Future Events Law will team up with Blackbeard against Shanks

The fight between Law and bb got cut down unlike kidd oda did not show fate of Law which supports the idea he might still be relevant until laugh tale arc.

Following motives I see is Blackbeard has plans to expand his territories in New world and he even decided to use koby as hostage . Also for choosing Law over kidd or luffy it makes sense. The fight might also be ploy to test Law's strength and create alliance.

If Law and BB it also parallels his team up with luffy where they took down doffy.

If BB has ultimate eyes on one piece he definitely knows Shanks will be biggest hurdle . With Law it's makes him comfortable enough to challenge Red haired pirates . Law's df is definitely is way too op and BB probably knows this killing him won't make sense and I definitely it makes sense Law and BB probably resolved their differences with their fight and decided to team up to fight Shanks.