Talking about girls

@Nana do you remember Skylar?

Been a long time since I last saw her.
Ofc i remember her 😢 she was best girl on nf
Then one day she went mia both on nf and discord
I hope she is doing fine and happy ❤🥺

Also this poll has been up for quite sometime we gettiNg any of those implemented?
Pantheos left me on read when I asked for updates 😢
it happened, there is a new big boi in the house
the most goated anime finally took the throne!
Let's fucking goooo

Lol i binged the anime this week and was like
why the hell i missed this anime greatness for years & the op too is so catchy

Inb4 the salty fmab dudebros downvotes it to hell :(


Holy Simp
Let's fucking goooo

Lol i binged the anime this week and was like
why the hell i missed this anime greatness for years & the op too is so catchy

Inb4 the salty fmab dudebros downvotes it to hell :(
the salty FMAB dudebros will strike, but that is why we have to stand together to fend them off
you go tell it @AL sama he is one of the salty dudebros that downrate the anime lmao


Ofc i remember her 😢 she was best girl on nf
Then one day she went mia both on nf and discord
I hope she is doing fine and happy ❤🥺

Pantheos left me on read when I asked for updates 😢
we need new devs/admins tbh


at least the guuuy is active enough to make simple and quick changes to nf