Theory Lost in Time: The Prodigal Son of Ryuma and Wano, Roronoa Zoro

Do you think Zoro is Ryuma's son?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
TLDR: Zoro is from ancient Wano, and is the son of Ryuma. Toki is also from ancient Wano, and sent Zoro to the future to kill Kaido, predicting this prophecy using her Time powers/Future Sight. Just like Zoro killed his Zombie dad, Ryuma, with Shusui, who killed a dragon to turn Shusui into a black blade to save Wano, Zoro will take Shusui from Onimaru, and make Enma a black blade by slaying Zombie Kaido, fulfilling Oden's Will, and his father's legacy

This is a very long post. To begin with: I analyze Oda's writing using the principle of Yin-Yang, of duality. Oda loves duality: Zoro/Sanji = Rayleigh/Scopper and King/Queen. To me, the end of Wano is going to mirror Thriller Bark and Marineford (possibly Enies Lobby as well if a Buster Call occurs) in a lot of ways, as we have a ton of similar situations:
Parallels to Thriller Bark
-The characters are all exhausted and the mainline fighters are down/nearly down.
-Big bad is defeated, but other powerful enemies (WG) are still lurking
-Oni was just defeated
-Pirates at Thriller Bark were enslaved by the light, as it would kill them, while the Dawn will liberate Wano
-Zoro/Ryuma/Shusui isn't a parallel yet, but we're getting there

Parallels to Marineford:
-Defeated/nearly dead Yonkou ripe for the picking (Zehahahaha?)
-Strategically important island that could change history if taken (If Marineford falls, the Marines are screwed. It the Raid fails, Wano is screwed.)
-Akainu, a magma man, is punched by Whitebeard down into "hell". Luffy punches Kaido, an admiral made of more or less magma, down into magma. Sweet.
-Large scale war centered around murdering a Yonkou
-Large amounts of backstabbing (Boa siding with Luffy, Mihawk not really even trying to kill people -let's be honest-/just look at the Beast Pirates, jesus christ, what a mess, get it together, guys, Queen should NOT be in a position of leadership, oi)

With that being said, let's get into the meat.

Wano is all about time. All about Inherited Wills and different legacies colliding. The Dawn. Joy Boy. Onis.
It's also about revenge. Moria vs Kaido. Luffy vs Kaido. Oden vs Kaido. Zoro vs Kaido. Fuck Orochi and Kanjuro. Carrot vs Perospero. Big Mom vs the Strawhats. Korozumi vs Kozuki, Oni vs Kozuki, freedom vs slavery, the past (Onigashima's skull/Toki/Yonkous/Zou/Samurai) vs the future (Supernovas/Luffy/Zoro/Yamato/O-tama). Wano is the most interconnected arc, IMO. So, we're about to see a lot of parallel pay offs.

Roronoa Zoro: A man who was always lost, until he came to Wano

-One of Oda’s best points as a writer is his ability to weave his character’s traits into the writing.
-Luffy loves smiling, laughter, freedom, and eating: so, he becomes a warrior who liberates through joy, food, and freeing slaves.

-Sanji is a kind man who refuses to fight women, no matter what, out of love, and respect for his father. So, he saves “Big Mom” from destroying her own territory, by feeding her cake. He defeats her through kindness (very underrated moment)
-Nami is a thief who was once the slave of pirates, who stole a slave (Zeus) from a Yonkou.

Well, cool, what is Zoro’s main trait?

He's lost.

Cosmically lost. It’s actually fucking disgusting how lost this man is. He’s so lost people will roast him to death for it. If you locked Zoro in an Ikea made of Sea Prism Stone, he would die. RIP, Zoro, sheesh.

So… what’s the payoff there? Why is Zoro lost? It’s SO OBVIOUS he’s from Wano at this point.

