is probably one of the most controversial topics regarding Mihawk’s powers/abilities.

You guys probably have come across theories that say Mihawk was using Observation Haki to find out the what happened at the Reverie in chapter 925, but all those theories get pushback that Mihawk was just reading the newspaper to find about the events.

I am not sure if someone has already proved this before, but I’m still going to try giving concrete evidence that Mihawk actually was using Observation Haki. This is a bit complex theory so I will first draw the timeline of the events.

First let’s establish the reverie timeline:

Reverie Timeline
I know this may seem useless at first but this will play the most crucial part of my theory.

We first hear about Reverie in chapter 801 from King Riku at the end of Dressrosa
It took about 1 week for SH to get to Zou and then Luffy’s group leave the next day for WCI.
At the same time in chapter 823 – All the kingdoms from around the world are getting prepared in leaving for Reverie.
We also find out the Rev HQ was destroyed by Blackbeard and that Kidd was captured by Kaido.

It takes SHs a decent amount of time to reach WCI. We don’t know exact no. of days so let’s just say it takes them a few weeks. After reaching Totto Land they find out about the weeding which is in 3 days. SHs leave WCI the next day of Tea party.

Now in Chapter 903 we see all the Kings gathering at MariJoa which took about a few days. From chapter 903-908 all the events are of the same day before the Reverie discussion began. Here we also find out that reverie is a 7-day event
Chapter 903
Chapter 908
In chapter 910 we see Luffy’s group reading news of all the Kings gathering at MJ. The SHs were close to Wano’s waterfall at that point in time. Which means that the first day of Reverie started at the same time as Luffy reached Wano.
Chapter 910

All of this till now was so that I could match the timeline of Reverie to Wano.

And now comes most crucial part of my theory which I’ve divided in 3 segments

At the beginning of 925, Perona finds out Moria is alive. Newspaper says Moria is going on an attack spree with his zombie army, we find out he was looking for Absalom and that later lead him to Hachinosu.
We shift to Hachinosu where Blackbeard gives us some major information. Now BB gives us 2 important pieces of info:
First is that on the Fourth Day of the Reverie Sabo and the revs fight against Fuji and Ryokugyu.
Second is that Big Mom has started chasing Luffy to Wano. Note it doesn’t say that Big Mom has reached Wano, it only says she has started chase.
So now the conclusion from these events is:
  • Big Mom leaves WCI and is enroute to Wano to kill Luffy which is around the 4th day of Reverie. Meaning this is before act-2 of Wano. This is around the time when Luffy is thrown in Udon prison.
  • Kuraigana scene and Hachinosu scene are happening parallelly. Meaning the newspaper Perona read and Blackbeard read were the same. And yet Both of them still didn’t have the slightest clue about Warlord abolishment.
  • Reverie still had 3 days left.
Now comes a complicated part again to align the timelines and this may seem useless but trust me this will make sense.

In chapter 951 there was this small panel which at first may not have seemed important, but later we get the info from Chapter 956 which gives better context on this. Hawkins notices that Drake has been acting strange which makes Hawkins suspicious.
Jumping to 956, We get info that the Warlords have been abolished and all the news about this is spread throughout the world in the newspaper. Drake is seen talking to Koby about Kaido and BM alliance. He also finds out Koby is heading to Amazon Lily immediately after the warlord abolishment.
I believe that Drake was trying to contact Koby in chapter 951 to relay the info from Wano but he is only able to connect to him a little later when the Kaido-BM fight was already finished. This basically puts the Kaido-BM fight conclusion in the same time frame as Warlord being abolished and Koby heading to AL.

The final part of my theory which brings us to the overall conclusion. Everything before was so that I can fit the timeline properly and match all the events.

Let’s jump back to chapter 956 again. By now the Kaido-BM fight is resolved and all the SH have regrouped following the event of Drake's conversation. But now we'll look at the most important piece: Blackbeard
Blackbeard talks about going after something after the Warlord abolishment. At that point we didn’t know what he was talking about. In chapter 1059 we find he was after Hancock’s DF which is why he came to AL.

