Eustass was supposed to be strong.... the way he treates any character that isn't Luffy or Zoro is ridicoulus
- Luffy power up lists : G2 , G3 , G4 , G5 awakening, AdvCOA, AdvCOC , AdvCOO , Voice of all things
- Luffy's crew :
Zoro : AdvCOA , AdvCOC , Asura , King of Hell mode , 3 of the best blades in the verse , Breath of all things , More power up in coming too
Jinbe : Ex Warlord and YC2 level
Sanji : YC3 level
Yamato : YC1 level
- Kid power up list : big robot , more junk , "awakening" that does nothing
- Kid crew
Heat : does nothing the entire war
Wire : does nothing
it's stupid they are not even remotely close