What has Oda been the most coy about with Zoro? His parents. Why? What’s the point of WAITING THIS ENTIRE TIME TO TELL US WHO HIS PARENTS ARE. If they’re nobodies, why hold back their names/backstory? There has to be a payoff there. Who is the only Shimotsuki we know of, who could be Zoro’s father, who hasn’t been confirmed as NOT being his father?

Ryuma. Remember how I was talking about parallels? Who from the past is known to send Samurai into the future to fight dragons? Oh, are friendly neighborhood time-travelling Toki.

Zoro is always lost… because he’s LOST IN TIME. He’s lost, because he’s constantly been searching for home. But… in Wano, when has Zoro been lost? HE’S ALWAYS RIGHT WHERE HE NEEDS TO BE, ON AN EERIE LEVEL, as if he’s walking around his hometown.

We start with Shusui being taken, then stolen by the Wano Fox/Bridge Dude, Onimaru/Gyukimaru. Zoro fights Wano Fox, leading him to meet Hiyori, receive Enma (important: Zoro inherits Oden’s Will directly from his daughter, the princess of his home nation), and finds the swords buried in Ringo… the home town of Ryuma, and Shusui and Ryuma’s resting place.

Ready for the fun to begin? I LOVE ODA’S LORE. Onimaru(鬼丸) is the name of a famous historical Japanese katana. It is regarded as a National Treasure and is also one of the "Five Swords under Heaven"(天下五剣).

"Oni" means "devil", and "maru" which, while literally meaning "circle", is also a common naming convention as the suffix of Japanese ships and swords. As legend goes, Hojo Tokimasa(北条時政) was having dreams nightly in which he would be tortured by a demon.

One night, an old man appeared in his dream, professing to be the sword of Kunitsuna. The sword had become tarnished and promised to rid Tokimasa of the demon if he would clean the sword.

Tokimasa cleaned the sword and stood it upright in his room, and the sword, moved, fell and sliced the neck of a demon that had been engraved on a decorated pot. Tokimasa no longer had dreams of the demon, and called the sword Onimaru.

Onimaru is a sword used to complete a cycle of time by decapitating a dragon; Zoro will clean it by fulfilling Oden’s will. THE FOX OF RINGO IS NAMED AFTER A SWORD THAT IS USED TO SLAY DEMONS (ONI)

Zoro is literally protecting the princess of his country, and doesn't know it. Bless our moss-head. So, Hyori gives Zoro Enma. (side note: I think Shimotsuki is also Zoro's descendant, which is just hilarious) and Zoro gets weapons for the Samurai. Nice.

Let's flashback. Luffy washes up in Wano, has no idea what's going on. Who does Luffy meet? Yep, Zoro. Zoro "gets lost" on the way to the castle. Who did he meet? Oh, only the Daimyo who triggers the raid and saved it by sacrificing his brave life, Yasuie.

Meeting Yasuie triggers Zoro to want to murder Orochi (he still could, too, can Orochi even die?) Zoro clashes with Kyoshiro (Denjiro) who’s... Oden's right hand man, whose face literally became altered by DEMONIC RAGE.

Who’s got Asura in him? Zoro. Zoro and Denjiro are parallels to each other, as are Kinemon and Sanji. Denjiro shows his love for Oden by attacking the scar Oden made. Zoro will honor his captain by severing Kaido's 2nd horn.

This is foreshadowed by the Zoro cutting the horn of Onigashima (foreshadowing him killing Zombie Kaido, a dead Oni, later). Zoro cuts a dead Oni's horn twice in this arc: the second time, though, he decapitates Kaido as well

Zoro has Advanced Conqueror's Haki, but has yet to use Enma to complete Oden's Will: to remove Kaido from Wano. Zoro Kills Zombie Kaido sets this up well. It ends Moria’s, Ryuma’s, and Kaido’s storylines, + explains Zoro’s past. Wouldn’t be surprised if Moria gets killed, too.

