I dont know why the people in that sub is acting like this shit was planned since chapter 1.
This story was always about inherited will and not encarnation bullshit. (inherited will ≠ encarnation)
This Joy Boy thing is a late game addition, it was not planned by Oda since chapter 1.
If you want my honest opinion Oda came with this Luffy being Joyboy encarnation now in Wano.
He did not planned in advance or anything similar, he thought it would be cool thing and he add it to his story.
There was always a connection/parallel between Luffy and Roger and not between Luffy and Joyboy. Over this 1000 chapter story Oda always showed us that Luffy inherited Roger's will(the reason why Shanks gave Luffy his hat). He did not showed us that he was the literal incarnation of a god.
The story was always about Luffy and Roger and not about Luffy and Joy Boy was always about inherited will and not about incarnation.
JoyBoy is a Roger substitute, the main guy from the past was always Roger and now Oda is givin this role to Joyboy. Oda is replacing Roger with Joy boy.
We always knew that Luffy was special but not this special.
So don't lie saying that Luffy being Joyboy was planned since the beginning of the story because it wasnt. It was never showed that Luffy was going to be the incarnation of other person during pre time skip. It was always about inherited will.
To be real, the members of r/Onepiece sub would take and eat any shit Oda gave them. They will tried to justify anything no matter how bad it is (Law unlimited final attacks, Zoro pis pill, Kinemon being alive, all of Big Mom bullshit, etc...).
If in the next chapter Oda appears with something new that was never present in the story they will find a way to say that it is part of the story since chapter 1.
This story was always about inherited will and not encarnation bullshit. (inherited will ≠ encarnation)
This Joy Boy thing is a late game addition, it was not planned by Oda since chapter 1.
If you want my honest opinion Oda came with this Luffy being Joyboy encarnation now in Wano.
He did not planned in advance or anything similar, he thought it would be cool thing and he add it to his story.
There was always a connection/parallel between Luffy and Roger and not between Luffy and Joyboy. Over this 1000 chapter story Oda always showed us that Luffy inherited Roger's will(the reason why Shanks gave Luffy his hat). He did not showed us that he was the literal incarnation of a god.
The story was always about Luffy and Roger and not about Luffy and Joy Boy was always about inherited will and not about incarnation.
JoyBoy is a Roger substitute, the main guy from the past was always Roger and now Oda is givin this role to Joyboy. Oda is replacing Roger with Joy boy.
We always knew that Luffy was special but not this special.
So don't lie saying that Luffy being Joyboy was planned since the beginning of the story because it wasnt. It was never showed that Luffy was going to be the incarnation of other person during pre time skip. It was always about inherited will.
To be real, the members of r/Onepiece sub would take and eat any shit Oda gave them. They will tried to justify anything no matter how bad it is (Law unlimited final attacks, Zoro pis pill, Kinemon being alive, all of Big Mom bullshit, etc...).
If in the next chapter Oda appears with something new that was never present in the story they will find a way to say that it is part of the story since chapter 1.