So basically, Blackbeard the moment he heard the news of Warlord abolishment he went after Hancock to take her fruit.
Now if the news of abolishment had already been revealed or hinted in the newspaper back in Chapter 925 like I've seen some people say, Wouldn't Blackbeard immediately go after Hancock as soon as he heard the news to not let Navy capture her so he can have that power for himself? It would be stupid if he didn't and BB is too smart not to capitalize on that.
But he didn't move till the reveal of the warlord collapse in 956. And Perona was also reading the newspaper in 925 but she also didn't comment on anything regarding that.
What this basically means is that Mihawk didn't have any external source to find the info on warlord abolishment. And I believe the only way he found that info was by hearing the conversation thru observation haki, which is absolutely broken considering the range from Kuraigana to Marijoa. This is would most likely put Mihawk's obs haki top1 or top2 in the verse.
I genuinely think Mihawk's specialty might be observation haki.

Let me know what you guys think about this theory. Is it trash or is it good?

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Just to add to the Mihawk GODLY observation ability, Shanks has some of the GREATEST haki range/reach in the OP world ofc so why not the same for Mihawk with observation ofc?

We've yet to see another observation feat in scale/range to Enel's, I just saw a post earlier on reddit saying the same thing about that too!

This just makes me think, how truly INSANE were the duels between Shanks and Mihawk too then?! They were felt/echoed through the grand line pretty much IIRC?

What I wanted to get onto though, if Mihawk is related to Imu too, Imu somehow was able to nuke Lulusia from Mary Geoise, they looked at a map of it and nuked it from that, so Imu must have INSANE observation range too? I mean people have tried to slander/downplay Imus haki based on Wapol and Sabo but imagine Imus and Mihawks eyes really are that special? (We Naruto now lmao.)

Also do you guys like the theory of Garling training Mihawk too? Im surprised he was never offered to be a holy knight unless he rejected it? Oh wait its for celestials only right? But if Mihawk is related to Imu, hes not only a celestial but the ULTIMATE one too? By relation? Also having a guy who might be a werewolf or similar training someone who is vampiric themed in Mihawk too?

I still cant believe we've yet to see Mihawk actually fight or take anyone down post TS and use a named move too, that is WILD! Garp and Shanks got moves now but not Dragon and Mihawk?! Oda cooking something big with them?
Also do you guys like the theory of Garling training Mihawk too? Im surprised he was never offered to be a holy knight unless he rejected it? Oh wait its for celestials only right? But if Mihawk is related to Imu, hes not only a celestial but the ULTIMATE one too? By relation? Also having a guy who might be a werewolf or similar training someone who is vampiric themed in Mihawk too?
I do think there is connection between Imu and Mihawk based on their eyes. But I'm not fully on board the Garlic teacher theory.
The marine betrayal part of his backstory don't make sense if that was the case

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
I do think there is connection between Imu and Mihawk based on their eyes. But I'm not fully on board the Garlic teacher theory.
The marine betrayal part of his backstory don't make sense if that was the case
Yeah thats true great point. Man I forgot about the Marine betrayal, damn. I'm even more dying to get his backstory at this point due to that too.
some snippets from Zoro's novel, thanks to the twitter account of The Will of Marco

It's still a work in progress but here's another snippet from One Piece novel Zoro - Part 1:

Umen told Zoro that if there were to be a "leader" amongst the Seven Warlords, it would be Mihawk.

The Kanji used for the term "leader" is "大将" (taishou).
It means "head", "chief",
Yes, it's the same Kanji used for the Marine Admirals - "大将" (taishou)

Here's the full conversation:

Umen: “I thought you were just some Mihawk enthusiast, but you really want to meet him in person? He’s a frightening man, you know. Aren’t you scared?”

Zoro: “As if I’d get scared. I’m going to defeat ‘Hawk-Eyes’ and become the world’s strongest swordsman.”

Umen: “Huh? What did you say?”

Zoro: “I’m going to defeat ‘Hawk-Eyes’ and become the world’s strongest swordsman.”

When Zoro repeated himself earnestly, Umen burst into loud laughter for some reason.

Umen: “Hahaha! That’s quite a bold claim! You’re talking about the 'leader' of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!”

Zoro: “There’s no ‘leader’ among the Seven Warlords.”

Umen: “But if there were one, it would be Mihawk. He’s sunk countless pirate ships and is even rumored to have the respect of one of the Four Emperors — Red-Haired Shanks. There’s no way you can defeat Mihawk. You don’t even properly know how to fight yet.”

Zoro: “What did you say?”
One Piece novel Zoro - Part 1 snippet:

One of the display items in the "Mihawk Memorial Museum" is a toothpick with seaweed on it. The conversation goes:

Zoro: "What's this?"

Umen: "That's the toothpick that Mihawk used when he ate takoyaki with "Knight of the Sea" Jinbei."

Zoro: "That's basically garbage."