Also, just great writing here: Ryuma kills a dragon, and has his son sent to the future, who lays his zombie father to rest, takes his sword back, returns it to his home nation, and will now use it to slay another dragon, to save the same country. Dude. Oda’s on another level,

So, why Toki? Well, why was Toki in Wano, anyway? To bring about the Dawn. My theory is that Toki possessed ADVANCED AS HELL Observation Haki/Future Sight, and that this is the basis for all of her predictions regarding Kaido/Orochi’s downfall. Toki literally saw a future where Zoro killed Kaido. The Scabbards weren’t worthless: THEY LITERALLY needed to be there, or the Raid would have failed. Put some respect on their names (except for Traitor-K)

Side note: I believe Kuina is also from the past, making Tashigi her descendant, but I’m sketchy as to how that plays out.

So, Zoro is currently meeting with the grim reaper, an envoy of the underworld. Hmmm, who said they’d be the King of Hell? Who wields Enma? Zoro. Who’s in the underworld? Ohhh… only Oden and Ryuma, two known dragon hunters. Yep: Zoro’s getting a training arc in hell. Badass.

Alright, so, why Blackbeard? Why Moria? Well, why Shiryu, too, because Black Beard has been using Shiryu to spy on the situation in Wano, in case he could invade and reap rewards from picking off the survivors.

Act 3 ends with tragedy: Moria steals Kaido’s shadow (maybe Big Mom’s, too) as Kaido is frozen in magma, and then Shiryu kills him, allowing Blackbeard to steal his fruit, and for Moria to make his arch-nemesis into his own puppet.

Black Beard is a genius strategist and historian. I think Onigashima is God Valley (plenty of other theories on this), and I bet BB has some interest in it, and Wano, due to Rocks. If Black Beard takes Wano, he gains:
A: An incredibly powerful defensive fortress with weapons factories (cont.)
B: The only known producers of Sea Stone, giving Blackbeard a HUGE ADVANTAGE OVER DF users, and helping his own weakness Sea Stone.
C: All of the hidden history Wano possesses.
D: Ponyglyph's for days.
E: Tons of slave labor
F: Any reborn Devil Fruits
G: BLACKBEARD CAN KILL EVERY YONKOU NOT NAMED SHANKS IF HE MOVES ON WANO RIGHT NOW. Kaido is fucked up in his dragon-shaped hole, Big Mom is in (Tekking voice) "THE HOLE", and Luffy is down. BB has history killing dying Yonkou.

Blackbeard makes sense. Why Shiryu and Moria? Shiryu is on par with Magellan (who messed up PTS Luffy, so we know he’s elite).Shiryu is Blackbeard's Zoro/Rayleigh: the most lethal force he can rely on. Hence why Shiryu is a swordsman (Zoro) who can turn invisible (Sanji), paralleling the Wings of the Pirate King.

Why give Shiryu an Invisibility Fruit... AND NOT HAVE BLACKBEARD, A GIANT, OPPORTUNISTIC THIEF, USE IT TO STEAL? He's effing Blackbeard! Interesting Oda gave a fruit designed for infiltration to Shiryu, who murders prisoners (Kaido)

A corrupt jailer murdering a man who got imprisoned multiple times, survived execution, and enslaved an entire country? Yep. Evidence for Shiryu being there? Remember that one panel of invisibility SFX during the raid in a room with folded doors? We assumed it was Sanji. But... what if...?

Now, it's time for our favorite onion to wreak havoc: Moria is going to finally get revenge on Kaido, taking his Shadow, then turning his corpse into his servant: a horrific defeat, especially for an Oni who was nearly sold to the government.

