Fanclub Mecha Heart Squad Groupe

May I join the crew?

Just recently discovered the whole One Piece is mecha heart theory and I just love it
yes u can join🙂..remenber one piece trezor is meka wil be implanted into lufy's chest where X scar is...joboy was cyborg..and raftel was masive trash site..also remenber that one piece trezor aka mecha heart was made from steel leftovers gathred from trash..also remenber that pluton is giant robot that can transform into battleship and also remenber that uranus is UFO spacecraft..and also remenber that secret of evil fruits is related with human heart electromagnetism..and also remenber that earth in one piece wold spin in diffferent way due to selestial dragonz built masive cogwheel (red line) sekretly during void sentury..also remenber me laughting at stupidity of h8erz who said meka heart is irelevant and bs theory..and also remnber many tings i shal unravel in future🙂..