Manisfest possibilities


Lazy is the way
I wanted to talk about Manifest, Suneater quirk.

This quirk has a lot of possibilities.

The quirk :

The user can manifest traits of any food they've eaten while it's still active within their digestive system. For example, if he eats Takoyaki, he can transform his fingers into octopus tentacles. If he eats a clam, he can harden his hands into a clamshell and etc. Multiple manifestations of different food is also possible.
Manifestation occurs only on command and any trait can be dismissed at will.

Let's imagine some other way with other food and other animals that he can use.

For exemple for sheer strength he can eat bull meat, or bear meat.

An other exemple isome birds to fly. Or maybe he can eat some fish to breath underwater.

A dope animal he can eat is the mantis shrimps : imagine if Suneater eats one of this thing :

Or if he eats a pistol shrimp :

What are your ideas or food, animals etc that he can eat ? and what powers he can have ?