As I said earlier, Wano is hyper-focused on revenge. So, Wano will end with the most petty revenge possible: Moria making Kaido his slave, ruining his honorable death. The Oni who enslaved an entire nation to lure Joy Boy, his hero, will be forced to turn into a mindless corpse, and attempt to murder Luffy, his liberator. Tragic beyond words

Zoro Kills Zombie Kaido (ZKZK) above the skies of the Fire Capital, liberating Wano-kuni, just like Ryuma did before. Zoro isn’t Luffy: Zoro is a beast, who will kill you, and has expressed direct urge to murder Kaido. The lanterns will illuminate Zoro defeating Kaido

This will lead into a detailed backstory of the Oni vs the Kozuki, and their messy history. Wano has been shown to be incredibly racist at times: I expect their history will be more gross than we expected, and that Kaido had legitimate reason to hate Wano for past crimes. After all, Wano people tried to murder Neku, Inu, and Kawamatsu just because they looked different.

This is also foreshadowed by Minority Hunter Zoro only targeting- /s

Final thought: we all think that the giant hat in Mary Geoise is Joy Boy’s right? Well… that means he was probably big. Maybe… an Oni?

I think Kai D. Onizuki (adding another factor to the revenge duo, making it a revenge trio of Onizuki, Kozuki, and Kurozumi) is an Oni descended from Joy Boy, who took his ancestor’s skull (Onigashima/God Valley) to Wano, in order to reunite it with Joy Boy’s corpse.


So… who fell in a hole filled with magma and a giant Oni skeleton, who can turn inanimate objects into living monsters?

All I want is for Big Mom to turn Joy Boy’s giant skeleton into a lava covered homie like some Naussica Valley of the Wind shit.

Get ready for salt, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s coming (…I think Shanks is coming too, but, that’s for another time)
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CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
i also think zoro is from the past or smt.
and zoro is not relative to Kuina

And Zoro and Ryuma look like same but not Ushimaru

yeah it gotta be zoro is the most closed one from ryuma
Really wondering what the hell Kuina's plot resolution is going to look like.

Zoro gets way too much hate for going out early on Roof Piece, IMO: he could have done serious damage to Big Mom and Kaido if he didn't have to tank that attack (as shown by Kaido dodging the horn-cutting slice). That was pre Adv-Conqueror's, too... imagine what he can do now with Enma? And then, after nearly dying tanking a blast from two Yonkou, he beat a Yonkou commander. Beast.

I really want Sanji to get upgrades too, though. Ideally, Zoro teaches Sanji to fight with knives (forshadowed by the Water 7 train fight), and Sanji teaches Zoro to use Geppo so Zoro can fight in mid-air more easily against opponents like King (King was kicking his ass in midair). Now that Sanji has a healing-exoskeleton, he can break his hands without worrying about it ruining his cooking, since his hands will automatically heal. ALL HAIL GERMA /s.

I think we'll actually get a straight up Sanji Zoro fight at the end of Wano, and they'll knock each other out, proving they're equals. Nothing would make me happier than Sanji and Zoro becoming friendly rivals, rather than dicks to each other, since it might help their fans get calmer, too.
That is an interesting theory you have there. I think most have had Zoro time traveling thought on their mind but didn't know how to make sense of it. Toki's story about wanting to find Wano is the reason i am skeptical but also intrigued. If Toki was on Wano and time traveled but somehow landed somewhere outside of Wano and she never was on Wano "Or was she?" when did she have the time to meet Ryuma who we know is 400+ years while she is trying to find wano for 800+ years. But hey the theory did cross our minds i think we all did especially if we all watched Samurai Jack :goyea:.

I also have something to add for you. Zoro didn't just get lost in Wano when he was riding the dog with Luffy. His spirit Animal "White Tiger" was the reason for him getting lost from Luffy. Its fate that saved Zoro from Kaido vs Luffy in act 1.

a Great read.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
...Holy crap, the Samurai Jack reference hit me hard. :gokulaugh:

Regarding Toki and Ryuma, is there any confirmation from when exactly Ryuma is from? If Ryuma's age was the same as Toki's, she could have received Zoro from him, and traveled to deliver him elsewhere by sending him forward in time.

Great point with the White Tiger, if Luffy and Zoro had gotten captured at that point, the raid would have been seriously compromised.

