Theory Luffy's devil fruit real name is HAKI HAKI NO MI or simillar

I think haki haki no mi is a special fruit and most powerful or king of devil fruits if only it goes to right owner who can show the ultimate form of will power that is WILL OF D(eath). This fruit's power feed on willpower of its user then exponentially powers up as user's willpower grow with each challenge he faces and only awakens if user embrace death with overflowing willpower while having nika or grin in face. The awakened user will become Master of his willpower to manipulate his body (& surroundings?) and ultimately manipulate others' will power. Other-wise it is pretty normal fruit if owner doesn't work on his will power.

How its power works?
It gives owner to be one with his will power which, when flow through his body, grants owner to manipulate form of body to his will and grants immunity to forces and elements at will.
When someone first eat it, first form is 'maleability like rubber' as body is changing form but user's will power is so weak, he can't control fully thus it shows as rubber characteristic (like luffy when first ate it his body started to become 'loose'). so, everyone first thinks it as rubber or gomu power which conveniently gave world gov to fake its name to gomu gomu no mi. As owner think he ate rubber fruit and his faith that he has 'rubber body' grants him willpower to have characteristics of rubber. As the fruit's power feed on 'will of user' it makes user a rubber man, who can stretch and have immunity to electric.

How it powers up?
As luffy's willpower grow while he fights increasingly difficult opponent his fruit’s ability grants him different ability to increasingly manipulate his body and different immunity. The word 'Exponential' is important here because as exponential graph works, the fruit’s ability grows slowly at first then medium then rapidly grows as character goes to more fatal situation.

Explanation how it worked till now:
1) Luffy first thought he ate Gomu gomu fruit and he got willpower to turn his body to rubber -> Low damage and increased endurance
2) As fruits power grow slowly at first, he was only increasing his rubber power first -> stretching power followed by -> ELECTRIC IMMUNITY followed by -> increase speed or gear 2 using elasticity principals followed by -> gear 3 or increase in size using mega stretching property.
3) luffy also got immunity to high heat with sheer will power while fighting Don Accino (hot hot fruit user) -> luffy can withstand thousands of degrees temperature (HEAT IMMUNITY)
4) luffy also got immunity to poison with sheer will power while fighting Magellan (poison fruit user) -> luffy can withstand poisons (POISON IMMUNITY)
5) Then luffy unlocked different haki, which are advance or combat willpower use -> this accelerated luffy's power up -> gear 4 or ultimate rubber man -> this theory also explains why doflamingo shocked to see luffy using rubber and armament haki at same time which really was only haki which was flowing that giving rubber characteristics.
6)Then when luffy start to use advanced haki form like coc more frequently and ryo -> his ability to change body shape started to exceed from only rubber charaacteristics -> he started to bend at mid-point of stretch which is impossible for rubber stretching property.
7)Then luffy fully unlocked advanced coc and ryo while fighting kaido -> full bending hydra attack in gear 4 which shocked kaido.

Awkening theory?
This fruit is special this way as it is only awakened if user has will to embrace Death anytime with smile i.e., the ultimate sacrifice at will or the WILL OF D(EATH). I think The D clan are simple minded but high will powered race who are always grinning and die-hard danger seeker. They will embrace death anytime if a good fight is guaranteed. A chosen one from this race, who have highest willpower, purest heart, gravest death wish but always smiling/grinning like sun is in horizon (sun god nika), will awaken this fruit after receiving it by help of 'FATE' to liberate oppresed when willpower of the world is at its minimum. After awakening the user will be master of his will and manipulate his body (and also surrounding?) at will and also his will power become INFECTOUS and infect those who is in desperate but true need of will power (i.e., the slaves and oppressed) and suck out the will power of oppressors. The user will be now overflowing with will/confident thus smilling infectiously always -> JOYBOY. the last piece or ONE PIECE of ultimate power of Joyboy is in LAUGHTALE which is in my theory nothing but silly thing like a big mirror (to show everyone that they are the answer themselves and each are ONE PIECE of great puzzle of humanity which will imbue them with haki) and will complete the process of welcoming the new dawn of liberation.

Fight with blackbeard theory
The fight will be between darkness of humanity who use powers (like DFs) for evil vs pure heart awakened ultimate haki user.

3 Ancient weapon theory
By help of Wano kuni and fish man island, Pluton will be constructed again and become joyboy’s new ship. Uranus (I think zunesha instructed by momo) and sea kings instructed by Poseidon will lead that ship while Joyboy and his nakama liberate one oppression at a time.

Comments are invited. Please let me know what do you think about this theory. First time posting theory.
User took a big hit in ch.1042/1043. A powerful attack with a lot of Haki. So if it's "Haki fruit", or "Power fruit", then fruit absorbs the enemy's Haki/Power too ? User should be overpowered now. On par with Kaido's attack. (?). It would be similar to stars too (or to the sun to please theory people). The user's body "absorbs" things, and then it "rejects" things. Similar to Blackbeard fruit, but Paramecia (or body) instead of Logia (not body) (?).
So its like Urouge's DF? @SeaTonnes
User took a big hit in ch.1042/1043. A powerful attack with a lot of Haki. So if it's "Haki fruit", or "Power fruit", then fruit absorbs the enemy's Haki/Power too ? User should be overpowered now. On par with Kaido's attack. (?). It would be similar to stars too (or to the sun to please theory people). The user's body "absorbs" things, and then it "rejects" things. Similar to Blackbeard fruit, but Paramecia (or body) instead of Logia (not body) (?).