A big reason I believe the Zoro-comes-from-the-past-theory is because I feel like Toki hasn't had enough of a payoff with her fruit. Time travel is such a tricky concept... I feel like Oda has something up his sleeve with Toki. This could be my personal bias, though: I really liked Toki, and want her to have another big moment.
Interesting theory but I really don't think this is the case

Oda would also run the risk of ruining Zoro for his fans (though who knows if he actually cares about that)

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Interesting theory but I really don't think this is the case

Oda would also run the risk of ruining Zoro for his fans (though who knows if he actually cares about that)
Yeah, the main thing going against this theory is that it's so insane. But, that's also why I think it has merit.

Oda is known for doing absolutely crazy shit we don't see coming. People who act like this series is easy to predict are nuts. There are just so many variables at play in One Piece, the amount of important characters and plot threads is insane.

Zoro being Ryuma's son would cause chaos in the fanbase in the most ridiculous way possible. It's so impossible and outlandish, that it just make sense to me. It's the most Oda twist I could possibly imagine.

I'm fine being wrong though, I think Wano is going to have an amazing ending no matter what. It's already in my top 3, and I'm stoked to see what Oda does with Big Mom.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Please say this is a joke I can’t take the coping anymore
I actually didn't really feel confident about Zoro Kills Kaido, until recently. I'm fine with being wrong, I just think there are too many plotline parallels to ignore. Oden and Zoro have a ton of similarities, and, if Zoro did inherit Oden's Will, as has been stated, he needs to use Enma to drive Kaido out of Wano.

I'm fine being wrong, I just think this would satisfy a lot of plot threads. The community will riot if it's true, though.
TLDR: Zoro is from ancient Wano, and is the son of Ryuma. Toki is also from ancient Wano, and sent Zoro to the future to kill Kaido, predicting this prophecy using her Time powers/Future Sight. Just like Zoro killed his Zombie dad, Ryuma, with Shusui, who killed a dragon to turn Shusui into a black blade to save Wano, Zoro will take Shusui from Onimaru, and make Enma a black blade by slaying Zombie Kaido, fulfilling Oden's Will, and his father's legacy

This is a very long post. To begin with: I analyze Oda's writing using the principle of Yin-Yang, of duality. Oda loves duality: Zoro/Sanji = Rayleigh/Scopper and King/Queen. To me, the end of Wano is going to mirror Thriller Bark and Marineford (possibly Enies Lobby as well if a Buster Call occurs) in a lot of ways, as we have a ton of similar situations:
Parallels to Thriller Bark
-The characters are all exhausted and the mainline fighters are down/nearly down.
-Big bad is defeated, but other powerful enemies (WG) are still lurking
-Oni was just defeated
-Pirates at Thriller Bark were enslaved by the light, as it would kill them, while the Dawn will liberate Wano
-Zoro/Ryuma/Shusui isn't a parallel yet, but we're getting there

Parallels to Marineford:
-Defeated/nearly dead Yonkou ripe for the picking (Zehahahaha?)
-Strategically important island that could change history if taken (If Marineford falls, the Marines are screwed. It the Raid fails, Wano is screwed.)
-Akainu, a magma man, is punched by Whitebeard down into "hell". Luffy punches Kaido, an admiral made of more or less magma, down into magma. Sweet.
-Large scale war centered around murdering a Yonkou
-Large amounts of backstabbing (Boa siding with Luffy, Mihawk not really even trying to kill people -let's be honest-/just look at the Beast Pirates, jesus christ, what a mess, get it together, guys, Queen should NOT be in a position of leadership, oi)

With that being said, let's get into the meat.

Wano is all about time. All about Inherited Wills and different legacies colliding. The Dawn. Joy Boy. Onis.
It's also about revenge. Moria vs Kaido. Luffy vs Kaido. Oden vs Kaido. Zoro vs Kaido. Fuck Orochi and Kanjuro. Carrot vs Perospero. Big Mom vs the Strawhats. Korozumi vs Kozuki, Oni vs Kozuki, freedom vs slavery, the past (Onigashima's skull/Toki/Yonkous/Zou/Samurai) vs the future (Supernovas/Luffy/Zoro/Yamato/O-tama). Wano is the most interconnected arc, IMO. So, we're about to see a lot of parallel pay offs.

Roronoa Zoro: A man who was always lost, until he came to Wano

-One of Oda’s best points as a writing is his ability to weave his character’s traits into the writing.
-Luffy loves smiling, laughter, freedom, and eating: so, he becomes a warrior who liberates through joy, food, and freeing slaves.

-Sanji is a kind man who refuses to fight women, no matter what, out of love, and respect for his father. So, he saves “Big Mom” from destroying her own territory, by feeding her cake. He defeats her through kindness (very underrated moment)
-Nami is a thief who was once the slave of pirates, who stole a slave (Zeus) from a Yonkou.

Well, cool, what is Zoro’s main trait?

He's lost.

Cosmically lost. It’s actually fucking disgusting how lost this man is. He’s so fucking lost people will roast him to death for it. If you locked Zoro in an Ikea made of Sea Prism Stone, he would die. RIP, Zoro, sheesh.

So… what’s the payoff there? Why is Zoro lost? It’s SO OBVIOUS he’s from Wano at this point.

What has Oda been the most coy about with Zoro? His parents. Why? What’s the point of WAITING THIS ENTIRE TIME TO TELL US WHO HIS PARENTS ARE. If they’re fucking nobodies, why hold back their names/backstory? There has to be a payoff there. Who is the only Shimotsuki we know of, who could be Zoro’s father, who hasn’t been confirmed as NOT being his father?

Ryuma. Remember how I was talking about parallels? Who from the past is known to send Samurai into the future to fight dragons? Oh, are friendly neighborhood time-travelling Toki.

Zoro is always lost… because he’s LOST IN TIME. He’s lost, because he’s constantly been searching for home. But… in Wano, when has Zoro been lost? HE’S ALWAYS RIGHT WHERE HE NEEDS TO BE, ON AN EERIE LEVEL, as if he’s walking around his hometown.

We start with Shusui being taken, then stolen by the Wano Fox/Bridge Dude, Onimaru/Gyukimaru. Zoro fights Wano Fox, leading him to meet Hiyori, receive Enma (important: Zoro inherits Oden’s Will directly from his daughter, the princess of his home nation), and finds the swords buried in Ringo… the home town of Ryuma, and Shusui and Ryuma’s resting place.

Ready for the fun to begin? I LOVE ODA’S LORE. Onimaru(鬼丸) is the name of a famous historical Japanese katana. It is regarded as a National Treasure and is also one of the "Five Swords under Heaven"(天下五剣).

"Oni" means "devil", and "maru" which, while literally meaning "circle", is also a common naming convention as the suffix of Japanese ships and swords. As legend goes, Hojo Tokimasa(北条時政) was having dreams nightly in which he would be tortured by a demon.

One night, an old man appeared in his dream, professing to be the sword of Kunitsuna. The sword had become tarnished and promised to rid Tokimasa of the demon if he would clean the sword.

Tokimasa cleaned the sword and stood it upright in his room, and the sword, moved, fell and sliced the neck of a demon that had been engraved on a decorated pot. Tokimasa no longer had dreams of the demon, and called the sword Onimaru.

Onimaru is a sword used to complete a cycle of time by decapitating a dragon; Zoro will clean it by fulfilling Oden’s will. THE FOX OF RINGO IS NAMED AFTER A SWORD THAT IS USED TO SLAY DEMONS (ONI)

Zoro is literally protecting the princess of his country, and doesn't know it. Bless our moss-head. So, Hyori gives Zoro Enma. (side note: I think Shimotsuki is also Zoro's descendant, which is just hilarious) and Zoro gets weapons for the Samurai. Nice.

Let's flashback. Luffy washes up in Wano, has no idea what's going on. Who does Luffy meet? Yep, Zoro. Zoro "gets lost" on the way to the castle. Who did he meet? Oh, only the Daimyo who triggers the raid and saved it by sacrificing his brave life, Yasuie.

Meeting Yasuie triggers Zoro to want to murder Orochi (he still could, too, can Orochi even die?) Zoro clashes with Kyoshiro (Denjiro) who’s... Oden's right hand man, whose face literally became altered by DEMONIC RAGE.

Who’s got Asura in him? Zoro. Zoro and Denjiro are parallels to each other, as are Kinemon and Sanji. Denjiro shows his love for Oden by attacking the scar Oden made. Zoro will honor his captain by severing Kaido's 2nd horn.

This is foreshadowed by the Zoro cutting the horn of Onigashima (foreshadowing him killing Zombie Kaido, a dead Oni, later). Zoro cuts a dead Oni's horn twice in this arc: the second time, though, he decapitates Kaido as well

Zoro has Advanced Conqueror's Haki, but has yet to use Enma to complete Oden's Will: to remove Kaido from Wano. Zoro Kills Zombie Kaido sets this up well. It ends Moria’s, Ryuma’s, and Kaido’s storylines, + explains Zoro’s past. Wouldn’t be surprised if Moria gets killed, too.

Also, just great writing here: Ryuma kills a dragon, and has his son sent to the future, who lays his zombie father to rest, takes his sword back, returns it to his home nation, and will now use it to slay another dragon, to save the same country. Dude. Oda’s on another level,

So, why Toki? Well, why was Toki in Wano, anyway? To bring about the Dawn. My theory is that Toki possessed ADVANCED AS HELL Observation Haki/Future Sight, and that this is the basis for all of her predictions regarding Kaido/Orochi’s downfall. Toki literally saw a future where Zoro killed Kaido. The Scabbards weren’t worthless: THEY LITERALLY needed to be there, or the Raid would have failed. Put some respect on their names (except for Traitor-K)

Side note: I believe Kuina is also from the past, making Tashigi her descendant, but I’m sketchy as to how that plays out.

So, Zoro is currently meeting with the grim reaper, an envoy of the underworld. Hmmm, who said they’d be the King of Hell? Who wields Enma? Zoro. Who’s in the underworld? Ohhh… only Oden and Ryuma, two known dragon hunters. Yep: Zoro’s getting a training arc in hell. Badass.

Alright, so, why Blackbeard? Why Moria? Well, why Shiryu, too, because Black Beard has been using Shiryu to spy on the situation in Wano, in case he could invade and reap rewards from picking off the survivors.

Act 3 ends with tragedy: Moria steals Kaido’s shadow (maybe Big Mom’s, too) as Kaido is frozen in magma, and then Shiryu kills him, allowing Blackbeard to steal his fruit, and for Moria to make his arch-nemesis into his own puppet.

Black Beard is a genius strategist and historian. I think Onigashima is God Valley (plenty of other theories on this), and I bet BB has some interest in it, and Wano, due to Rocks. If Black Beard takes Wano, he gains:
A: An incredibly powerful defensive fortress with weapons factories (cont.)
B: The only known producers of Sea Stone, giving Blackbeard a HUGE ADVANTAGE OVER DF users, and helping his own weakness Sea Stone.
C: All of the hidden history Wano possesses.
D: Ponyglyph's for days.
E: Tons of slave labor
F: Any reborn Devil Fruits
G: BLACKBEARD CAN KILL EVERY YONKOU NOT NAMED SHANKS IF HE MOVES ON WANO RIGHT NOW. Kaido is fucked up in his dragon-shaped hole, Big Mom is in (Tekking voice) "THE HOLE", and Luffy is down. BB has history killing dying Yonkou.

Blackbeard makes sense. Why Shiryu and Moria? Shiryu is on par with Magellan (who messed up PTS Luffy, so we know he’s elite).Shiryu is Blackbeard's Zoro/Rayleigh: the most lethal force he can rely on. Hence why Shiryu is a swordsman (Zoro) who can turn invisible (Sanji), paralleling the Wings of the Pirate King.

Why give Shiryu an Invisibility Fruit... AND NOT HAVE BLACKBEARD, A GIANT, OPPORTUNISTIC THIEF, USE IT TO STEAL? He's effing Blackbeard! Interesting Oda gave a fruit designed for infiltration to Shiryu, who murders prisoners (Kaido)

A corrupt jailer murdering a man who got imprisoned multiple times, survived execution, and enslaved an entire country? Yep. Evidence for Shiryu being there? Remember that one panel of invisibility SFX during the raid in a room with folded doors? We assumed it was Sanji. But... what if...?

Now, it's time for our favorite onion to wreak havoc: Moria is going to finally get revenge on Kaido, taking his Shadow, then turning his corpse into his servant: a horrific defeat, especially for an Oni who was nearly sold to the government.

As I said earlier, Wano is hyper-focused on revenge. So, Wano will end with the most petty revenge possible: Moria making Kaido his slave, ruining his honorable death. The Oni who enslaved an entire nation to lure Joy Boy, his hero, will be forced to turn into a mindless corpse, and attempt to murder Luffy, his liberator. Tragic beyond words

Zoro Kills Zombie Kaido (ZKZK) above the skies of the Fire Capital, liberating Wano-kuni, just like Ryuma did before. Zoro isn’t Luffy: Zoro is a beast, who will kill you, and has expressed direct urge to murder Kaido. The lanterns will illuminate Zoro defeating Kaido

This will lead into a detailed backstory of the Oni vs the Kozuki, and their messy history. Wano has been shown to be incredibly racist at times: I expect their history will be more gross than we expected, and that Kaido had legitimate reason to hate Wano for past crimes. After all, Wano people tried to murder Neku, Inu, and Kawamatsu just because they looked different.

This is also foreshadowed by Minority Hunter Zoro only targeting- /s

Final thought: we all think that the giant hat in Mary Geoise is Joy Boy’s right? Well… that means he was probably big. Maybe… an Oni?

I think Kai D. Onizuki (adding another factor to the revenge duo, making it a revenge trio of Onizuki, Kozuki, and Kurozumi) is an Oni descended from Joy Boy, who took his ancestor’s skull (Onigashima/God Valley) to Wano, in order to reunite it with Joy Boy’s corpse.


So… who fell in a hole filled with magma and a giant Oni skeleton, who can turn inanimate objects into living monsters?

All I want is for Big Mom to turn Joy Boy’s giant skeleton into a lava covered homie like some Naussica Valley of the Wind shit.

Get ready for salt, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s coming (…I think Shanks is coming too, but, that’s for another time)
The title piqued my interest, will read this tomorrow when I wake up friend ^^


Cope Doctor
I was a fan of time traveler Zoro idea ever since the introduction of Toki's powers.
However, I dont think she can see the future or that she intentionally sent Zoro.
And I dont think Shusui is coming back to Zoro.
Zombie Kaido? Also no, imo. He will be Awakened, that's the theme of the arc.
Still in denial phase... soon this will follow with anger , bergain , depression... and by the time one piece ends acceptance that ZKK wont happen... but knowing you zoro bois, you might never get past denial


Another parallel I would like to draw for you is.

Ryuma was looking for "king" but didn't knew he was the "King" himself.

both in the fight with kaido and king.

Kaido - You uses it too?
zoro - I don't know what you talking about ( Doesn't know he is a king(colour of supreme/king haki) himself )

King - so you want to be king ? or have kingly ambitions. (they both just want to beat the strongest. )
zoro - says some crap with luffy dreams.

again doesn't care being a king himself.

zoro would never know he had conqueror's king. he just keep on being one.

And I like the theory of sending moria and shiryuu to wano. oda won't show us moria just before wano with blackbeard.

zombie kaido is coming.